Purnell Model for Cultural Competence

Purnell Model for Cultural Competence
In this Module we examined the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence. Its organizing
framework has discussed along with the basic assumptions on which it is based. In addition,
dominant American cultural values were outlined to provide a basic understanding of American
The purposes of the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence are to:
Provide a framework for all health care providers to learn the concepts and characteristics of
Define the circumstances that affect a person’s cultural worldview in the context of historical
Provide a model that links the most central relationships of culture.
Interrelate characteristics of culture to promote congruence and to facilitate the delivery of
consciously sensitive and competent health care.
Provide a framework that reflects human characteristics such as motivation, intentionality, and
Provide a structure for analyzing cultural data.
View the individual, family, or group within their unique ethnocultural environment.
The Purnell Model is a circle, with an outlying rim representing global society, a second rim
representing community, a third rim representing family, and an inner rim representing the
person. The interior of the circle is divided into twelve pie-shaped wedges depicting cultural
domains and their concepts. The dark center of the circle represents unknown phenomena.
Along the bottom of the model is a jagged line representing the nonlinear concept of cultural
consciousness. The twelve cultural domains provide the organizing framework of the model. The
Model provides a box for each of the twelve cultural domains that contain statements that can be
used as a guide for assessing patients and clients in various settings. Accordingly, health care
providers can use these same questions to better understand their won cultural beliefs, attitudes,
values, practices, and behaviors.
The 12 domains are inter-connected and have implications for health. The utility of this
organization framework comes from its concise structure, which can be used in any setting and
applied to a broad range of empirical experiences and can foster inductive and deductive
reasoning in he assessment of cultural domains. Once cultural data are analyzed, the practitioner can fully adopt, modify, or reject health care interventions and treatment regimes in a
manner that respects the client’s cultural differences. Such adaptations improve the quality of the
client’s health care experiences and outcomes achieved.
The macro aspects of the Purnell Model include the metaparadigm concepts of a global society,
community, family, person, and conscious competence. The theory and model are
conceptualized from biology, anthropology, sociology, economics, geography, history, ecology,
physiology, psychology, political science, pharmacology, and nutrition. The model can be used in
clinical practice, education, research, and the administration and management of health care.
Conduct a cultural self-assessment. In order to understand culture and cultural diversity, it is
important that you understand your own culture and heritage. Remember, you are answering
these questions from your personal perspective, so there is no right or wrong response. Explain
why you do or do not adhere to the dominant cultural practices and beliefs of the ethnic group(s)
with which you primarily identify. Although the information on this self-assessment paper is
strictly confidential, if you do not wish to self-disclose a specific area from the Organizing
Framework, indicate so instead of just not addressing it. You are not required to provide
citations/references in this paper. Attention should be paid to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Purnell Model for Cultural Competence

Purnell Model for Cultural Competence
In this Module we examined the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence. Its organizing
framework has discussed along with the basic assumptions on which it is based. In addition,
dominant American cultural values were outlined to provide a basic understanding of American
The purposes of the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence are to:
Provide a framework for all health care providers to learn the concepts and characteristics of
Define the circumstances that affect a person’s cultural worldview in the context of historical
Provide a model that links the most central relationships of culture.
Interrelate characteristics of culture to promote congruence and to facilitate the delivery of
consciously sensitive and competent health care.
Provide a framework that reflects human characteristics such as motivation, intentionality, and
Provide a structure for analyzing cultural data.
View the individual, family, or group within their unique ethnocultural environment.
The Purnell Model is a circle, with an outlying rim representing global society, a second rim
representing community, a third rim representing family, and an inner rim representing the
person. The interior of the circle is divided into twelve pie-shaped wedges depicting cultural
domains and their concepts. The dark center of the circle represents unknown phenomena.
Along the bottom of the model is a jagged line representing the nonlinear concept of cultural
consciousness. The twelve cultural domains provide the organizing framework of the model. The
Model provides a box for each of the twelve cultural domains that contain statements that can be
used as a guide for assessing patients and clients in various settings. Accordingly, health care
providers can use these same questions to better understand their won cultural beliefs, attitudes,
values, practices, and behaviors.
The 12 domains are inter-connected and have implications for health. The utility of this
organization framework comes from its concise structure, which can be used in any setting and
applied to a broad range of empirical experiences and can foster inductive and deductive
reasoning in he assessment of cultural domains. Once cultural data are analyzed, the practitioner can fully adopt, modify, or reject health care interventions and treatment regimes in a
manner that respects the client’s cultural differences. Such adaptations improve the quality of the
client’s health care experiences and outcomes achieved.
The macro aspects of the Purnell Model include the metaparadigm concepts of a global society,
community, family, person, and conscious competence. The theory and model are
conceptualized from biology, anthropology, sociology, economics, geography, history, ecology,
physiology, psychology, political science, pharmacology, and nutrition. The model can be used in
clinical practice, education, research, and the administration and management of health care.
Conduct a cultural self-assessment. In order to understand culture and cultural diversity, it is
important that you understand your own culture and heritage. Remember, you are answering
these questions from your personal perspective, so there is no right or wrong response. Explain
why you do or do not adhere to the dominant cultural practices and beliefs of the ethnic group(s)
with which you primarily identify. Although the information on this self-assessment paper is
strictly confidential, if you do not wish to self-disclose a specific area from the Organizing
Framework, indicate so instead of just not addressing it. You are not required to provide
citations/references in this paper. Attention should be paid to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Change Management Intervention and Design Proposal

Change Management Intervention and Design Proposal
Change Management Intervention Proposal
The Change Management Intervention Proposal, a signature assignment, measures the Master of Arts in Human Resource Management and Organizational Development, Program Learning Outcome #6: Develop a consulting proposal and course of action for an organization regarding a particular organizational challenge and/or change process.
Papers are to be submitted in APA format (including cover page) and include headings and sub-headings. References are required for both parts of the project. Cover page and references are not included in length requirements.
Change Management Intervention Proposal, Part One (Proposal)

  • Choose the topic for your OD project. Remember, an OD project is not project management, rather, it is Human Change Management. Please do not choose a technical challenge for your OD project unless you identify the underlying human challenges.
  • Choose the organization that will be the client. Use a real organization with real challenges. Identify the problem and diagnostic plan.
  • Submit a five to six-page proposal that describes the organization and the challenge, clarifies the organizational issue (chapter 2), identifies the magnitude of the organizational issue (chapter 2), lists the stakeholders, and identifies the type of change model proposed (chapter 2).
  • Be sure to describe to describe the diagnostic plan. How will you diagnose the organization and the design components (chapter 4)? Describe how the external consultant (you) will be involved in the project. For example, how do you plan to collect data?
  • Use subheadings (left side justified, first letter capitalized) for each of the headings of yourproposal. Include an APA cover page to both parts of the project. Minimum of three references required(outside references must be scholarly).

Change Management Intervention Proposal, Part Two (Intervention Design)

  • Using your topic from Part 1 OD project, design an effective intervention. Submit an eleven to twelve-page paper that describes the contingencies related to the change situation: readiness for change, capability to change, cultural context, capabilities of the change agent, and contingencies related to the target of change.
  • Complete your diagnostic plan. Be sure to describe your process for designing, collecting, and analyzing data. Will you plan to design, collect, and analyze data, include:
  1. Surveys: what questions will you ask?
  2. Interviews: what questions will you ask?
  3. Organizational/Departmental records and reports: how is department and organizational performance measured? Where is improvement needed?
  4. Observation: what/who will you observe?
  • Based on a minimum of two different data collection outcomes, design your intervention(s). Your intervention should include: data summary (how will you analyze the data), intervention recommendations, timeline for implementations, and measurements (chapter 11). In your intervention recommendations, be sure to include the intervention characteristics in Chapter 11, including goal specificity, programmability, level of change target, internal support, and sponsorship.
  • Use subheadings (left side justified, first letter capitalized) for each of the headings of your proposal. Include an APA cover page to both parts of the project. Do not exceed fifteen pages. Minimum of ten references required (outside references must be scholarly).

-12-point Font; New Times Roman; Double Spaced; 1” Margins
-APA Format with regard to citations; Reference page also provided
-Development of Main Points
-Quality of Writing
Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Citations (APA)
Please proof-read your paper before submitting. Contact the Writing Center for assistance with editing.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is no longer defined by how much money a company contributes to charity, but by its overall involvement in activities that improve the quality of people’s lives. Corporate Responsibility has come up as a significant subject matter in the international business community and is progressively becoming a mainstream activity. This paper will discuss concept of corporate social responsibility. It will give the definition of the phrase, and identify some of the global factors that requires corporate social responsibility. It will discuss the new concerns and expectations of the whole society going from the citizens to the consumers passing by the public authorities and the board and it will also discuss the corporate social responsibility projects and how that is a major part in the success of the corporate internally but with the society as well . I argue that social corporate duty and the support of high moral principles is not an alternative yet a commitment for all organizations.
I.  Thesis: See above
II.  Corporate Social Responsibility Introduced
a.  Money
b.  Activities
c.  Individual Wealth
III.  New concerns and expectations
a.  Ethics
b.  Profit-making
c.  Relationship business/society
IV.  Corporation social responsibility projects
a.  The board of governors
b.  Environmental conservations
c.  Population involve in the projects and the main keys
V.  Conclusion: Corporate social duty is an essential component for nay business companies. It has been demonstrated that there are a wide range of zones in which an organization may center its corporate social duty. It is unethical for some individuals to own so much and earn so much, at the expense of other suffering members of society. It is also unethical for companies to engage in environmentally degrading practices that result in illnesses and loss of life.
Work Cited
Anderson, Jerry. Corporate Social Responsibility: Guidelines for Top Management. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1989. Print.
Banerjee, Subhabrata. Corporate Social Responsibility: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Northampton: Eward Elgar Publishing, 2007. Print.
Crowther, David and Rayman-Bacchus, Lez. Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2004. Print.
Werther, William and Chandler, David. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Stakeholders in a Global Environment. Carlifornia: Sage Publications, 2006. Print.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is no longer defined by how much money a company contributes to charity, but by its overall involvement in activities that improve the quality of people’s lives. Corporate Responsibility has come up as a significant subject matter in the international business community and is progressively becoming a mainstream activity. This paper will discuss concept of corporate social responsibility. It will give the definition of the phrase, and identify some of the global factors that requires corporate social responsibility. It will discuss the new concerns and expectations of the whole society going from the citizens to the consumers passing by the public authorities and the board and it will also discuss the corporate social responsibility projects and how that is a major part in the success of the corporate internally but with the society as well . I argue that social corporate duty and the support of high moral principles is not an alternative yet a commitment for all organizations.
I.  Thesis: See above
II.  Corporate Social Responsibility Introduced
a.  Money
b.  Activities
c.  Individual Wealth
III.  New concerns and expectations
a.  Ethics
b.  Profit-making
c.  Relationship business/society
IV.  Corporation social responsibility projects
a.  The board of governors
b.  Environmental conservations
c.  Population involve in the projects and the main keys
V.  Conclusion: Corporate social duty is an essential component for nay business companies. It has been demonstrated that there are a wide range of zones in which an organization may center its corporate social duty. It is unethical for some individuals to own so much and earn so much, at the expense of other suffering members of society. It is also unethical for companies to engage in environmentally degrading practices that result in illnesses and loss of life.
Work Cited
Anderson, Jerry. Corporate Social Responsibility: Guidelines for Top Management. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1989. Print.
Banerjee, Subhabrata. Corporate Social Responsibility: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Northampton: Eward Elgar Publishing, 2007. Print.
Crowther, David and Rayman-Bacchus, Lez. Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2004. Print.
Werther, William and Chandler, David. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Stakeholders in a Global Environment. Carlifornia: Sage Publications, 2006. Print.

Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management 
You have been asked to advise the Akawini management team how they should promote and monitor the transformation of risk management in their business. What performance measures would you recommend they use so that they can monitor progress and performance?

Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management 
You have been asked to advise the Akawini management team how they should promote and monitor the transformation of risk management in their business. What performance measures would you recommend they use so that they can monitor progress and performance?

Operations Management

Question:  After watching the short video for Pike Fish (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AAQT6ifGys), what customer contact model do they use?  What process do they use for service recovery?  You can also visit www.pikeplacefish.com.
The customer contact model suggests that the proportion of time the customer is in contact with the service delivery system influences its efficiency.  This is because the customer introduces uncertainty and inefficiency into the service delivery system.  Thus, the design of a service delivery system should focus on separating those parts that involve customer contact from those that do not. Thus a critique of the customer contact model might be that it is not the amount of customer contact that decreases the efficiency of a service delivery system, but the amount of uncertainty that the customer is permitted to introduce to the service delivery system that lowers efficiency.
Customer Contact Model are here, after watching the video pick and write, you can pick more than one:

  • Service-Product Bundle
  • Service –  explicit service
  • what the provider does for customer
  • Psychological benefits –  implicit service
  • how customer feels after service
  • Physical goods –  facilitating goods
  • used during service or received by customer

1 page

Management Communication Scenario

You are a manager of a research company. Your research team has developed a transition package that allows a gas-powered engine to transition to running on biofuels. The availability and low cost of biofuels make the transition package a potential game changer in the automobile market. You have named the product Sparkit. 
In addition to tests completed by your staff, you have partnered with a large automobile producer to ensure the transition package works with many different types of vehicles. The large automobile producer remains a partner in the product as a result of their involvement, and you anticipate that future vehicles from the producer may use the technology when initially built. With the producer’s assistance, you anticipate 50% of cars currently on the road can potentially be retrofitted with your product. The producer has created a guide for your sales force to ensure that Sparkit is not sold to customers whose cars are not compatible with the product.
This is the first big product developed by your company. Your sales and service teams do not have current relationships with potential buyers. One potential risk is that purchasers may choose to install the transition package on their own rather than choose a knowledgeable automotive professional to install it. You anticipate there may be issues with installation as a result.
The success of Sparkit relies upon an external business partner, Autojor, who manufactures a filter critical to the proper operation of the transition package. As the result of a natural disaster, Autojor recently lost a manufacturing plant that was responsible for producing 25% of your inventory. You will need to work closely with this partner to ensure their manufacturing operation is able to continue supporting the just-in-time environment to meet sales demands. Your contact’s name at Autojor is Mateo Kalani.
You have received a customer complaint via the company’s social media page. The customer is extremely dissatisfied, and the complaint has negatively impacted the company’s image. The customer’s complaint is as follows: “I bought and installed Sparkit. It doesn’t work! The instructions do not match my engine’s layout, and now my car doesn’t work at all. This was supposed to save me money, but now my car won’t run. I’ll have to put more money into getting it fixed. This is ridiculous. I have told all my friends, and now I am telling the world—do not buy this product! If you do, you will regret it.” 

  1.  Compose a motivational email to internal staff that discusses twoadvantages and twodisadvantages of the product and explain how to mitigate the disadvantages should they occur. (1 Page)
  2. Compose an informational email to external stakeholders (i.e., investors, shareholders) that discusses twodistinct organizational and/or financial impacts the product will create. (1/2 Page)
  3. Compose a consumer-facing blog post that highlights threedistinct benefits of the product and informs the consumers what sets this product and/or business apart from others in the industry. (1/2 Page)
  4. Compose a persuasive letter to the business partner to discuss their challenges in meeting your production needs. (1 Page)
  5. Compose responses to the customer complaint about the product that was posted on the company’s social media page by doing the following:
  6.  Develop a public response that acknowledges the customer complaint and improves the company image within the social media page. (1/2 Page)
  7.  Develop a direct private message with a proposed adjustment (resolution) for the customer. (1/2 Page)
  8.  Evaluate the communication strategies and methods (i.e., email, letter, blog, and social media) used in items A–E by doing the following:
  9. Explain how the communication strategies support or do not support the desired outcomes and provide examples to support your conclusion.
  10. Explain how the fourcommunication methods effectively or ineffectively serve the target audience and provide examples to support your conclusion. (1 Page)

*Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Management Communication Scenario

You are a manager of a research company. Your research team has developed a transition package that allows a gas-powered engine to transition to running on biofuels. The availability and low cost of biofuels make the transition package a potential game changer in the automobile market. You have named the product Sparkit. 
In addition to tests completed by your staff, you have partnered with a large automobile producer to ensure the transition package works with many different types of vehicles. The large automobile producer remains a partner in the product as a result of their involvement, and you anticipate that future vehicles from the producer may use the technology when initially built. With the producer’s assistance, you anticipate 50% of cars currently on the road can potentially be retrofitted with your product. The producer has created a guide for your sales force to ensure that Sparkit is not sold to customers whose cars are not compatible with the product.
This is the first big product developed by your company. Your sales and service teams do not have current relationships with potential buyers. One potential risk is that purchasers may choose to install the transition package on their own rather than choose a knowledgeable automotive professional to install it. You anticipate there may be issues with installation as a result.
The success of Sparkit relies upon an external business partner, Autojor, who manufactures a filter critical to the proper operation of the transition package. As the result of a natural disaster, Autojor recently lost a manufacturing plant that was responsible for producing 25% of your inventory. You will need to work closely with this partner to ensure their manufacturing operation is able to continue supporting the just-in-time environment to meet sales demands. Your contact’s name at Autojor is Mateo Kalani.
You have received a customer complaint via the company’s social media page. The customer is extremely dissatisfied, and the complaint has negatively impacted the company’s image. The customer’s complaint is as follows: “I bought and installed Sparkit. It doesn’t work! The instructions do not match my engine’s layout, and now my car doesn’t work at all. This was supposed to save me money, but now my car won’t run. I’ll have to put more money into getting it fixed. This is ridiculous. I have told all my friends, and now I am telling the world—do not buy this product! If you do, you will regret it.” 

  1.  Compose a motivational email to internal staff that discusses twoadvantages and twodisadvantages of the product and explain how to mitigate the disadvantages should they occur. (1 Page)
  2. Compose an informational email to external stakeholders (i.e., investors, shareholders) that discusses twodistinct organizational and/or financial impacts the product will create. (1/2 Page)
  3. Compose a consumer-facing blog post that highlights threedistinct benefits of the product and informs the consumers what sets this product and/or business apart from others in the industry. (1/2 Page)
  4. Compose a persuasive letter to the business partner to discuss their challenges in meeting your production needs. (1 Page)
  5. Compose responses to the customer complaint about the product that was posted on the company’s social media page by doing the following:
  6.  Develop a public response that acknowledges the customer complaint and improves the company image within the social media page. (1/2 Page)
  7.  Develop a direct private message with a proposed adjustment (resolution) for the customer. (1/2 Page)
  8.  Evaluate the communication strategies and methods (i.e., email, letter, blog, and social media) used in items A–E by doing the following:
  9. Explain how the communication strategies support or do not support the desired outcomes and provide examples to support your conclusion.
  10. Explain how the fourcommunication methods effectively or ineffectively serve the target audience and provide examples to support your conclusion. (1 Page)

*Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.