Managing Innovation – Terracycle

Managing Innovation – Terracycle 
Managing Innovation Assessment 
We have to choose and use one of the below theories for the company stated in the title :
– Diffusion of innovation
– Disruptive innovation
– Blue ocean
Submission date: 23/11/2019 by 5pm
The module is assessed (100%) by an individual report (maximum 3,000 words
+ 10%). The report should be comprised of the following three sections:
1. Describe, in detail and in your own words, one or two innovation theories of your
choice. Deep knowledge of one major innovation theory will be enough as a basis
for a high mark, and you should not choose more than two innovation theories.
2. Apply your chosen theory (or theories) to explain the historical development
of one or more products and/or services for your selected organisation.
3. Apply your chosen theory (or theories) to recommend possible future
development pathways of your products or services for your selected
Instructions for assessment
You have a choice of the following organisations for your assignment:
A. Funding Circle
B. Terracycle
C. Brewdog
E. WeWork
Formative work in weekly seminars will guide you through the analytical techniques
and processes required to complete the task.
How will your work be assessed?
The indicative marking scheme for your report is as follows.
1. Theoretical Explanation (30%): Section 1 as highlighted previously. Range
and understanding of sources, synthesis and focus on relevant ideas.
2. Historical Application (25%): Section 2 as highlighted previously.
Organisation/coherence of argument, support through examples, details,
quotations, and references, critical approach.
3. Future Development (20%): Section 3 as highlighted previously.
Organisation/coherence of argument, support through examples, details,
quotations, and references, critical approach.
4. Imagination (15%): Evidence of creativity and foresight in reflecting on
course materials and articulating a novel and interesting picture of the
student’s innovation.
5. Presentation (10%): Length, use of academic conventions, grammar,
paragraphing, layout, proofreading.
This marking scheme is merely indicative and will not be held to rigidly in assessing
students’ reports. Your final mark for your report will be presented as an un-weighted
mark out of 100%
Your work will be assessed by a subject expert. Feedback will be given in the
Turnitin/Grademark system with script comments plus overall points. When you
access your marked work it is important that you reflect on the feedback so that you
can use it to improve future assignments.
In this report, high marks come from using innovation concepts and analysis from the
module clearly applied to the organisation. Harvard referencing, a professional report
style plus appropriate diagrams/tables are also required.
Your assignment should have a maximum word limit of 3000 words (+10%),
excluding references and any appendices, tables, and/or diagrams. There is no
minimum word count for this report as the exercise is for you to write as concisely as
possible to communicate your argument.
Marks will be awarded for your ability to integrate, in a relevant way in your essay,
some of the principal literature, theories, models, and frameworks of innovation from
the module. Marks will also be awarded for your imaginative use of concepts from
within and beyond the innovation literature to explain and predict the development
of your chosen innovative products, services, or processes.
Assignment submissions.
The Business School requires a digital version of all assignment submissions. These
must be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site. They must be submitted
as a Word file (not a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes. They
must be submitted by 2pm on the given date. For further general details on
coursework preparation refer to the online information via StudentZone.
If you cannot submit a piece of work and wish to submit Mitigating Circumstances,
the University Mitigating Circumstances Policy can be found on the University
website – Mitigating Circumstances Policy
Marking and feedback process
Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks
within 20 days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go
through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief
summary is provided below:-
• Step 1 – The module and marking team meet to agree standards,
expectations and how feedback will be provided.
• Step 2 – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in
the assessment brief.
• Step 3 – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching
and marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they
agree with the mark and feedback.
• Step 4 – Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will
review a sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff
is consistent and fair.
• Step 5 – The Office process your mark & feedback & it is made available to you.
Resit instructions to Students
If you need to resit this assessment, the requirements are as follows:
You are required to re -work your original submission in line with the original
assessment brief and criteria. Your re-submission must address the feedback
comments provided by the marker on the original submission. You should provide a
summary of the marker’s original feedback from your first submission together with
a commentary [between 400 and 500 words) that explains how your revisions
improve the original submission by addressing the original feedback.
In brief your re-sit submission MUST include:
• A summary of the original feedback,
• A reflective account [400-500 words] detailing how your revisions
have addressed the feedback, and
• The reworked assignment

Applied Corporate Strategy – Case Study of GSK. External analysis. Internal analysis. Strategy Evaluation.

Applied Corporate Strategy – Case Study of GSK. External analysis. Internal analysis. Strategy Evaluation. 
Evaluate the strategy: GSK to form a joint venture with Pfizer in 2019 Porter 5 Forces has to be used in part 1
You have to use VRIO, create a table and explain the outcome in few words.
Applied Corporate Strategy Assessment: Strategic Analysis Report
The module is assessed (100%) by an individual Strategic Report (maximum 3,000 words) involving an in-depth, strategic analysis of a large organisation. The subject of the report will be decided by the module convenor but students will be able to choose from a list of several examples.

Instructions for assessment

This assignment is focused on the selected organisation, its industry and business environment. By week 2 you will be given a list of organisations (cases) to choose from. Please choose one case (featuring an organisation) for the purposes of this assignment.
Formative work in weekly seminars will guide students through analytical techniques and processes required to complete the task.
The Strategic Report should address the following:
2) Analyse the resources and key competences of the organisation and identify core competences (key factors that may give the company its competitive advantage). (30%)
3) Choose one strategy that the company implemented recently and evaluate it using SAFe criteria. (30%)
A further 10% is available for clarity, structure, grammar, correct Harvard referencing and overall professional presentation showing clear report style.
Please note that the emphasis is on application (strategic models should be applied to the organisation)! Appropriately referenced data should be used in support of your arguments and discussion.
The report should not exceed 3,000 words + 10%.  Appendices are allowed outside this limit but NO MORE than 6 pages.

How will we support you with your assessment?

There will be weekly references to the assessment task in seminars and weekly activities in those seminars will be helpful in creating “scaffolding” for eventual submission.
The formative mini-casework in seminars will be of direct help in the application of relevant strategic tools. There will be regular Q&A sessions linked to the assessment report and in the final weeks of teaching there will be an opportunity to review and reflect upon work from previous cohorts.

How will your work be assessed?

Your work will be assessed by a subject expert who will use the marking scheme indicated below.  Feedback will be given in the Turnitin/Grademark system with script comments plus overall points. When you access your marked work it is important that you reflect on the feedback so that you can use it to improve future assignments.
In this Strategic Report, high marks come from using strategic concepts and analysis from the module clearly applied to the organisation. Harvard referencing, a professional report style plus appropriate diagrams/tables are also required. Outline marking expectations are as follows:
Q1: (30%) External analysis.
Discuss the business environment and identify a number of Opportunities – Os and Threats – Ts (we expect 6 issues from business environment to be discussed in total each of which concluded as an O or a T). Industry analysis (5 Forces) should be applied to assess industry attractiveness (each force should be discussed and assessed as High, Moderate or Low and industry attractiveness should be assessed having those forces in mind).
Q2: (30%) Internal analysis.
Identify and discuss organisation’s resources & unique capabilities (at least 6 Strengths and Weaknesses should be covered in total). Demonstrate how unique capabilities link to competitive advantage (use VRIO to identify Core Competences for the organisation).
Q3: (30%) Strategy Evaluation
Choose a recent strategy that the company undertook and evaluate it using the three SAFe tests.
PRESENTATION: (10%) We expect a professional report with clear report style (not an essay) e.g. frontsheet, contents, clear sections, tables & diagrams and relevant Harvard referencing. The word count should not be exceeded by more than 10%.
(In addition to marker feedback, a full marking rubric will be available within the Turnitin submission system for student consideration.)
Assignment submissions.
The Business School requires a digital version of all assignment submissions.  These must be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site.  They must be submitted as a Word file (not a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes.  They must be submitted by 2pm on 23/04/2020.  For further general details on coursework preparation refer to the online information via StudentZone
If you cannot submit a piece of work and wish to submit Mitigating Circumstances, the University Mitigating Circumstances Policy can be found on the University website –
Marking and feedback process
Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20 days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below:-

  • Step 1 – The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and how feedback will be provided.
  • Step 2 – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the assessment brief.
  • Step 3 – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the mark and feedback.
  • Step 4 – Work at Levels 5 and 6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair.
  • Step 5 – The Office process your mark & feedback & it is made available to you.
Resit instructions to Students

If you need to resit this assessment, the requirements are as follows:
You are required to re-work your original submission in line with the original assessment brief and criteria. Your re-submission must address the feedback comments provided by the marker on the original submission. You should provide a summary of the marker’s original feedback from your first submission together with a commentary [between 400 and 500 words) that explains how your revisions improve the original submission by addressing the original feedback.
In brief your re-sit submission MUST include:

  • A summary of the original feedback,
  • A reflective account [400-500 words] detailing how your revisions have addressed the feedback, and
  • The reworked assignment.



Managing Communications at Domino’s

Managing Communications at Domino’s 
Topic: Please read “Case Application 2: Delivery Disaster” on page 478 of your text and answer the following: Beyond it being vulgar and disgusting, what do you think of this situation from the perspective of managing communications?
Why do you think Domino’s executives took a wait-and-see attitude?
Why was this response a problem?
How could this type of communication problem be prevented at other Domino’s Pizza restaurants?

Wonderful Company, LLC

Wonderful Company, LLC
Your project should elucidate the corporate strategy of that selected conglomerate and also
make recommendations as to how they might restructure the organization (ie. create a new
corporate strategy) to take advantage of better financial or strategic fit- or greater synergies.
Explore a variety of the elements of corporate strategy covered in this course (such as mergers,
acquisitions, alliances, etc.). You are also required to research back 15-20 years in the history of
this conglomerate company and talk about how the corporate strategy has changed/evolved.
This project requires independent research on your part.
Your final project for this course consists of a written paper as well as a presentation of your
project using Collaborate Ultra. Your final project will encompass all the material that has been
learned, studied, and researched throughout the eight weeks.
For your final project you will select an existing conglomerate corporation (different than the one
you use for the Week 6 Assignment). Your project should elucidate the corporate strategy of that
selected conglomerate and also make recommendations as to how they might restructure the
organization (ie. create a new corporate strategy) to take advantage of better financial or
strategic fit- or greater synergies. Explore a variety of the elements of corporate strategy covered
in this course (such as mergers, acquisitions, alliances, etc.). You are also required to research
back 15-20 years in the history of this conglomerate company and talk about how the corporate
strategy has changed/evolved. This project requires independent research on your part.
Your final written report should follow APA format and be at least 12 pages in length, not
including title or reference pages. A minimum of six scholarly resources (not including textbook)
must be utilized to support your ideas.
Your presentation should consist of 12-15 slides, not including title or reference slides, and be at
least 5 minutes in length. Use proper APA format for citations. Your presentation should
summarize all components of your final project. Slides should be concise and uncluttered. Use
various graphic and visual enhancements when appropriate. Be sure to provide citations for any
references or images used. Use APA format for any citations.

Organization Development Proposal Assignment

Organization Development proposal Assignment
In this paper, we are to assume the role of Organizational Development Consultants for an organization (UVI Student Health Services) and we would need to provide an organizational development change recommendation to the organization based on a problem the organization has. More specifically we will need to describe how we would apply an 8-step action research model and a 4-frame analysis to recommend relevant organizational development interventions for the organization we have identified.
The organization we have chosen is the University of the Virgin Islands Student Health Services. We have to develop a 15-20 page organizational development intervention proposal for our client, the University of the Virgin Islands Student Health Services.
All background information on the organization is provided along with the OD proposal assignment instructions, and other reference documents need to be used as part of the paper sources/references.
Note: In the OD proposal assignment instructions, it needs to have the introduction and brief history to the organization (that is provided), along with seven (7) specific sections of this paper. For section two (2), ignore the brief biography of each team member (i.e. 1 paragraph description for each member), as I will insert that info after getting the final document. But please do provide the action research model and discuss the assumptions and philosophical approach to organizational development: discuss reframing and how it can be helpful to the organization.
Organization Development proposal Assignment
Overall purpose
The purpose of this assignment is to integrate material learned over the course of the semester and to
apply it to an organization that your team cares about. You will assume the role of
Organizational Development Consultants for this project. More specifically you will
describe how you would apply the 8-step action research model and a 4-frame analysis to
recommend relevant OD interventions.
Choosing your organization
You will have the option of working closely with a non-profit to make a real difference. You will develop
a 15-20 page proposal to your client. More detail on these agencies will be provided in class.
Your proposal should consist of the following sections:
Introduction and History
Introduction and brief history to the organization (i.e. several paragraphs)
Section 1
Step 1 in action research model is client identifies a problem. Therefore, provide background to
problem(s). Provide detail including major players, symptoms of the problem(s) (i.e. turnover is
increased, many customer complaints, shooting incident etc.). In this section, you want to briefly review
and convince the client that you understand and can describe their pain. What is dysfunctional? Not
working? Changing? Why does this organization need an OD consultant?
Section 2
Step 2 in action research model is to consult an OD consultant. In this section, provide a brief biography
of each team member (i.e. 1 paragraph description for each member). Discuss your assumptions and
philosophical approach to OD (hint- this would be a good time to discuss reframing and how it can be
Section 3
Step 3 in action research model is for OD consultant to gather data and make a preliminary diagnosis.
Here’s where the real work begins! You will need to actually collect data from an organization.
Remember, there a number of ways to do this including interviews, surveys, observations, and archival
data (i.e. annual reports, published information from media, books written about the organization etc.).
Be sure to include information as to why you chose the data collection technique that you did and
discuss pros and cons of your choice. Remember, multiple methods are best! You will need to collect as
much data as you feel you need to make a good preliminary diagnosis regarding what is going on in this
Section 4
Step 4 in the action research model is to provide feedback to the key client or group. This section of the
proposal should include a synopsis of the data that you collected. You may use the feedback forms
provided in class as samples or create your own format.
Section 5
Step 5 in the action research model is to jointly diagnose problems with the client and step 6 is to jointly
action plan for solutions. Assume that you are working jointly with your client (of course, if you can
actually do so, than so much the better but I certainly do not expect this!). This is the longest and most
challenging part of your proposal. Here is where you need to take the data that you collected, interpret
it using the 4-frame approach, and come up with recommendations (i.e. OD interventions) for solving
problems. This section will probably be approximately 6-10 pages. I highly recommend that you use subheadings within this section. For example, you may want to begin by analyzing the organization using
each of the 4 frames as a reference. Next, you should discuss what OD interventions or
recommendations you would suggest for resolving each of the issues or problems surfaced from your 4-
frame analysis. Be sure to clarify how and why you think each intervention would be useful. Assume that
your client is relatively naive about the various interventions so provide enough explanation that a
layperson would understand.
Section 6
Step 7 in the action research model is action and implementation. Therefore, in this section provide a
preliminary action plan which includes information such as time frame, pros and cons of various
interventions, and who would be involved in each intervention.
Section 7
Discuss fully how you recommend that the client evaluate the efficacy of your recommended approach.
Provide an implementation plan with timelines to you client.

Supply Chain Management Paper

Supply Chain Management Paper
In this project you will discuss the operations management of a large company.
Your discussion must be specific and refer to one product/service throughout most of the project.
Read the instructions carefully.
Do not just put generic theory; the discussion must be specific, you must apply the theory and use the tools we discuss in class.
The practical examples must refer to your company’s activity and must be explained in text

Ethical Standards of Contract Management

Ethical Standards of Contract Management 
-5 pages
-APA style
-4-5 sources

Lean Six Sigma in Supply Chain Management (Assignment)

Lean Six Sigma in Supply Chain Management 
In 1,600-1,800 words, write an essay about the application of Lean Six Sigma in Supply Chain Management. Your paper should he formatted in APA style 6th Edition, and you should use 5-8 scholarly articles. You can also use credible websites as sources.
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Impact of Motivation on Staff Performance

Impact of Motivation on Staff Performance 
Motivation and employee turnover, productivity, performance, interpersonal relationships, workplace culture, quality, etc

  • What is the impact/effect of motivation on performance?
  • Does motivation increase productivity?
  • What is the impact/effect of motivation on employee turnover?
  • Does motivation improve interpersonal relationships?

You can choose to address all the above variables associated with motivation or one. The length of the paper to be 10-12 pages, formatted in APA 7th edition, and at least 15 scholarly sources.

Maritime Management Strategy

Maritime Management Strategy 
Assessment Instructions 
From a business standpoint, critically assess the strategy of a Lloyd’s List Top 100
ship-owner of your choice. Some ideas to get you started:
 What has been the current business environment in the sector(s) the shipowner operates in? How did they adapt to recent changes?
 Based on your analysis of the business environment, what were the possible
strategies the ship-owner could have followed? Which one did they end up
following? Can you explain why? Would you say it was justified?
 Was the ship-owner’s strategy different from their major competitors? If so,
what were the differences? Again, can you explain why?
 How did the ship-owner implement their chosen strategy? Was there anything
out of the ordinary, a setback or an unexpected boon? Could the ship-owner
have done things differently – or even better?!
 e.t.c.
Don’t forget to cover all three levels of strategy: operational, competitive AND
corporate. Remembering these three levels of strategy should be useful when trying
to find examples where the ship-owner differentiated themselves from the
You can employ operational knowledge and theoretical concepts from other
disciplines, provided they are used to support – not displace – your main objective
(ie. critically assess the ship-owner’s strategy from a business standpoint).