Maritime Management Strategy

Maritime Management Strategy 
Assessment Instructions 
From a business standpoint, critically assess the strategy of a Lloyd’s List Top 100
ship-owner of your choice. Some ideas to get you started:
 What has been the current business environment in the sector(s) the shipowner operates in? How did they adapt to recent changes?
 Based on your analysis of the business environment, what were the possible
strategies the ship-owner could have followed? Which one did they end up
following? Can you explain why? Would you say it was justified?
 Was the ship-owner’s strategy different from their major competitors? If so,
what were the differences? Again, can you explain why?
 How did the ship-owner implement their chosen strategy? Was there anything
out of the ordinary, a setback or an unexpected boon? Could the ship-owner
have done things differently – or even better?!
 e.t.c.
Don’t forget to cover all three levels of strategy: operational, competitive AND
corporate. Remembering these three levels of strategy should be useful when trying
to find examples where the ship-owner differentiated themselves from the
You can employ operational knowledge and theoretical concepts from other
disciplines, provided they are used to support – not displace – your main objective
(ie. critically assess the ship-owner’s strategy from a business standpoint).

Managing Change and Innovation

Managing Change and Innovation 
The final assessment of the module was supposed to be an individual exam. Due to the circumstances, this has been adjusted to an online individual essay. The essay will utilise the questions that were intended for the exam, and as in the exam, students will have a choice of answering ONE out of the two exam questions. This assignment directly links to module learning outcomes 2, 4, and 5.
Word Count: 1000 words (this is a definitive word count including everything bar the reference list; there is no +/- 10% for this assignment).
Questions: Students must choose only ONE of the questions to answer.

  1. Critically discuss how open innovation practices can affect firm innovation?
  2. Critically discuss the market and system failure rationales for government intervention in firm innovation activity?

Managing Change and Innovation

Managing Change and Innovation 
The final assessment of the module was supposed to be an individual exam. Due to the circumstances, this has been adjusted to an online individual essay. The essay will utilise the questions that were intended for the exam, and as in the exam, students will have a choice of answering ONE out of the two exam questions. This assignment directly links to module learning outcomes 2, 4, and 5.
Word Count: 1000 words (this is a definitive word count including everything bar the reference list; there is no +/- 10% for this assignment).
Questions: Students must choose only ONE of the questions to answer.

  1. Critically discuss how open innovation practices can affect firm innovation?
  2. Critically discuss the market and system failure rationales for government intervention in firm innovation activity?

Program Design Elements: Stakeholder Involvement in Developing Mission Statement, Goals, and Objectives

Program Design Elements: Stakeholder Involvement in Developing Mission Statement, Goals, and Objectives 
Stakeholder Involvement in Developing Mission Statement, Goals, and Objectives (developed in
Week 5)
• Explain why it is important for representatives of your target population to be involved in
developing the goals and objectives for the program.
• Identify which stakeholders you would involve in the planning process, and discuss two or more
strategies for facilitating their involvement.
Program Design (developed this week, with elements developed in Week 5)
• Create a visual representation of your program design (e.g., a table or graph) that includes the
program’s mission statement, goal(s), objectives, and activities to meet the objectives.
• Develop a Gantt chart with time lines for implementing all activities that will assist in meeting
each of your program objectives.

Work at Will Doctrine

Work at Will Doctrine 
Select two cases to show how this law is interpreted and applied.
Do an analysis of this law. Do you feel this law helps or hurts employee or employers.
How would you change this law to make it better for the workforce. APA format and reference page.

Work at Will Doctrine

Work at Will Doctrine 
Select two cases to show how this law is interpreted and applied.
Do an analysis of this law. Do you feel this law helps or hurts employee or employers.
How would you change this law to make it better for the workforce. APA format and reference page.

Measuring TQM Performance

Measuring TQM Performance 
Measuring TQM Performance Please select an organization of your choice to develop a Benchmarking report where you need to identify: 1. The rationale for and the objectives of the benchmarking.
2. The elements that you want to compare (for example business units, departments, activities, employee performance, etc.).
3. The performance indicators, the targets and the related information.
4. The data for performance indicators for the elements, then create the respective charts.

Strategic Management Process

Strategic Management Process 
In our ability to understanding strategy, we must look in, look out, and look ahead.
Reflect on all of week 4’s course materials and briefly (3 paragraphs or less) share what this means within the strategic management process.
These are are the materials: and attached file.

Strategic Management Process

Strategic Management Process 
In our ability to understanding strategy, we must look in, look out, and look ahead.
Reflect on all of week 4’s course materials and briefly (3 paragraphs or less) share what this means within the strategic management process.
These are are the materials: and attached file.

BCG Matrix and the Poter’s Five Forces Models

BCG Matrix and the Poter’s Five Forces Models. 
Summarize the purpose and components of the BCG Matrix and the Poter’s Five Forces Models.
This summary should be done within 6 paragraphs or less and must NOT include any pictures or diagrams.
Write well to describe these strategic management models. Chap 8: