BCG Matrix and the Poter’s Five Forces Models

BCG Matrix and the Poter’s Five Forces Models. 
Summarize the purpose and components of the BCG Matrix and the Poter’s Five Forces Models.
This summary should be done within 6 paragraphs or less and must NOT include any pictures or diagrams.
Write well to describe these strategic management models. Chap 8:

Individual Report on Industry Summary. Quality Management Tools – TQM, Six Sigma, Cost of Quality and EFQM

Quality Management Tools And Techniques, Instructions 
Select an Industry. Summarize about the industry in 1,500-2,000 words. You can focus on certain aspects of the industry. Competition, Logistics, Impact  of Globalization on the Industry, Technological Processes in the industry, Quality Control systems in the industry. 
The tools and techniques most commonly used in Quality management and process improvement are:

  • Cause and effect diagram
  • Control Charts
  • Histogram
  • Pareto Charts
  • Flow chart

Quality Management Techniques
Total quality management (TQM)
Six Sigma
Top-down and bottom-up approach
“International organization for standardization” ISO
Cost of Quality
Quality Management Tools – including TQM, Six Sigma, Cost of Quality and EFQM
Cost of Quality (CoQ)
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Six Sigma
EFQM Excellence Model
European Foundation for Quality Management.

Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline

This assignment covers the content in Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline. In this assignment, you must pick a case study from the end of the book (Section C), describe the case, and then apply the disciplines taught to the case.

Assignment 7 Questions:

  1. What are the main themes of The Fifth Discipline? Describe and explain each discipline.
  2. How is each of these disciplines related to each other?
  3. Describe how each of these disciplines is important to establishing a learning organization.
  4. Pick a case study from the end of the book (Section C), describe the case, and then apply the disciplines taught to the case. During your evaluation, discover if the organization is a learning organization or not. Describe why the organization is a learning organization, and if it is not – why? Describe either how you would transform the organization into a learning organization if it is not, or how you would improve upon the organization if it is.

Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline

This assignment covers the content in Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline. In this assignment, you must pick a case study from the end of the book (Section C), describe the case, and then apply the disciplines taught to the case.

Assignment 7 Questions:

  1. What are the main themes of The Fifth Discipline? Describe and explain each discipline.
  2. How is each of these disciplines related to each other?
  3. Describe how each of these disciplines is important to establishing a learning organization.
  4. Pick a case study from the end of the book (Section C), describe the case, and then apply the disciplines taught to the case. During your evaluation, discover if the organization is a learning organization or not. Describe why the organization is a learning organization, and if it is not – why? Describe either how you would transform the organization into a learning organization if it is not, or how you would improve upon the organization if it is.

Enterprise Risk Management & Global Economy

Week 12 Enterprise Risk Management:
After completing the assigned reading, answer the following questions in a short paper. Use the level of detail appropriate for a doctoral level. Outside sources are not required, but if used, they must be cited in-text and in a references section following APA style.
For Chapter 26, Bim Consultants:
1. What is your assessment of the situation?
2. What advice would you provide to the board of Bim Consultants?
3. What pitfalls should they be concerned with?
For Chapter 27, Nerds Galore
1. The case study ends with the Executive Team agreeing to hold a risk workshop. When evaluating the risks, what risk sources might emerge repeatedly and how might this help in the risk assessment?
2. How would risk assessment aid in the decision on whether or not Nerds Galore should proceed with the new HR strategy?
Week 4 Global Economy
Research Paper Part 1: Topic Selection and Abstract.
This assignment will fulfill the Part 1 of your course final research paper.
1: Visit digital library on line and select peer-reviewed research work by various authors on the following topics:
– keyword search in the area of Information Technology and Policymaking
– impact of Information Technology in the Global Economies or
– organizational decision making and ICT or
– benefits of Information Technology in the Global Economy
2: Abstract Formulation:
using your selected topic from above exercise, formulate/create an abstract of between 150 – 250 words using your selected topic above.
your research topic above must be selected very carefully by researching through the Library from peer-reviewed prior research work that is closely related to your topic to complete this section.
this exercise must be completed with care because, your research topic must be independently formulated by you, and not similar to any other previously researched titles (authenticity).
peer-reviewed research sources used as a source to build your topic selection ideas must be referenced in APA 6E format
submit your part 1 of your final research paper for review and approval via SafeAssign
MUST be completed in a MS Word document and NO PDF type of format
receive a similarity score of no more than 30% others work!
receive instructor approval before starting your part 2 of your final research paper
research papers submitted without instructor approval will NOT receive a grade

Developing Organizational Ethics and Socially Responsible Behavior

As an organizational leader, one of your primary roles is establishing programs and policies that ensure the organization operates under ethical considerations and legal mandates. This responsibility includes informing employees of the organization’s code of ethics, communicating the code of ethics, providing training, and ensuring that operational aspects are administered in a legal and ethical manner.
You will assume the role of a leader and decide what strategies you will use to develop a strong organizational ethical climate. In your position as a leader, you will need to identify primary and secondary stakeholders and satisfy their concerns, understand the organization’s ethical standing, and develop an ethics training program.
You are a business manager of Paradigm Toys, a publicly held company that is a retailer and manufacturer of children’s toys. The board of directors has asked you to conduct an ethics audit of the company and report to the board if you find the need for ethics training.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Prepare a report (suggested length of 6–8 pages) for Paradigm Toys in which you do the following:

  1.  Discuss the purpose of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in an organization.
  2.  Identify twoprimary and two secondary stakeholders that influence Paradigm Toys.
  3.  Analyze twoways that Paradigm Toys should meet their CSR for the primary and secondary stakeholders identified in part A1.
  4.  Reflect on the importance of ethical leadership by doing the following:
  5.  Explain why it is important for an organization to develop an ethical culture.
  6.  Discuss the role that Paradigm Toys’ leadership can play in fostering an ethical culture.
  7.  Explain the purpose of an ethics audit.
  8.  Discuss the value that an ethics audit could bring to Paradigm Toys.
  9.  Develop the ethical framework that you would use if you were faced with an ethical dilemma by doing the following:
  10.  Identify and analyze an ethical dilemma in a business setting.

Note: You may also choose an ethical dilemma you have witnessed at your current place of employment.

  1.  Evaluate twopotential solutions to the ethical dilemma identified in part C1.
  2.  Explain which solution from part C2 you would recommend and why that solution would be the more ethical choice.
  3.  Create a proposal for implementing an ethics training program at Paradigm Toys by doing the following:
  4.  Identify threekey topics that you would cover in your ethics training program.
  5.  Explain why you would include the threetopics from part D1 in your training program.
  6.  Recommend a delivery method that you believe would be most effective for the training program.
  7.  Justify why the delivery method recommended in part D2 would be most effective for the training program.
  8.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
  9.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

File Restrictions
File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z

Gender gap and compensation

Gender gap and compensation

For this assignment, you will write an essay that explores the topics of gender gap and
In your introduction, explain whether you think the gender gap is a women’s issue, men’s issue,
or both. Explain your response and reasoning within your introduction.
Then, divide the body of your paper using the headers below, and cover in that section what is
indicated under the header.
Closing the Gap
Explain why the gender gap continues to be an issue in our society and what can be done to
help close this gap in terms of opportunities and pay.
Legal Provisions
Identify legal provisions that are in place for addressing the gender gap. Hypothesize why legal
provisions have not been successful in closing the gap. Discuss how ethics may play a role in
future changes.
Recruitment Planning
Explain what human resource professionals should consider when planning compensation and
pay during recruitment planning.
Support your essay with a minimum of two resources from the CSU Online Library. Your essay
must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages. Adhere to APA
style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources
that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Compensation and Benefits Paper

A well-thought-out compensation plan is essential in giving a company an advantage in competitive hiring markets to attract and retain a quality workforce. In this assessment, you will apply your knowledge of total rewards to create an organizational rewards structure. This structure should consider organizational strategy, HR strategy, and the external business environment.
You are the human resources manager of Endothon Company, which helps its clients eliminate paper use by automating their business processes. Endothon is implementing a new software program and faces the challenge of hiring additional staff to help sell and support the program.
The company has been in business for five years and currently has 20 employees working on a variety of software applications for clients. Endothon will likely double in size during the next six months and add even more employees by the end of the year.
The first round of hires will include three new positions: one brand manager and two product sales representatives. Because Endothon is located in a geographic area in California where the job market is ultracompetitive, recruiting quality candidates will be challenging.
Also, the organization’s partners feel that the current job-value structure and pay policy as well as the lack of a formal system of variable pay are outdated. You must define the company’s compensation strategy to allow Endothon to be competitive in the workplace and to attract and retain a quality workforce.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Note: You have been provided with the following attachments: “Brand Manager Job Description,” “Current Job-Value Structure,” “Market Rewards Survey,” and “Product Sales Representative Job Position.” These attachments must be used as you complete this assessment. It is also recommended that you consult the websites provided and integrate any relevant coursework resources into this assessment.

  1.  Revise the attached “Current Job-Value Structure” to enable internal reward equity by doing the following:
  •   Update the salary information for the 20current employees, as necessary.
  •   Add in the threenew positions, one brand manager and two product sales representatives, with their anticipated salaries.

 Note: You must base your revisions on the attached “Brand Manager Job Description,” “Market Rewards Survey,” and “Product Sales Representative Job Description.”

  1.  Justify the salaries and placement of the threenew positions, one brand manager and two product sales representatives, within the revised job-value structure.


  1.  Create a pay grade and ranges table that addresses the current and new roles by using your revised job-value structure and all other attachments.
  2.  Describe a strategy to address the original salaries found in the attached “Current Job-Value Structure” that might now be outside the proposed ranges.

Note: If the original salaries are not outside the proposed ranges in your pay grade and ranges table, describe a strategy that you would use if they were.

  1.  Justify the pay grades and ranges in the table, commenting on attraction and retention strategies.
  2.  Recommend onedistinct variable pay option to motivate employees in threedifferent pay ranges from part B, including a justification of why each  recommendation would motivate individuals in that particular pay range.

   Note: One distinct variable pay option should be provided for each pay range.

  1.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Brand Manager Job Description
TITLE: Brand manager
REPORTS TO: Partners
JOB PURPOSE: The brand manager manages design and production of planned marketing programs.

  • Plans and conducts market research to identify opportunities for increased sales
  • Maintains customer database and approves the use of internal and external mailing lists
  • Reviews analysis of marketing surveys on current and new product concepts in order to recommend future product development
  • Provides post-event reports, analysis, and regular status reports on marketing programs
  • Plans, promotes, and executes sales meetings as well as community and goodwill events
  • Helps establish and maintain consistent corporate image throughout product lines, promotional materials, and events
  • Assists in establishing strategic marketing plans to achieve corporate objectives for products and services
  • Develops and executes marketing programs to achieve stated objectives regarding revenue, profitability, and market share
  • Communicates with outside advertising agencies on ongoing campaigns
  • Helps manage marketing budget
  • Plans and oversees execution of promotional activities including print, electronic media, trade show, direct mail, point-of-purchase displays, and signage
  • Manages development, production, and distribution of promotional and collateral materials to support sales and marketing programs
  • Analyzes marketing programs and adjusts strategy and tactics to increase effectiveness


  • Bachelor’s degree in information systems, computer science, marketing, business, or a related field with coursework in information technology/systems
  • 5+ years’ product marketing management experience in a software development technology-driven company
  • 3+ years’ knowledge and experience in a marketing leadership role

Current Job-Value Structure
The following current positions at Endothon Company are listed based on pay rate from high to low:

Position Title Current Pay Rate
Partner 1 $150,000.00 annually
Partner 2 $150,000.00 annually
Partner 3 $150,000.00 annually
Lead software designer 1 $120,000.00 annually
Software designer 1 $117,220.00 annually
Software designer 2 $90,100.00 annually
Software designer 3 $90,000.00 annually
Software designer 4 $85,000.00 annually
Human resources manager 1 $75,900.00 annually
Software designer 5 $75,897.00 annually
Software designer 6 $70,000.00 annually
Operations supervisor 1* $55,000.00 annually
Customer service representative 1 $32.50 hourly
IT technician 1 (help desk) $25.75 hourly
Administrative assistant 1 – billing $24.50 hourly
IT technician 2 (help desk) $21.10 hourly
Administrative assistant 1 – general $19.65 hourly
IT technician 3 (help desk) $15.50 hourly
Customer service representative 2* $15.38 hourly
Customer service representative 3 $11.50 hourly

* Benchmarked job
Product Sales Representative Job Description
TITLE: Product sales representative
REPORTS TO: Partners
JOB PURPOSE: The product sales representative cultivates new client relationships and expands existing relationships.

  • Develops new streams of consulting revenue through new and existing sales channels
  • Converts existing transactional business into long-term contract business
  • Contributes to marketing efforts
  • Builds and manages a sales funnel
  • Works with marketing department on developing marketing plans specific to consulting services
  • Represents company at industry trade shows and conferences
  • Networks to develop new leads
  • Effectively communicates verbally and in writing
  • Possesses the ability to execute on initiatives
  • Demonstrates proven track record of business development skills
  • Demonstrates proven track record of successful account management
  • Exhibits sound decision-making skills in high-pressure situations
  • Possesses excellent follow-up and closing skills
  • Effectively collaborates with other departments on key initiatives

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in business management or business administration
  • 3+ years’ product sales experience
  • 1+ years’ sales management experience
  • Working knowledge of MS Office and associated applications required
  • Ability to travel up to 50% of the year

Web links

  1. Revise the following to include the three new positions and their salaries, as well as to show any changes to existing salaries.
Position Title Current Pay Rate
Partner 1 $150,000.00 annually
Partner 2 $150,000.00 annually
Partner 3 $150,000.00 annually
Lead software designer 1 $120,000.00 annually
Software designer 1 $117,220.00 annually
Software designer 2 $90,100.00 annually
Software designer 3 $90,000.00 annually
Software designer 4 $85,000.00 annually
Human resources manager 1 $75,900.00 annually
Software designer 5 $75,897.00 annually
Software designer 6 $70,000.00 annually
Operations supervisor 1* $55,000.00 annually
Customer service representative 1 $32.50 hourly
IT technician 1 (help desk) $25.75 hourly
Administrative assistant 1 – billing $24.50 hourly
IT technician 2 (help desk) $21.10 hourly
Administrative assistant 1 – general $19.65 hourly
IT technician 3 (help desk) $15.50 hourly
Customer service representative 2* $15.38 hourly
Customer service representative 3 $11.50 hourly

A1.  Justify the placement and salaries of the three new positions.

  1. Using the 23 positions, create a pay grade and ranges table.
Pay Grade Positions Minimum Midpoint Maximum

B1. Describe a strategy to address original salaries now found outside the proposed ranges.
B2. Justify your pay grades and ranges, commenting on attraction and retention strategies.

  1. Recommend one distinct variable pay option for each of three pay grades, including a justification of why each recommendation would motivate individuals in that particular pay grade.   

Recommendation 1:
Justification 1:
Recommendation 2:
Justification 2:
Recommendation 3:
Justification 3:

Compensation Management Paper

Compensation HRM 450-470 Chapter 6
Assignment two 

  • Lest consider that we are designing a salary structure to a caregiver using the point method technique.
  • (Creativity in forming the compensable factors will be reflected on the overall mark).
  • You may use the below table and add as much as compensable factors as you wish.
  • This is an Individual assignment, due date is March 26th , 05:00pm.


  1. Benchmark jobs

Students should search for three job descriptions and based on them they choose the compensable factors.
Job description will be attached as appendix

  1. Choose compensable factors based on benchmarks jobs
skill Weight Points Students much write job title for each level        
Working condition              


  1. Define factors degree
  2. Determining weight for each compensable factor.
  3. Determine point value for each compensable factor
  4. Step six, Verify factor degrees and point value

Consider whether the hierarchy of the job makes sense in the context of the company’s strategic plans

  1. Job evaluation committee, Evaluate all jobs
  2. How to calculate the highest salary & the lowest salary for this job? Taking into account 25 SR is per point.


  1. Take the same table the salary got merit increased by 15%, how much the highest salary and the lower salary will be without changing the points


  1. Assuming that the CPI of this year is 177 and last year 170, calculate the CPI of this year and calculate the new salary for the highest and the lowest.

Compensation Management Paper

Compensation HRM 450-470 Chapter 6
Assignment two 

  • Lest consider that we are designing a salary structure to a caregiver using the point method technique.
  • (Creativity in forming the compensable factors will be reflected on the overall mark).
  • You may use the below table and add as much as compensable factors as you wish.
  • This is an Individual assignment, due date is March 26th , 05:00pm.


  1. Benchmark jobs

Students should search for three job descriptions and based on them they choose the compensable factors.
Job description will be attached as appendix

  1. Choose compensable factors based on benchmarks jobs
skill Weight Points Students much write job title for each level        
Working condition              


  1. Define factors degree
  2. Determining weight for each compensable factor.
  3. Determine point value for each compensable factor
  4. Step six, Verify factor degrees and point value

Consider whether the hierarchy of the job makes sense in the context of the company’s strategic plans

  1. Job evaluation committee, Evaluate all jobs
  2. How to calculate the highest salary & the lowest salary for this job? Taking into account 25 SR is per point.
  3. Take the same table the salary got merit increased by 15%, how much the highest salary and the lower salary will be without changing the points
  4. Assuming that the CPI of this year is 177 and last year 170, calculate the CPI of this year and calculate the new salary for the highest and the lowest.