Effective Management of Human Resources

Assessment Information
This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

Assessment Information

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
The student should be able to:

  • Understand issues associated with HRM and the activities that are associated with the implementation of HRM.
  • Evaluate the way HRM is applied in practice by line managers
  • With the aid of understanding different approaches to HRM, analyse HR situations and be able to develop appropriate responses.
  • Evaluate the extent to which HRM models/frameworks can inform the development of best practices

This assignment is an individual portfolio assignment and requires you to write a report on the following tasks.  The assignment is in two components as outlined below:
Component 1:
You are required to produce and write a portfolio totalling 3,500 words (+/- 10%).  For the portfolio you are to write on six seminar activities of the eight activities you undertake in class.  Write these up, analyse and evaluate each topic drawing on relevant academic literature, and include appropriate references in the Coventry University Harvard format.
The topics are:

  • Human resource planning
  • The role of the Line Manager
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Training and Development
  • Performance and Appraisal
  • Reward Management
  • Employee Relations
  • Managing Redundancy

For each seminar activity you should write an approximately equal amount.
Component 2:
Write a ‘Personal Reflection’, reflecting on your own experience on the process of working in your seminar groups during the seminars and what you have learnt.
Your reflection should be written in the first person, and should be no more than 500 words in total.  This is part of your overall 4,000 word count.
Criteria for Assessment
Understanding of the topics and activities    45%
Application of theories and models 45%
Presentation and referencing 10%
Word Count
The word count is 4,000 +/- 10%
There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more.
The word limit includes quotations and citations, but excludes the references list.

Wonderful Widgets: Effective Distribution Strategies

Effective Distribution Strategies at Wonderful Widgets 
Scenario Description 
You are the new Warehpuse Manager for Wonderful Widgets. The company produces one
product, widgets, but has several customers located domestically and internationally.
Corporate has informed you over the last 12 months, the company has incurred increased cost,
increased variability, and decreased customer satisfaction(lost sales).
Decrease in sales
Due to this new information, you are responsible for making all decisions pertaining to product
distribution. You are the person accountable for the increase in costs, variability, and customer
satisfaction. The company has warehouses located across the United States.
Your task is to determine which distribution strategy is optimum for the company to reduce costs,
variability, and increase customer satisfaction. You must decide which strategy is best for the
company based on the information given.
Centralized Management
After feeling a bit overwhelmed, you leave your office to take a quick break to think about your
conversation with Mr. Smith. In the hallway, you run into a colleague that has been with the
company for several years in fact, was the Warehouse4 Manager at one time. You tell her about
the conversation you had with Mr. Smith. She says…
Back in day didn’t have to worry have everyone on same computer system
Centralized Management
This would be the optimal decision based on the current information. Centralized systems allow
for integration of information flow between all facilities(single point contract) and decisions are
made across the company’s network by utilizing partnerships and alliances.
Wonderful Widgets would be best served if they were to use a centralized management strategy.
They have one product that is shipped from various locations domestically. The placement of
their warehouse(distribution centers) allows them to share information across their network to
coordinate activities which serves their customers, reduce costs and variability.
The solution is Centralized Management in one paragraphs make a clear and specific
recommendation based on the readings in the class so far. In a second paragraph, describe how
the company can implement your recommendation. Write your recommendation/implementation
in third person. Include a cover page, and reference page.
At the end, discuss the questions that are presented below.
Answer the following questions:
What did you find challenging in completing the scenario (i.e., information network layout, etc.)?
How does this additional information factor into effective distribution strategies?

Kotters, Rogers, and Lewin Change Models

Change Models: Kotters, Rogers, and Lewin Change Models
Read the attached 3 articles on the Kotters, Rogers, and Lewin Change Models and write a two page essay (body) that provides a short biographical sketch of each of these men and describes and explains the change model that they developed.
In other words one essay that describes and compares the three models, not 3 separate essays.
The authors visit each model and expound on it so you can use material from the paper itself and any other material that you wish to use in your essay to expand on your discussion and analysis.
The authors also discuss some limitations of the models, please include your own discussion of limitations.
The two pages minimum are to include just the body of the paper, it does not include the cover page nor the reference page.
(the 3 article links)
APA style
Cover page 12-point font
Times New Roman
Double space 1″ margins Include page numbers (top right-hand corner in T
imes New Roman 12 Point Font,
no page number on the first page)

Staff Performance Appraisal Paper

Staff Performance Appraisal Paper ,
Write a report in which you:
Explain policies and agreed ways of working for appraisals in the work setting.
Research models of appraisal to explore their applicability in the work setting.
Evaluate how appraisals are used to inform:
• achievement of objectives
• overall performance
• future objectives.
Explain how appraisals are used to develop practice.
Differentiate between appraisals and disciplinary processes.
Use research on the theories of power to explore the relationship between appraiser and appraisee.
Explain how power can be managed within the appraisal process to facilitate the participation of the appraisee.

Google’s Diversification Strategy

1- Provide clear detail of the recent problem/opportunity that a real organization is facing.
2- Detail why this problem/opportunity is important and why the organization should take it in
3- Identify the stakeholders of the selected problem/opportunity.
4- Provide detail information about what are the alternatives for the selected organization and
what should the selected organization do to resolve the identified problem or should do to take
advantage of the identified opportunity.
5- Discuss how the information that you learned in MGMT 201 can help you understand and deal
with the selected problem/opportunity.
6- Identify and discuss what other topics/elements could be learned in MGMT 201 to help you
understand and deal with the selected problem/opportunity.
7- Discuss how other courses at AUD can help you understand and tackle the selected problem/opportunity.
8- Provide clear Recommendations to solve the problem or to take advantage of the opportunity.
In this part, you should provide recommendations for the different stakeholders (e.g., the
organization in general, managers, employees, customers, government, and any other
9- ………………………Although the above-identified points are important, I would like you to
surprise the readers/audience by being creative/innovative and including elements that goes
above and beyond what is listed above.
* Important information
• The grade assigned for this assignment is 15 marks.
• You must submit 3-7-page paper (Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-spaced).

Global Talent Management at Novartis

Global Talent Management at Novartis
Your analysis should be about 2 pages (600+ words) and address all the questions below.
1. Is there one universal way for a multinational company to motivate its employees around the
world exert maximum effort and be accountable for their results? (1 point)
2. Evaluate the potential effectiveness of Novartis’s standardized system for performance
measurement around the world. (1 point)
(a) Would you advise Novartis to require the use of “normal”/bell-shaped grading distribution
around the world? (1 point)
(b) What would be your strategy for managing those who rank consistently at the bottom of
Novartis’ distribution? Would you choose to act like GE did and dismiss them after a certain
probation period? (1 point)
3. Evaluate Novartis’s strategy for dealing with talent management challenges in China. If you
were put in a charge of China operations, what changes would you make to deal with the
turnover problem? (1 point)

Performance Management

You are Big Boss, a new supervisor in a large organization. You supervise two units–Money Unit
(MU) and Processing Unit (PU). Each unit is managed by a Director, who reports to you. Both
Directors have been with the organization for along time and are highly skilled in the technical
requirements of their jobs.
MU must provide data and information in a specific sequence to PU in order for PU to update
accounts and complete the customer service or request. The units are deadline driven and it is
critical that information be timely exchanged in order to serve the customer; failure to do so
results in customer complaints and inefficiency. Units are under tremendous pressure to manage
a large work volume and efficient staff interactions are critical. The organizational goals are to
process customer requests within 2 days or less.
You are contacted by a staff employee from MU. She expresses concerns about the job
performance of a colleague in MU, Josie, stating that Josie refers to peers in MU and PU as “bitch” and “stupid”, sometimes in front of customers. Josie is not timely in relaying needed
information, causing extra work for peers in MU and PU, and customers have complained about
the delay in service. The staff employee doubts MU Director’s ability to deal with the situation
because it has been going on for a long time. Despite previous, similar complaints, nothing
changes and the staff employee asserts that Josie is disruptive to business.
1) are goals of the individual employees, MU and PU aligned with the organization? 1a) describe
the evidence that supports your response to #1. 1b) how do goals become misaligned? State the
overarching reason for goal misalignment and cite from Human Resource Management Core
Concepts book. 1c) what actions realign goals? Cite from HRM Core Concepts
2) assuming it is confirmed that the colleague is name calling in the workplace what should Big
Boss do to address this situation?
3) describe what actions you recommend with regard to the MU Director, if any.

Relationship Between Theory and Nursing Practice, Research, Management, and Education

After completing this module, you will be able to do the following:
Articulate the relationship between theory and nursing practice, research, management, and
Appraise a study using the “Guidelines for Application of Theory in Nursing Practice.”
Formulate a plan to reduce the theory-practice gap
Compare and contrast the types of theory used in research
Assess how theory is used in research
Formulate the elements of organizational structure from a theoretical perspective Compare and contrast patient care delivery models
Assess the theoretical foundations for case management using core components of clinical
Initiate and sustain a theory-based quality management program
Incorporate theoretical principles and frameworks in nursing curricula and instruction
This module will examine several issues related to the application of theory in nursing practice,
research, management, and education. The relationship between theory and practice and the
concept of theory-based practice will be described, and the perceived theory-practice gap will be
explored. Practice theories will be presented, as well as the concept of evidence-based practice.
This module will also examine a number of issues related to the interface of research and theory
in the discipline of nursing. Topics covered include the relationship between research and theory,
types of theory and corresponding research, how theory is used in the research process, and the
issue of borrowed versus unique theory for nursing. How theory should be addressed in a
research report and in the discipline’s research agenda will also be detailed.
Specific applications of administration and management theories, models, and frameworks in
nursing and health care will also be explored. These concepts include organizational design,
shared governance, transformational leadership, patient care delivery models, case
management, disease/chronic illness management, quality management/performance improvement process tools and techniques, and evidence-based practice. Finally, this module
will detail how theory influences and is influenced by nursing education—both to determine the
content and structure of a program’s curriculum, and to determine the instructional processes
and strategies used by faculty to teach students.
To improve the practice of nursing, nurses need to search the literature, critically appraise
research findings, and synthesize empirically and contextually relevant theoretical information to
be applied in practice. Theory and practice are intertwined and symbiotic: practice is the basis for
nursing theory development, and nursing theory must be validated in practice. Despite this
reciprocal relationship, many purport that a theory-practice gap exists, and the interaction
remains fragmented or unrecognized. Several strategies to close the theory practice gap were
presented. Practice theories, which are clinically specific and reflect a particular context, are
easily applied in nursing research and practice. Evidence-based practice, defined as the
conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of the current best evidence in making decisions about
the care of individual patients, is often used by nurses in their delivery of care and exemplifies
the union of theory and practice.
Theory is also integral to the process of research. It is paramount to use theory as a framework
to provide direction regarding selection of the research design, identify approaches to
measurement and methods of data analysis, and specify criteria for acceptability of findings as
valid. The types of theory (descriptive, explanatory, and predictive) were summarized, with
examples provided from nursing literature. Lastly, the three ways that theory is used in research were introduced: theory-generating, theory-testing, and theory as a conceptual framework.
Nursing’s research agenda was identified, which respond to important issues from nursing
practice, administration and management, and education.
Nursing practice is shaped and influenced by models and principles of leadership, management,
and administration. It is important for advanced practice nurses to recognize and adapt to the
specific organizational characteristics that define the organization in which they practice. The
structure of an organization provides a framework in which management processes occur.
Management strategists have formulated six elements of organizational structure: work
specialization, chain of command, span of control, authority and responsibility, centralization, and
departmentalization. Shared governance and transformational leadership were also discussed.
Patient care delivery models adapt in response to changing needs of patients, society, and
nurses. The patient care delivery models discussed in this module include functional nursing,
team nursing, primary nursing, and patient-focused care. Case management, quality
management, and disease/chronic illness management were also addressed with illustrative
nursing applications.
Theoretical principles, concepts, and models are used in two ways in nursing. First, they are
used to determine the content and structure of a program’s curriculum. Second, they are used to
determine the instructional processes and strategies used by faculty to teach students.
Technology plays an increasingly important role in nursing education, and incorporates distance
learning methodologies and virtual reality simulation.
A nurse on the research and practice committee is preparing for an update on evidence-based
practice (EBP). There is a need to address the potential changes with several EBP policies. This
presentation will examine the EBP policies as well as reasoning and rationale as to why changes
may be needed.
Choose an EBP topic and two scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles
Compare the difference between theory, research, and practice in nursing
Choose a theory that best correlates with the EBP practice change that you would like to make
Compare and contrast the quantitative and qualitative research article that you choose for the
EBP topic
What technology did you use to locate the articles? Databases? Search terms?
What are the philosophical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives in the research articles
that were chosen?
What are the ethical and scientific integrity issues related to the research?
How did your nursing knowledge advance through the utilization of research?
This PowerPoint® (Microsoft Office) or Impress® (Open Office) presentation should be a
minimum of 20 slides, including a title, introduction, conclusion and reference slide, with detailed
speaker notes and recorded audio comments for all content slides. Use at least four scholarly
sources and make certain to review the module’s Signature Assignment Rubric before starting
your presentation. This presentation is worth 400 points for quality content and presentation.

Emergency Management Response Assignment

Using the selected articles in the University Library, research and review various government and academic reports detailing the emergency management response to either Hurricane Katrina or the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you:
Choose either Hurricane Katrina or the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Select 1 or 2 examples of initial responses specifically related to the emergency management event (police/fire) within the first 24 hours of the event.
Summarize the timeline of the response.
Integrate terms related to emergency management utilized in the article(s).
Critique the overall outcome of the response(s) by assessing the impact of emergency management.
Develop a logical argument for 2 alternative courses of action.

Hospitality Marketing Management Assignment

Hospitality Marketing Management Assignment, Instruction 
Choose a hotel to analyze its strategies for marketing
Marriott,  Hyatt Hotels.
Hotel Terrace
Intercontinental Davos
Alpina Gstaad
Park Hotel Vitznau