Interprofessional Collaboration and Teamwork

Discuss “Interprofessional Collaboration” from a Nursing Perspective.
What are the Characteristics and Quality of Effective Interprofessional Teams
What are the Benefits and Limitations of Interprofessional Teams
What are the Challenges of Working in Interprofessional Teams
What Strategies can be used to Help People Work Effectively Together
How do Interprofessional Teams Define Success

Interprofessional Collaboration and Teamwork Instructions

Interprofessional Collaboration and Teamwork Instructions 
3-4 page article that addresses the topic of interprofessional collaboration and teamwork in healthcare organizations.
3 references
APA format
Please answer all parts of the following:

  1. Explain the meaning of the term “interprofessional collaboration” from a nursing perspective. Consider how it differs from interprofessional collaboration in other fields.
  2. Describe characteristics and quality of effective interprofessional terms in terms of patient safety and explain how the characteristics and qualities contribute to patient safety
  3. Analyze the benefits and limitations of interprofessional teams for healthcare organizations, interprofessional team members & patients
  4. Explain the challenges of working in interprofessional teams and considers the implications for the patients of a team that fails to overcome challenges
  5. Compare strategies to help people work effectively together to determine the best ways to use the strategies
  6. Explain interprofessional teams define success and explain how the definition may change depending on the team and organization.

Path-Goal Theory

Summarize Path-Goal Theory of Management (850 words)

Communication and Conflict Resolution

Write a paper with the following sub-topics.
Establishing Ground Rules (550 words)
Conflict Resolution Strategies (550 words)
Team Leadership (850 words)
Best Practices of Interprofessional Team Collaboration (550 words)
Communication in Teams (350 words)

Communication and conflict resolution Instructions

Communication and conflict resolution Instructions
8-10 pages
Develop recommendations for a team charter and provide communication and collaboration strategies for a new interprofessional team that will work together on challenging cases
3 current professional references
Please answer all parts of the following 5:

  1. Explains methods to establish ground rules and set expectations for interprofessional team collaboration and describes situations where each would be beneficial
  2. Describe conflict resolution strategies for interprofessional teams and identifies situations where each would be beneficial
  3. Identifies ways to address issues of leadership in an interprofessional team and examine the risks associated with lack of leadership and/or power struggles between team members
  4. Analyze best practices for interprofessional team collaboration
  5. Analyzes the benefits and limitations of different forms of communication for an interprofessional team and consider the risk associated with ineffective communication

Advantages of Management by Objectives (MBO)

Advantages of Management by Objectives (MBO), Required: 
What are the benefits of using MBO in your workplace? As a team leader, how can you manage your team using MBO? What challenges are you likely to encounter? (550 words)

Managing Operations and Services (Questions & Answers)

Exam Guidelines
1. This exam consist of nine questions adding up to 100 points. Students are required to
answer all the nine questions.
2. Students must show the work. Failure to show the work will result in zero points. As
indicated in syllabus, students can handwrite and scan it and post the exam to canvas. But,
please make sure that your handwriting is readable.
3. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any instances of plagiarism will dealt as specified in
Question 1:
The weekly output of a production process is shown below, together with data for labor and
material inputs. The standard inventory value of the output is $100 per unit. Overhead is charged
weekly at the rate of $1,100 plus 1.25 times direct labor cost. Assume a 40-hour week and an
hourly wage of $10. Material cost is $4 per running foot. What is the average multifactor
productivity for this process for each week? (10 points)

Week Output Number of Workers Material ft)
1 440 7 2800
2 382 5 2400
3 415 5 2600
4 410 6 2500

Question 2:
Why are operations managers faced with ethical and social challenges? What are some of the
ethical and social challenges faced by operations managers? (10 points)
Question 3:
Identify and explain the four basic global operations strategies. Give an example of each
strategy. (10 points)
Question 4:
A company is choosing an outside firm to provide its payroll services. It has chosen four
comparative categories of interest: client reviews, financial condition, IT capabilities, and
government stability. These categories have been assigned weights of 50%, 10%, 10%, and 30%,
respectively. Three potential providers were scored on each of those factors (see table below) using
a scale of 1-10, with a score of 1 meaning worst possible and 10 meaning best possible. Using the
factor-rating method, which provider should be chosen? (10 points)

Provider A Provider B Provider C
Client reviews 4 8 8
Financial condition 6 3 9
IT capabilities 5 8 7
Government stability 3 2 3

Question 5:
A network consists of the following list. Times are given in weeks. (20 points)

Activity Preceding Duration
A 6
B A 4
C A 5
D A 4
E B 10
F B 8
G C,F 3
H D 3
I H 8
J G,I 6
K E,J 2

a. Draw the network diagram.
b. Which activities form the critical path?
c. How much slack exists at each activities?
d. What is the duration of the critical path?
Question 6:
Dell computers sells laptops. Table 1 presents the 12 month sales for the year 2017 (10 points).

Month Sales (in thousands)
Jan 10
Feb 8
Mar 12
Apr 15
May 18
Jun 16
Jul 12
Aug 14
Sep 19
Oct 21
Nov 11
Dec 18

Forecast Jan 2018 sales using: (1) five period moving average; (2) A four period weighted
moving average with weights 0.3 for Dec, 0.3 for Nov, 0.2 for Oct, 0.2 for Sep; (3) Exponential
smoothing with smoothing constant 0.3, assuming a Aug forecast 15.
Question 7:
JDI, Inc. is trying to decide whether to make or buy a part (#J-45FPT). Purchasing the part would
cost $1.50 each. If they design and produce it themselves, it will result in a per unit cost of $0.75.
However, the design investment would be $50,000. Further, they realize that for this type of part,
there is a 30% chance that the part will need to be redesigned at an additional cost of $50,000.
Regardless of whether they make or buy the part, JDI will need 100,000 of these parts. Using
decision trees analysis and EMV, what should JDI do? Show the decision tree (10 points).
Question 8:
Identify each of the purposes of project scheduling. (10 points)
Question 9:
Describe the European Union Emissions Trading System to combat climate change. (10 Points)

Strategic Management and Core Competencies for Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage

Contemporary Analysis Paper  (2,500 words)
a) Critically examine how strategic management and core competencies can build and sustain competitive advantage in different organisational contexts
b) Critically evaluate different strategy formulation processes utilized by organisations and evaluate their relevance to particular organisational contexts
c) Develop and plan the implementation of a selected strategy for different organisational levels including for change management processes
d) Consider the external environment of an organisation and analyse capabilities that can enhance potential market opportunities and manage risk.

Operations Management in Organizations (Compare and Contrast Essay)

Operations Management in Organizations (Compare and Contrast Essay), Required:
Select two major organizations and compare and contrast the way they manage their operations. You can select two major competitors and compare the strategies they use to manage their operations. This include supply chain issues.

Comparing and Contrasting Talent Management Strategies

Write a compare and contrast essay talent management strategies (850 words)