Management at Costco and Sam’s Club

Project: find out which business model works best in different respects
Costco: represents the stakeholder theory:

  1. They take their employees seriously and want them to feel good at what they are doing, higher (reasonable) wages, health benefits.
  2. The workers are more productive: innovative, think outside the box, encourage an inspiring environment, make workers feel that their contributions are important.
  3. The employees are more willing to assist customers: they believe in better service. Their success in selling their products depends on their service to customers. When there are more customers Costco hires more employees to help them check out fast. Wall street: more employees mean less revenue for the shareholders.

Sinegal: he has to look at his business in the long term, not from one week to the next. Therefore, the decision to hire more employees was right.
4.The CEO’s status: Sinegal makes $350.000.
Walmart’s CEO makes $35.000.000.
Low salary: Sinegal wants to tell his employees that they are important too. Therefore, a modest salary is a way of paying respect to their work. It is important that they feel that they can connect to the CEO.
Sinegal knows that a higher salary would just mean less revenue as a shareholder.

  1. Their relationship to suppliers. Requirement: do not sell the same product under the price they agreed.
  2. Theft: less shrink, i.e. theft, in Costco: lower cost. They are more loyal because they feel treated in a fair way.
  3. Turn-over rate: this is lower in Costco.
  4. Profits: Costco makes the most profits.

Sam’s Club: represents the shareholder theory
Why does Sam’s Club not learn from Costco?
1.Initially it could be costly. For some time they would make less profit.
2.Ideology is different.
3.CEO: hired for a short time, he does not know when he has to leave his position. Therefore he wants to show good quarters, to show that they are making money.
4.The size of business: there are more Sam’s Club stores than Costco stores.

Managing Health and Safety in the Workplace

The candidate is required to carry out a review of the arrangements for managing health and safety in a workplace and to produce justified, proportionate recommendations to improve health
and safety performance.
The assignment will require the candidate to apply the knowledge and understanding gained
from their studies of elements of Units A/IA, B/IB and C/IC in a real working environment and to
carry out critical analysis and evaluation of information gathered during the review. The level of
work should be that expected of a competent health and safety practitioner working within an
organization .(please refer to the attached docx)

FEMA Disaster Management in Community

Explain the various responsibilities and services of FEMA when a disaster occurs in the United States. Do some research on past disasters, and describe how FEMA supported the community and disaster efforts. Address 2-3 of the following.
How did FEMA help people prepare for the disaster?
What services did FEMA provide to the community?
Who else participated in the disaster relief efforts?
How much monetary damage was caused by the disaster? Or, how much did FEMA spend in relief?
What was public perception of FEMA and the response they provided?
Provide links to your sources for others to reference.
Support your answer with evidence from the disasters that you researched.

Generational Management and Generational Diversity in the Workplace

Article Review
Select a peer reviewed paper about Workplace Generational Management and review it.

  • Baby Bomers,
  • Millenials,
  • Generation X, and
  • Generatin Y.

Emergency Management Plan (Case Report)

Analysis of Emergency Management Plan
Select and analyze/critique an emergency management plan of your local area (state, county, province, region, municipality, etc) (3,300 words).

Environmental Management for Sustainable Development (Oil and Gas Sector)

Write a 4,500-page paper on the aspects of Environmental Management for Sustainable Development in Oil and Gas Sector. Focus on the activities associated with the exploration, production, distribution, and use of oil and gas. Their pollution and how they impact the environment.

Management Functions (Reflection Paper)

Write a reflection paper about Management Functions in your previous or current organization (1,100 words).

Managing Conflict in Organizations

What are the causes of conflict in the workplace? Which strategies do you employ as a leader to manage conflicts?

Managing Conflict in Organizations

What are the causes of conflict in the workplace? Which strategies do you employ as a leader to manage conflicts?

Interviewing a Manager

Interview a manager and summarize what you learned regarding management and operations in 1,600 words.  You need to include interview questions.