Impact of cross-cultural communications on employee management in multinational corporations MNCs

Effect of culture on human resource practices and employee management

Using a provided scenario, address the expectations and roles of women and religion in a 2-3 page company memorandum for an MNC management team.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain how culture influences human resource practices and employee management.
    • Describe how each country regards women and religion.
  • Competency 2: Analyze global issues that influence human resource practices for multinational corporations (MNCs).
    • Assess how these assumptions impact an organization’s global recruiting and hiring practices.
  • Competency 3: Analyze the impact of cross-cultural communications on employee management in multinational corporations (MNCs).
    • Examine organizational integration and communication impacts for HR in this scenario.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human resource profession.
    • Write in a professional style using APA citations and format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.


A country\’s culture has a significant impact on its views of women, religion, customs, and children\’s human rights; these aspects, in turn, have a significant impact on human resource practices and an organization\’s ability to operate globally.

This assessment is based on the following scenario:

Your organization just acquired an information technology company in the Republic of Kosovo, formerly Yugoslavia. Kosovo has not yet received recognition from enough countries to be considered a sovereign nation. It is an area of Eastern Europe where there are many talented information technology professionals and small entrepreneurs. Before your company and the new firm begin joint operations, you want to communicate to the membership of both organizations the similarities and differences between Kosovo and the United States.

As you prepare a business report, keep in mind the differences in the roles of women in each country and the challenges that might be experienced by the members of each organization as they begin to integrate operations and bring both organizations under the same reporting chain. U.S. members will experience a change in their management structure, starting above the CIO position. In American companies, it is not unusual to have a large number of supervisors who are women, and in your company there are some women executives as well. Also, consider the faiths that are practiced in the two countries. Kosovo is primarily Russian Orthodox and Muslim, while the United States contains members of a greater variety of religions. Lastly, the people in the region of Kosovo are easily insulted, so you must be careful to treat them with respect, kindness, and understanding.


Address the expectations and roles of women and religion in a 3–4 page business report for the organization\’s management teams in Kosovo and the United States that addresses the following:

  • Describe how each country regards women and religion.
    • Be sure to describe three assumptions about women and religion that influence views in each country. How could these assumptions influence employee management?
  • Assess how these assumptions impact an organization\’s global recruiting and hiring practices.
    • For example, could a woman hold a leadership role in your country of interest? How does religion influence your organization and work culture?
  • Examine organizational integration and communication impacts for HR in this scenario.
    • For example, how will onboarding and training activities conducted by human resources be impacted?

Additional Requirements

Your assessment is considered a professional style document appropriate for the workplace versus an academic paper.

It should meet the following requirements in addition to the 3–4 page business report. Include the following:

  • Title page.
    • A basic title page will contain the following information centered, about one-third of the way down the page:
      • Document title.
      • Your name.
      • Date.
  • For the 3–4 page report, set up the document pages with 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, right, and left.
    • Left justify paragraphs, or indent using 5–7 spaces.
    • Use single-spaced paragraphs and double spacing between paragraphs.
    • Use subheadings to divide all documents—particularly those over a page in length—into logical, well-ordered sections.
    • Use ordered or bulleted lists to clarify points within? your document.
    • Put page numbers on each page, including the cover page. You may add additional information, such as the title or your name, to each page as well.
  • References page.
    • If you cite sources in your document, include a reference page at the end of the document, listing all sources referenced within the text. Ensure that all sources listed in the references section are used and cited within the document as in-text citation, using APA format. Refer to Evidence and APA for more information.
  • Use 11- or 12-point Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier font.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain how culture influences human resource practices and employee management.
    • ?Describe how each country regards women and religion.
  • Competency 2: Analyze global issues that influence human resource practices for multinational corporations (MNCs).
    • Assess how these assumptions impact an organization\’s global recruiting and hiring practices.
  • Competency 3: Analyze the impact of cross-cultural communications on employee management in multinational corporations (MNCs).
    • Examine organizational integration and communication impacts for HR in this scenario.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human resource profession.
    • Write in a professional style using APA citations and format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Llobal issues that influence human resource practices for multinational corporations MNCs

Effect of culture on human resource practices and employee management

Using a provided scenario, address the expectations and roles of women and religion in a 2-3 page company memorandum for an MNC management team.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain how culture influences human resource practices and employee management.
    • Describe how each country regards women and religion.
  • Competency 2: Analyze global issues that influence human resource practices for multinational corporations (MNCs).
    • Assess how these assumptions impact an organization’s global recruiting and hiring practices.
  • Competency 3: Analyze the impact of cross-cultural communications on employee management in multinational corporations (MNCs).
    • Examine organizational integration and communication impacts for HR in this scenario.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human resource profession.
    • Write in a professional style using APA citations and format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.


A country\’s culture has a significant impact on its views of women, religion, customs, and children\’s human rights; these aspects, in turn, have a significant impact on human resource practices and an organization\’s ability to operate globally.

This assessment is based on the following scenario:

Your organization just acquired an information technology company in the Republic of Kosovo, formerly Yugoslavia. Kosovo has not yet received recognition from enough countries to be considered a sovereign nation. It is an area of Eastern Europe where there are many talented information technology professionals and small entrepreneurs. Before your company and the new firm begin joint operations, you want to communicate to the membership of both organizations the similarities and differences between Kosovo and the United States.

As you prepare a business report, keep in mind the differences in the roles of women in each country and the challenges that might be experienced by the members of each organization as they begin to integrate operations and bring both organizations under the same reporting chain. U.S. members will experience a change in their management structure, starting above the CIO position. In American companies, it is not unusual to have a large number of supervisors who are women, and in your company there are some women executives as well. Also, consider the faiths that are practiced in the two countries. Kosovo is primarily Russian Orthodox and Muslim, while the United States contains members of a greater variety of religions. Lastly, the people in the region of Kosovo are easily insulted, so you must be careful to treat them with respect, kindness, and understanding.


Address the expectations and roles of women and religion in a 3–4 page business report for the organization\’s management teams in Kosovo and the United States that addresses the following:

  • Describe how each country regards women and religion.
    • Be sure to describe three assumptions about women and religion that influence views in each country. How could these assumptions influence employee management?
  • Assess how these assumptions impact an organization\’s global recruiting and hiring practices.
    • For example, could a woman hold a leadership role in your country of interest? How does religion influence your organization and work culture?
  • Examine organizational integration and communication impacts for HR in this scenario.
    • For example, how will onboarding and training activities conducted by human resources be impacted?

Additional Requirements

Your assessment is considered a professional style document appropriate for the workplace versus an academic paper.

It should meet the following requirements in addition to the 3–4 page business report. Include the following:

  • Title page.
    • A basic title page will contain the following information centered, about one-third of the way down the page:
      • Document title.
      • Your name.
      • Date.
  • For the 3–4 page report, set up the document pages with 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, right, and left.
    • Left justify paragraphs, or indent using 5–7 spaces.
    • Use single-spaced paragraphs and double spacing between paragraphs.
    • Use subheadings to divide all documents—particularly those over a page in length—into logical, well-ordered sections.
    • Use ordered or bulleted lists to clarify points within? your document.
    • Put page numbers on each page, including the cover page. You may add additional information, such as the title or your name, to each page as well.
  • References page.
    • If you ?cite sources in your document, include a reference page at the end of the document, listing all sources referenced within the text. Ensure that all sources listed in the references section are used and cited within the document as in-text citation, using APA format. Refer to Evidence and APA for more information.
  • Use 11- or 12-point Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier font.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain how culture influences human resource practices and employee management.
    • ?Describe how each country regards women and religion.
  • Competency 2: Analyze global issues that influence human resource practices for multinational corporations (MNCs).
    • Assess how these assumptions impact an organization\’s global recruiting and hiring practices.
  • Competency 3: Analyze the impact of cross-cultural communications on employee management in multinational corporations (MNCs).
    • Examine organizational integration and communication impacts for HR in this scenario.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human resource profession.
    • Write in a professional style using APA citations and format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Effect of culture on human resource practices and employee management

Effect of culture on human resource practices and employee management

Using a provided scenario, address the expectations and roles of women and religion in a 2-3 page company memorandum for an MNC management team.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain how culture influences human resource practices and employee management.
  • Describe how each country regards women and religion.
  • Competency 2: Analyze global issues that influence human resource practices for multinational corporations (MNCs).
    • Assess how these assumptions impact an organization’s global recruiting and hiring practices.
  • Competency 3: Analyze the impact of cross-cultural communications on employee management in multinational corporations (MNCs).
    • Examine organizational integration and communication impacts for HR in this scenario.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human resource profession.
    • Write in a professional style using APA citations and format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.


A country\’s culture has a significant impact on its views of women, religion, customs, and children\’s human rights; these aspects, in turn, have a significant impact on human resource practices and an organization\’s ability to operate globally.

This assessment is based on the following scenario:

Your organization just acquired an information technology company in the Republic of Kosovo, formerly Yugoslavia. Kosovo has not yet received recognition from enough countries to be considered a sovereign nation. It is an area of Eastern Europe where there are many talented information technology professionals and small entrepreneurs. Before your company and the new firm begin joint operations, you want to communicate to the membership of both organizations the similarities and differences between Kosovo and the United States.

As you prepare a business report, keep in mind the differences in the roles of women in each country and the challenges that might be experienced by the members of each organization as they begin to integrate operations and bring both organizations under the same reporting chain. U.S. members will experience a change in their management structure, starting above the CIO position. In American companies, it is not unusual to have a large number of supervisors who are women, and in your company there are some women executives as well. Also, consider the faiths that are practiced in the two countries. Kosovo is primarily Russian Orthodox and Muslim, while the United States contains members of a greater variety of religions. Lastly, the people in the region of Kosovo are easily insulted, so you must be careful to treat them with respect, kindness, and understanding.


Address the expectations and roles of women and religion in a 3–4 page business report for the organization\’s management teams in Kosovo and the United States that addresses the following:

  • Describe how each country regards women and religion.
    • Be sure to describe three assumptions about women and religion that influence views in each country. How could these assumptions influence employee management?
  • Assess how these assumptions impact an organization\’s global recruiting and hiring practices.
    • For example, could a woman hold a leadership role in your country of interest? How does religion influence your organization and work culture?
  • Examine organizational integration and communication impacts for HR in this scenario.
    • For example, how will onboarding and training activities conducted by human resources be impacted?

Additional Requirements

Your assessment is considered a professional style document appropriate for the workplace versus an academic paper.

It should meet the following requirements in addition to the 3–4 page business report. Include the following:

  • Title page.
    • ?A basic title page will contain the following information centered, about one-third of the way down the page:
      • Document title.
      • Your name.
      • Date.
  • For the 3–4 page report, set up the document pages with 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, right, and left.
    • Left justify paragraphs, or indent using 5–7 spaces.
    • Use single-spaced paragraphs and double spacing between paragraphs.
    • Use subheadings to divide all documents—particularly those over a page in length—into logical, well-ordered sections.
    • Use ordered or bulleted lists to clarify points within? your document.
    • Put page numbers on each page, including the cover page. You may add additional information, such as the title or your name, to each page as well.
  • References page.
    • If you ?cite sources in your document, include a reference page at the end of the document, listing all sources referenced within the text. Ensure that all sources listed in the references section are used and cited within the document as in-text citation, using APA format. Refer to Evidence and APA for more information.
  • Use 11- or 12-point Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier font.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain how culture influences human resource practices and employee management.
    • ?Describe how each country regards women and religion.
  • Competency 2: Analyze global issues that influence human resource practices for multinational corporations (MNCs).
    • Assess how these assumptions impact an organization\’s global recruiting and hiring practices.
  • Competency 3: Analyze the impact of cross-cultural communications on employee management in multinational corporations (MNCs).
    • Examine organizational integration and communication impacts for HR in this scenario.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human resource profession.
    • Write in a professional style using APA citations and format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Communicating with Professional Colleagues

Communicating with Professional Colleagues

Complete a brief letter in Microsoft Word reflecting on your experiences in college so far.


To be successful in this digital world, you must understand how to compose and convey your ideas to others. However, this is not always as easy. The Internet has allowed us to access an incredible amount of information, but not all of it is trustworthy. When it comes to your academic and professional career, knowing how to find the truth is the key to your success. This means learning how to evaluate sources, avoid accidental plagiarism, and use tools such as Microsoft Word and social media to find and share accurate information with the world.

For this assessment, you will continue to develop your digital proficiency by using the world\’s most popular word-processing software, Microsoft Word. By practicing using this digital tool, you will feed your success and build your confidence, at school and at work.

The purpose of this assessment is to use digital tools to share information and reflect on your experiences. Practicing these skills will feed your success and build your confidence, both at school and at work. Within the context of this assessment, you\’re going to put yourself in the frame of mind that you need to help a colleague understand why using digital literacy to avoid plagiarism is important to their future career success.

Keep in mind that digital proficiency is using technology tools well and that digital literacy is using tools to communicate well and using strong online resources. They are similar; however, for the purposes of this assessment, we are focusing on digital literacy. In other words, finding and using strong online resources, making sure that the words you use are your own, all while also assuring proper attribution to the sources you are using and paraphrasing.

Assessment Instructions

  1. Download the Assessment 2: Business Letter Template [DOCX].
  2. Edit the document by replacing the text in brackets [ ] with your answers to complete the letter.
  3. Your letter should address the following, as indicated in the template:
    • Explain digital literacy in terms of offering a definition and examples of relevant skills.
      • Note why digital literacy is important to success in professional pursuits.
    • Describe the risks of plagiarizing from digital sources.
      • Note how plagiarizing in professional work could impact future career success.
  4. Format the document according to instructions.
    • Delete all of the directions-the text in brackets [ ]-from the document.
    • Right-align your name and date at the top of the letter.
    • Left-align the text of the letter.
  5. Use the tools in Word to find and correct any spelling errors.
  6. Save your document (in the folder location that you prefer) as: Lastname_COM1150_A2_letter.
  7. Submit your assessment.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Use computers, software, and online tools to effectively complete a task.
    • Format a document according to instructions.
  • Competency 4: Integrate credible and relevant sources into coursework to enhance clarity and support claims.
    • Explain digital literacy in terms of offering a definition and examples of relevant skills.
  • Competency 5: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
    • Describe the risks of plagiarizing from digital sources.
    • Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

Germ theory of management and the Red Bead Experiment

Germ theory of management and the Red Bead Experiment

Reflect on all you’ve learned in this class about the use of data and information in your decision making as a manager. How will what you have learned affect your management style going forward? What will change about your behavior?

·       Review this week’s Learning Resources, especially:

o   Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Red Bead Experiment Animation [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

o   Stauffer, R. F.(2018). Your world is not red or green [Presentation slides]. Baltimore, MD: Laureate Education

o   Wheeler, D. J. (2003). Making sense of data. Knoxville, TN: SPC Press.

§  Afterword, “The Germ Theory of Management\” (pp. 347–364)

Post a cohesive response based on your analysis of the Learning Resources and your professional experience.  Be sure to address the following:

·       Compare the relationship between the germ theory of management and the Red Bead Experiment. How are they related? Explain the common lessons for management from these two examples. Examine the importance for managers of understanding the two types of variation in their processes.

·       As a manager, identify the questions you should be asking to ensure the integrity of the data you are presented. Outline other ways you ensure that information you use is appropriate for the decision-making process and that the data is not superficial.

·       Evaluate the importance of using data analysis to inform your management decisions.


Research Paper in General Aviation Corporate or Airline Operations

Research Paper in General Aviation Corporate or Airline Operations

The research assignment should be about a modern-day topic in aeronautics concerning aircraft in General Aviation, Corporate, or Airline Operations. The assignment should be typed in APA format, including a title page, abstract, at least 3 pages of text (double spaced and in 12 point font), and a references page.

Riverbend City Communicating and Leading for Change and Innovation scenario.

Communicating a Team Vision

Write a paper that i can read in  5-minute video response to a crisis depicted in the Riverbend City: Communicating and Leading for Change and Innovation scenario.


Leaders have countless considerations when communicating. Communicating with larger groups via modern communication vectors increases the complexities, particularly when change is involved. With the increasing proliferation of mass media tools, it is more important than ever to understand the messages that you are sending to large audiences.


Innovation and change within organizations often requires a deft application of communication principles. In this assessment, you will create a video response to a crisis depicted in the Riverbend City: Communicating and Leading for Change and Innovation scenario.


Communicating and Leading for Change and Innovation

It\’s been three weeks since the flood in Brown Trout Bay.

The county\’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is still activated, and you are still in charge of the Leadership Team that has been assembled to address this crisis.

The water supply situation has not been resolved, but it has been stabilized. Unfortunately, some of the poorer areas of the city are still struggling with water distribution—which has led to a good deal of negative publicity.

Because of this, the governor decides that the state needs to get involved more directly with the city\’s response and recovery operations. He has appointed a trusted assistant to co-facilitate the leadership team with you.

As you know, the members of your team have a variety of different communication styles—and some of them might be resistant to changes proposed by the assistant. You will need to use your leadership skills to help enact this change, and to encourage your team to be innovative.


EOC Team

From: Megan Brock, Governor\’s Assistant


Hello! My name is Megan Brock, and I\’m an assistant to Governor Nixon. As you\’ve probably heard, the governor has assigned me to co-lead your Emergency Operations Team. The governor thinks you\’ve been doing an excellent job, so please don\’t think this is about your work. Rather, the governor feels the situation requires more direct state involvement, especially in light of negative publicity.

For starters, the governor immediately wants water shipped into Brown Trout Bay. I know that this will be expensive, and that this was not your team\’s original plan. I\’m hoping you\’ll be able to work with me to get your team on board with this idea.

Additionally, I\’m hoping to work with the team to think outside of the box and come up with some innovative ideas for addressing this crisis. I\’d like to hold some brainstorming meetings with the team right away. The governor chose me to work with your team in part because innovation is very important to me, and he is hoping I can help facilitate innovation with the group.

Thank you!—Megan

Governors  email

Governor\’s Assistant to Join EOC Team

From: Mayor Brian Nicollet


As you know, Governor Nixon is concerned about the negative publicity surrounding the water distribution effort in the city. I want you to know that in my opinion, this negative publicity is unfounded. Under your direction, the Emergency Operations team has done a great job distributing water to Brown Trout Bay residents as quickly as possible. People who do not currently have access to safe water have been given instructions to boil their water. However, the media has somehow translated this into an inaccurate narrative about how residents have been forced to drink unsafe water.

Because of this negative publicity, the governor is taking two steps. First, he is mandating that large water shipments be brought into Brown Trout Bay. Second, he is sending us someone from his office, who is going to co-lead the team with you. Your new co-leader\’s name is Megan Brock. I don\’t know much about her, but she\’s going to be sending you an email shortly.

I know that you\’re working with a challenging group of people on your team—and you\’ve been doing a great job with them. However, I am certain they\’re not all going to be happy with these changes that have been mandated by the governor. You\’re going to need to employ your change management skills to help your team get on board. To do so, I suggest you follow Kotter\’s Change Model—which I believe you\’re familiar with?

Best of luck! I know you\’re up for this organizational challenge.—Brian

Inbox – (1)

Governor\’s Assistant to Join EOC Team

From: Mayor Brian Nicollet


As you know, Governor Nixon is concerned about the negative publicity surrounding the water distribution effort in the city. I want you to know that in my opinion, this negative publicity is unfounded. Under your direction, the Emergency Operations team has done a great job distributing water to Brown Trout Bay residents as quickly as possible. People who do not currently have access to safe water have been given instructions to boil their water. However, the media has somehow translated this into an inaccurate narrative about how residents have been forced to drink unsafe water.

Because of this negative publicity, the governor is taking two steps. First, he is mandating that large water shipments be brought into Brown Trout Bay. Second, he is sending us someone from his office, who is going to co-lead the team with you. Your new co-leader\’s name is Megan Brock. I don\’t know much about her, but she\’s going to be sending you an email shortly.

I know that you\’re working with a challenging group of people on your team—and you\’ve been doing a great job with them. However, I am certain they\’re not all going to be happy with these changes that have been mandated by the governor. You\’re going to need to employ your change management skills to help your team get on board. To do so, I suggest you follow Kotter\’s Change Model—which I believe you\’re familiar with?

Best of luck! I know you\’re up for this organizational challenge.—Brian

Kotter\’s Change Model

Here is Kotter\’s Change Model. Use this model as you think about how to work with your team to make the needed changes, which they might resist. These changes are:

  1. Accepting Megan Brock, the governor\’s assistant, as your co-leader.
  2. Accepting the governor\’s mandate to ship water directly into Brown Trout Bay—which was not the team\’s original plan.
  3. Developing a practice of creating innovative solutions together as a team.                                                                       Creating the Climate for Change
  4. Create Urgency: The leader needs to help receivers perceive an untapped opportunity as urgent. They need to believe that maintaining or preserving the status quo could, in short order, find them facing a crisis. Thus, they need to see not changing as more risky than changing.
  5. Form a Powerful Coalition: The leader needs to identify a team of supporters—a guiding coalition whom others admire and respect—to partner with him or her, sharing leadership, in pursuit of the opportunity.
  6. Create a Vision for Change: The leader needs to communicate a vision—one neither complicated nor vague—capable of pushing others forward into the future, one that is very ambitious but at the same time possible to achieve. The vision clarifies the organization\’s purpose, its values, and its goal.

Engaging & Enabling the Organization

  1. Communicate the Vision: The leader needs to communicate the vision repeatedly. The leader\’s message needs to be consistent, delivered through a variety of means, and reach the various groups or stakeholders involved in ways that speak directly to them. Persistence and repetition are essential—it takes time for a message to really get through.
  2. Empower Action: The leader needs to give those involved the power to act and take risks so that they no longer feel powerless—it\’s about involving the right people in doing the right things.
  3. Create Quick Wins: The leader needs to plan for and attain reachable goals. Small wins can be huge. In fact, small wins at the beginning make the big wins at the end easier to get. Wins help the leader create support for change.

Implementing & Sustaining for Change

  1. Build on the Change: The leader needs to emphasize achievements, building on them to yield more change.
  2. Make it Stick: Finally, the leader needs to institutionalize progress so that innovation becomes a habit—a continuing process and organizational pursuit.                                                    Melanie Cohen Dodd County Transportation System  I still can\’t believe that the governor sent someone else to co-lead this team midway through this effort. For one thing, I\’m annoyed on your behalf. You\’ve worked so hard at establishing an effective team dynamic, and this is just wrong and unfair. And I don\’t know how we\’re going to get her onboarded efficiently. There\’s so many details in this operation. I\’m very concerned that details are going to fall through the cracks.                            Matthew Chu Dept of Business and Professional RegulatI think this Megan has some great ideas. I\’m all for innovation. Anything we can think of that helps people get the resources they need right now would help. I mean, seriously, the more brainstorming the better. It\’s just such a shame we have such naysayers on this team. There\’s no need for me to beat around the bush… it\’s been very hard for me to work with Brad Nygard, and Melanie hasn\’t been a picnic to work with either. Everything is rules and regulations with those two. I know they think I\’m a total flake, but they don\’t understand that I\’m a success because I\’ve been willing to think outside the box.                        Lisa Lisa Truman Department of Public Health     I\’m very glad to hear that Megan Brock wants us to work in a way that fosters innovation. Teams work better when they\’re able to solve problems collaboratively—and to me, that\’s what innovation is all about. It\’s about drawing on everybody\’s strengths to come up with the best solutions together.                              Sebastian Cardoza Undersheriff of Dodd County                  I\’m sorry that the governor sent someone to co-facilitate this group with you. You\’ve done such a good job! And to tell you the truth, I feel sorry for Megan too. That poor woman is walking into a powder keg, and it\’s not her fault. People are angry that the governor is demanding that water be shipped into neighborhoods.        Brianne Twyha Social Worker, Dodd County  I think a change at this late date may be difficult for all of us, but I’m sure we can make it work. As a group, we put a lot of effort into figuring out how to address this situation. We’ve found ways for people to get the resources they need – and we worked hard to do this. We’ll need to be careful not to get distracted from our mission by getting caught up in interpersonal conflicts.      Rodney Saunders Chief Engineer     So the governor\’s assistant wants us to be innovative? Heck, I can do that. That\’s what I do for a living. But I don\’t know about some of the other members of this team. You got people like Brad and Melanie who are way too into following the rules to come up with original ideas. And you got people like Matthew and Lisa who are all touchy-feely. Innovation isn\’t about coming up with feel-good solutions. It\’s about coming up with creative solutions based on evidence and reasoning. I don\’t want this to turn into a bunch of wishy-washy brainstorming sessions.    Sophia Perez Dodd County Department of Planning             Look, I don\’t care if the governor wants the state to get involved more directly in this group. But what he\’s asking for just doesn\’t make any sense. Sending shipments of water into neighborhoods? We investigated this option at length in our group, and everybody agreed that this option is too expensive and very inefficient. The only reason the governor is going in this direction is because of the negative publicity. Are we going to make emergency management decisions based on logic and evidence, or based on mass hysteria?                                 Brad Nygard Dodd County Planning Division                            So this Megan woman wants us to be innovative? Really? Look, we\’re an experienced group of professionals, and there are protocols to follow when there\’s a disaster like this. This is absolutely not the time for innovation. If the governor wants innovative thinking, the time for that is after this disaster is over. Then we can have a \”lessons learned\” meeting and discuss things we could do better next time. But right now is most certainly not the time for that. That\’s not in the public\’s best interests.                                                                         Janice Keller Brown Trout Bay Emergency Manager        I don\’t understand why the governor appointed someone we don\’t know to co-lead this group. For one thing, you\’re doing an excellent job. Why complicate things by adding a second leader? Especially considering the complicated interpersonal dynamics of this group. You\’ve put a good deal of effort into helping us work together efficiently. Throwing a new leader into the mix is going to make it that much more difficult for us. I mean, don\’t get me wrong. I\’ll do whatever it takes to help Megan out. Believe me, I know how hard it is to be a woman walking into a new leadership role. But if it were up to me, I\’d leave things the way they were.

As for Megan\’s emphasis on innovation… I don\’t know what to think about that. She represents the governor, and the governor just made a top-down decision to ship water directly to the neighborhoods. So that action doesn\’t scream \”innovation\” to me. If we do come up with out-of-the-box ideas, what\’s going to stop the governor from unilaterally shooting them down? I\’m open to brainstorming sessions because in the past, I\’ve seen them lead to good ideas. But brainstorming is time-consuming. I don\’t want to spend my time doing this unless there\’s evidence that this could actually lead to something.

And what\’s this about the governor demanding that water be shipped into Brown Trout Bay? Are we going to get funding and resourcing to make that happen? We\’ve been busy for weeks working out the nitty-gritty of our disaster mitigation. If the governor wants us to change course completely, then he\’s going to need to provide us with a concrete plan. And don\’t even get me started on the fact that this is NOT how emergency management is supposed to work in this state…Oh, and the governor\’s aide wants us to come up with more innovative solutions? Normally I\’d be up for that, but right now I\’m just too mad. We came up with solutions that were already working, and the governor threw them out. So if we come up with new innovative ideas, why should we trust that the governor would actually let us implement them?

If Megan wants us to be more innovative, then she needs to form a smaller committee of people on this team who are actually effective innovators. Janice, Sophia… possibly Sebastian.

As for the governor\’s idea about shipping water directly into the neighborhoods… is there any logic behind that at all? If there is, I\’m definitely willing to hear his arguments. Sophia\’s mad as all get out and thinks he\’s just doing this because of the bad publicity. And I\’m sure that\’s a possibility, but I\’d like to hear his side of the story first. I have to say, though, that I\’m pretty skeptical. I haven\’t seen any evidence that shipping water directly into the neighborhoods is a reasonable solution.

Politics are a reality and we will need to work with this new player. It is our responsibility to make sure this transition goes smoothly. I’m confident we can make this work. A big part of social work is about building coalitions and advocating for others. Dealing with personal challenges is part of the job. I’m hopeful the innovations she’s talking about are in line with the people’s needs during this emergency. There isn’t time to get sidetracked with extraneous projects. Our goal is to help people get the resources and support they need and we’ve been making good progress on that.\”

I think a change at this late date may be difficult for all of us, but I’m sure we can make it work. As a group, we put a lot of effort into figuring out how to address this situation. We’ve found ways for people to get the resources they need – and we worked hard to do this. We’ll need to be careful not to get distracted from our mission by getting caught up in interpersonal conflicts.

Politics are a reality and we will need to work with this new player. It is our responsibility to make sure this transition goes smoothly. I’m confident we can make this work. A big part of social work is about building coalitions and advocating for others. Dealing with personal challenges is part of the job. I’m hopeful the innovations she’s talking about are in line with the people’s needs during this emergency. There isn’t time to get sidetracked with extraneous projects. Our goal is to help people get the resources and support they need and we’ve been making good progress on that.\”I\’m glad to hear she wants us to be innovative, but I don\’t see how that\’s going to happen. Not with this group—even if people weren\’t so angry already. Maybe people could be innovative if they were working independently, but as a team. Brad and Matthew can barely stand to be in the same room together. Sophia can\’t stand to be in the same room as anyone. Lisa… she\’s really nice, but that\’s the problem—I think people like Sophia and Rodney are distrustful of her because she\’s such a people person and they\’re so logical. And I don\’t even want to know what they think of me.

But I have to say… I\’m nervous about the ability of this group to collaborate effectively in an innovative way, especially after these changes. If she\’s going to get people to be innovative, she has some interpersonal challenges to overcome. People on this team are angry, and frankly, I think they have the right to be. They see the governor\’s decision to ship water directly into the neighborhoods as a ploy to end negative publicity. I don\’t know if that\’s true or not, but from my perspective, it\’s a pretty top-down decision that doesn\’t show a lot of respect for the thoughtful decisions we\’ve made in this group. And on top of all that… well, I don\’t think this is the most innovative group of people, at least not in a traditional sense. You have some very logic-driven people, like Sophia and Rodney, and you have people like Brad who are very rules-driven. It\’s not that people like that can\’t be innovative, but a leader needs to find ways to facilitate this. Are you up for that challenge?

Audio Player

As for the governor declaring that we\’re going to have water shipped into the neighborhoods… well, that\’s not the way I would have handled things. But what are you going to do? The governor made a decision, and we need to make it work. I don\’t understand why Sophia and Jenny are getting so upset because that\’s pointless. We have to work in the here and now. And if people were willing to be innovative, we could figure out ways to make the governor\’s plan work better.ion

And this business about sending water directly into Brown Trout Bay? I guess that would have been an okay solution if that\’s what we had decided upon in the first place. But people on this team had legitimate concerns about this, so we went in another direction, and we\’ve put time and resources into other solutions. And now we\’re expected to drop everything and start organizing water shipments? That\’s a very complicated thing to do, for everyone involved in this process. It would be way more efficient to stick with our original plans and make modifications if necessary—but to go in a completely different direction? It gives me a headache just talking about it.

And Megan also wants us to be innovative? We don\’t have time to be innovative. Especially now that we have to change direction—that\’s going to take all of our efforts


Based on the communications that you have received from your team depicted in the Riverbend City: Communicating and Leading for Change and Innovation scenario, it is clear that your team is resisting the changes being proposed. Your examination of the communication surrounding your team members\’ feelings about the changes have left you concerned. Of particular concern have been the communications of Matthew Chu, who has sent group emails with disrespectful comments and memes about the governor. You have resolved to reset the team members\’ attitudes so they clearly understand your approach to the changes and how communications among them need to reflect it.

After analyzing the situation, your plan is to briefly introduce items for your team to consider before the meeting via a posted 4–5 minute video. Your goals for this video are to:

  • Communicate your decision on how you plan to address the governor\’s actions and plans.
  • Explain three critical communication issues and challenges faced by the team, including communication issues to date.
  • Describe an action or policy that you will introduce to& improve communications and assure people are working with a unified purpose.
  • Define your expectations for ethical discourse in team communications.


Write a paper that can be read in  a 4–5 minute video message  that will be posted for all team members in which you address each aspect of the scenario.

  • Content: Address all items defined in the scenario.

Competencies Measured (  please  answer  all  competencies )

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze business communication situations.
    • Create an appropriate response to the scenario based upon sound analysis.
  • Competency 2: Apply fundamental principles of organizational communication.
    • Create a video that effectively addresses specified goals.
  • Competency 3: Analyze the interrelationships of communication within organizational systems.
    • Explain critical communication issues and challenges faced by the team.
    • Describe an action or policy that would likely improve communications and assure people are working with a unified purpose.
  • Competency 4: Analyze the application of ethical principles in organizational communication.
    • Define appropriate expectations for ethical discourse in team communications.
  • Competency 5: Communicate effectively and professionally.
    • Organize content for ideas to flow logically with smooth transitions.

Calculating weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for Laurentian Bakeriesaverage cost of capital (WACC) for Laurentian Bakeries

Calculating weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for Laurentian Bakeriesaverage cost of capital (WACC) for Laurentian Bakeries

Assignment Instructions:

Read the case study ‘Laurentian Bakeries’ and answer the following questions:

(i) What are the key items to keep in mind when determining the free cash flows for investment analysis? (ii) Calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for Laurentian Bakeries. How does the capital structure of a firm/project affect the WACC?

(iii) Produce a projected capital budgeting free cash flow statement for the expansion of the company’s frozen pizza plant in Winnipeg.

You can make the following assumptions: the project will have a life of 10 years, the corporate tax rate will stay at 38.5% per annum throughout the life of the project, inflation rate will be 4% per annum and there will be no salvage value at the end of the life of the project. Using your free cash flow statement, calculate the NPV, Payback, and IRR of the project.

(iv) Without making any calculations, identify and discuss the benefits and risks of making the investment (i.e. expansion of the frozen pizza plant).

(v) As Danielle Knowles, what recommendation would you make concerning the Winnipeg plant expansion, and why?

Six Sigma Bikes Case Study Assignment Help

Six Sigma Bikes Case Study Assignment Help

Balanced Scorecard and Stockholder Report

After completing the business simulation at a competent level in Task 1, you will create a written report (see attached “Stockholder Report Template” for recommended page lengths) for stockholders and the board of directors to review. Justify your decisions throughout the simulation and evaluate the current state of the business for all functional areas.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Balanced Scorecard
A. Export the following reports from the simulation and submit them as attachments:
• the cumulative balance scorecard with an overall positive cumulative total performance score
• the conscious scorecard report

Stockholder Report
B. Create a written stockholder report for the board of directors and stockholders, using the attached “Stockholder Report Template,” in which you do the
1. Analyze how four corporate strategic thrusts that you selected within the simulation drove two of your financial decisions and two of your nonfinancial
2. Reflect on the decisions that were made during the last three quarters of the simulation by doing the following:
Note: Support for your reflection may include graphs and other data.
a. Explain two decisions that you would change and why.
b. Explain two decisions that had a positive effect and how, including specific examples.
C. Discuss your company’s financial projections and valuation in relation to the company’s quarter six (Q6) statement of cash flow, balance sheet, income
statement (result found in Q7 tab), and Q6 stock history report by doing the following:
1. Calculate a valuation of the company and explain the key components of how you came to that valuation.
2. Calculate the projected financial return on investment (ROI) at end of quarter six (Q6) and explain the effects that this return would have for an investor.
Note: You should include, within your valuation, any financial data that you use to justify your valuation, such as statement of cash flows, balance sheet,
income statement, and stock history report, which can all be exported from within the simulation. You may copy and paste the information directly into the
stockholder report template.
Business Analysis
D. Analyze the overall performance of the business compared to the financial reports from the simulation by doing the following:
Note: Use quarters four, five, and six when analyzing performance. The analysis should include definitions of the financial statistics that occurred for these
three quarters. Refer to the simulation reports, including the balanced scorecard and conscious scorecard for the required data.
1. Analyze the effect on overall financial performance of one ratio from each of the following categories, including the performance measures found within
the industry financial ratios tab within the simulation:
• liquidity ratios
• activity ratios
• leverage ratios
• profitability ratios
2. Analyze the beginning and ending cash positions from your statement of cash flows from quarter seven (Q7) for each of the following:
• cash flow from operating activities
• cash flow from investing activities
• cash flow from financing activities
3. Explain how three decisions that you made and are shown on your conscious scorecard affected the company’s performance.
E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased or summarized.
F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Balanced Scorecard and Stockholder Report

Balanced Scorecard and Stockholder Report

After completing the business simulation at a competent level in Task 1, you will create a written report (see attached “Stockholder Report Template” for recommended page lengths) for stockholders and the board of directors to review. Justify your decisions throughout the simulation and evaluate the current state of the business for all functional areas.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Balanced Scorecard
A. Export the following reports from the simulation and submit them as attachments:
• the cumulative balance scorecard with an overall positive cumulative total performance score
• the conscious scorecard report

Stockholder Report
B. Create a written stockholder report for the board of directors and stockholders, using the attached “Stockholder Report Template,” in which you do the
1. Analyze how four corporate strategic thrusts that you selected within the simulation drove two of your financial decisions and two of your nonfinancial
2. Reflect on the decisions that were made during the last three quarters of the simulation by doing the following:
Note: Support for your reflection may include graphs and other data.
a. Explain two decisions that you would change and why.
b. Explain two decisions that had a positive effect and how, including specific examples.
C. Discuss your company’s financial projections and valuation in relation to the company’s quarter six (Q6) statement of cash flow, balance sheet, income
statement (result found in Q7 tab), and Q6 stock history report by doing the following:
1. Calculate a valuation of the company and explain the key components of how you came to that valuation.
2. Calculate the projected financial return on investment (ROI) at end of quarter six (Q6) and explain the effects that this return would have for an investor.
Note: You should include, within your valuation, any financial data that you use to justify your valuation, such as statement of cash flows, balance sheet,
income statement, and stock history report, which can all be exported from within the simulation. You may copy and paste the information directly into the
stockholder report template.
Business Analysis
D. Analyze the overall performance of the business compared to the financial reports from the simulation by doing the following:
Note: Use quarters four, five, and six when analyzing performance. The analysis should include definitions of the financial statistics that occurred for these
three quarters. Refer to the simulation reports, including the balanced scorecard and conscious scorecard for the required data.
1. Analyze the effect on overall financial performance of one ratio from each of the following categories, including the performance measures found within
the industry financial ratios tab within the simulation:
• liquidity ratios
• activity ratios
• leverage ratios
• profitability ratios
2. Analyze the beginning and ending cash positions from your statement of cash flows from quarter seven (Q7) for each of the following:
• cash flow from operating activities
• cash flow from investing activities
• cash flow from financing activities
3. Explain how three decisions that you made and are shown on your conscious scorecard affected the company’s performance.
E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased or summarized.
F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.