OliviaReynolds 17 is a victim of a MVC and was unresponsive at the scene for approximately 2 minutes

OliviaReynolds 17 is a victim of a MVC and was unresponsive at the scene for approximately 2 minutes

1. Each question is weighted
2. Reference as per APA format, need reference after each question and last page as well.
Mandatory reference: Urden, L. D., Stacy, K. M., & Lough, M. E. (2017). Critical care nursing: Diagnosis and management (8th ed.). St. Louis,
Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby
Case Study
OliviaReynolds, 17 is a victim of a MVC and was unresponsive at the scene for approximately 2 minutes. She had a large laceration to the back of his head and several abrasions and possible fractures. She had serosanguinous drainage from left ear. At the scene paramedics loaded her on a long spine board and applied C-collar.
On arrival at the hospital Olivia was unresponsive. Bloodwork, x-rays and CT were ordered.
Hgb: 79
CK: 1879
CT of spine:
No fracture or dislocation seen
CT of head:
Right side shows acute subdural hematoma and small focal areas of fresh hemorrhage to frontal and temporal lobe. And midline shift
Effacement of cerebral sulci which suggests brain edema
Skull x-ray
Transverse and longitudinal fracture of temporal bone
1. A Trauma Alert is called. Explain initial assessments of patient in ER. Olivia initially had a GCS of 12 and now has a GCS of 8. What is the significance of the GCS and what would nurse anticipate? (5 marks)
2. Differentiate the types of skull fractures associated with head trauma. What clinical presentations and pathophysiology are pertinent in these types of trauma?(4 marks)
3. Define ICP. What methods are available for monitoring ICP? Describe the potential complications of ICP monitoring.(10 mark)
4. Olivia is ordered to receive Mannitol. Why would this medication be ordered? What assessment is required? What are potential complications of this therapy?(4 marks)
5. Olivia is experiencing hyperventilation and has a PAco2 level of 52. She has an ICP of 20 mmHG. As the nurse what do you know this could lead to?. How will you control it?. Please relate to Monro-Kellie hypothesis.(5 marks)
6. Olivia’  s BP IS 130/88 and ICP is 12. What is her CPP? How did you calculate it and how would you interpret the result? ( 3 marks)

7. 36 hours later in the ICU, Olivia’s urine output suddenly increases to 500 mL/hr. What does the nurse suspect? What lab findings would
support this? What is causing this symptom and what treatment would the nurse anticipate? (4 marks)
8. Olivia’s BP is 180/40. HR 42 and Respiratory Rate of 8. What does the nurse suspect and why? Please explain significance of this finding. (3
9. Olivia had signed a donor card. TGLN has been notified. Explain the procedure involved in declaration of neurological determination of death
and nurse’s role(10 marks)

Non-Hodgekin Lymphoma

Non-Hodgekin Lymphoma

Please Create a test question about Non-Hodgekin Lymphoma following these guidelines
The questions should be original short situational-based scenarios, sometimes referred to as “vignettes”. Some questions may be straightforward “1-step” questions. However, a substantial portion of questions should be more complicated. That is, “2 or 3-step” questions asking something about that advanced role, advanced concept, or advanced practice. These types of questions provide an opportunity for students to take two steps: (1) determine the correct concept based on the vignette, and then (2) answer the question based on that concept in order to answer the question correctly.

All questions should be positively phrased, single one-best answer type questions. There should not be any negative questions (phrases using the words NOT, LEAST, EXCEPT, and so forth).

Each question should stand alone and not be related to any question before or after it.

Each question should have at least five answer options, (A-E). “All of the above”, “none of the above” or any variation of “a, b, and c” should not be used as possible answer options.

Questions may have accompanying images or audios.

The explanation of the correct answer should be accompanied by a brief explanation of the correct and incorrect answer options (in brief paragraph form – see examples below). The length of the explanation may vary with each question, but most should be between five and seven sentences. Please use references to support your rationales (again, please see examples).

Question-writing Principles

The best test question is one that well-prepared, well-qualified examinees answer correctly and that poorly prepared examinees answer incorrectly— that is, a good test question should distinguish between those who are experienced, confident, and well-versed in the subject from those who are not.

Avoid using race identifiers unless pertinent to question. Also, avoid using “woman” or “man” in descriptors. Literature suggests that it is better to use an occupation, for example, a 23-year-old waitress, or a 21-year-old college student.

Each question/item you will be writing consists of the following basic parts:
 The stem consists of a question or statement, preceded by a clinical vignette or short case, and sometimes a chart, table, or illustration.
 The list of choices (a total of 5) which include one correct answer and 4 incorrect distractors.
 Individual explanations of the correct answer and each incorrect answer choice. The correct answer is explained first, then each incorrect answer in alphabetical order (according to letter).
 References should be included with your rationales and formatted in proper APA format.

The Stem

The stem states the problem or asks the question. A well-prepared examinee will be able to formulate an answer to the question after reading the stem, so that all he or she must do is scan the choices for the answer that matches what he or she believes to be the answer to the question.

 Stems are written in the form of a question or statement. The stem may be in the form of an incomplete statement.

 Vignettes. All questions are preceded by a vignette. Questions that presuppose certain knowledge and require understanding and judgment are preferred to those that test rote memory.

Rote Memory Question: (Questions like this are not acceptable. If the question can stand alone from the story, it is a good chance that it is not application based.)

1. In a patient with kwashiorkor, the most important diet deficiency is a lack of
(A) calories
(B) calcium
(C) vitamins
(D) fats
(E) proteins

Clinical Vignette Question (Acceptable format):

2. A 49-year-old accountant with hypertension, grade II hypertension retinopathy, hypokalemia, and high plasma aldosterone is placed on a high-salt diet and desoxycorticosterone acetate (Doca), 10 mg intramuscularly every 12 hours for 3 days. At the end of this time, plasma renin activity is elevated. Which of the following measures should be recommended?
(A) Treatment with spironolactone, 400 mg daily for 6 weeks
(B) Adrenal exploration
(C) Iodocholesterol scan
(D) Renal vein catheterization
(E) Adrenal venography

 Negatively worded stems (for example, “NOT,” “EXCEPT,” “LEAST” in the stem) are not acceptable.

 Pay attention to the logical order of the stem. Read and compare the two stems below:

NOT: Which area of the brain is most likely to be damaged in a 35-year-old man with a head injury who is experiencing problems with sleep and arousal?

BUT: A 35-year-old patient with a head injury has problems with sleep and arousal. Which area of his brain is mostly likely to be damaged?

(A) Amygdala
(B) Basal ganglia
(C) Cerebellum
(D) Reticular system
(E) Thalamus

In the second stem, the examinee begins with the problem (head injury affecting sleep and arousal) and is left with the thrust of the question (which area of the brain is most likely damaged?). The end of the stem flows logically and directly into the distractors.

 Stems dealing with controversial issues generally should be avoided. If used, they must acknowledge the existence of a controversy. A “controversial” stem can be made acceptable by specifying the person to whom the answer is acceptable or by defining the circumstances under which the given answer will be correct. An example follows:

NOT: In the treatment of breast cancer, why is radical mastectomy better than simple mastectomy?

BUT: Physicians advocating radical mastectomy as the treatment of choice for stage I breast cancer contend that it is superior to other treatments for what reason?

The first stem asserts that radical mastectomy is better than simple mastectomy, which may not be true in all circumstances. By specifying when radical mastectomy is the treatment of choice (i.e., for stage I breast cancer), the controversial nature of this question is tempered.

The Answer Choice Options

The answer choice options include the correct answer and the distractors prefaced by capital letters. The correct choice should be simply and unambiguously stated. There should be no way that the examinee can select the correct choice other than by knowing the correct answer— that is, the examinee should not be able to select the correct answer because it differs in length, grammatical construction, or type of words used, or because it is one of two mutually exclusive choices.

It is important that as much care be taken in preparing the distractors as in writing the stem and the answer. Distractors should be both plausible and unambiguously incorrect.

 “All of the above” and “None of the above” are unacceptable distractors or answers.

 Do not use mutually exclusive choices. Correct choices frequently tend to be one of two mutually exclusive choices.

 Answer choice options should be parallel in length and construction, and logically ordered. The verbs in all answer choices must be consistent in tense.

NOT: A diagnosis of trichomoniasis is best established by the presence of
(A) multiple encysted larvae in skeletal muscle are diagnostic
(B) facial edema
(C) eggs in feces
(D) eosinophilia
(E) muscle pain

Notice that the correct answer, choice (A), is much longer than the distractors and does not grammatically follow the stem. Also, the choices describing physical symptoms are mixed with the choices describing the results of laboratory tests. The question should be rewritten as follows:

BUT: A diagnosis of trichomoniasis is best established by the presence of
(A) facial edema
(B) muscle pain
(C) encysted larvae in muscle
(D) eggs in feces
(E) eosinophilia

The Answer and Explanations

For each question (stem + answer/distractor choices) you should provide a discussion/explanation of each answer choice option. Each answer choice option must have a discussion/explanation that can stand autonomously. Please use the physical format shown in the examples for your explanation. Although the explanation may reiterate the correct answer, its didactic purpose is achieved only by going one step beyond the explicit content of the question. Please see examples.


Each rationale must include a reference back to the textbook(s) or other resources used.
Please use the APA format for the references.


The following are examples used in a clinically-based multiple choice testing bank. These examples below are provided (from NURS 622) to give you an illustration of the depth and breadth required in question writing. Your questions from NURS 620 Pathophysiology will be different. The key is to make the question application-based, not knowledge-based per se.

1. Rebecca, a twenty three year old Hispanic waitress, presents to the office with complaints of lower abdominal pain. In an attempt to build rapport and relationship, you begin your interview with a broad open-ended question, “Can you tell me about your pain?” As she begins to speak you realize that her English is poor, although she seems to understand more than she can speak. In spite of the look of confusion on your face, Rebecca enthusiastically continues to communicate her concerns to you in words intertwined with Spanish and English. It appears that she believes she is communicating clearly. Since your ability to speak or understand Spanish is limited, which of the following actions would continue to build rapport and enhance communication?

A. Hold your hand up toward Rebecca in order to nonverbally stop the conversation and walk out of the room to get an interpreter.
B. During a pause in her story, you calmly and clearly state, “I do not speak Spanish well. One moment and I will get an interpreter so that I can understand your concerns better.”
C. Attempt to translate her language as best as you can and fill in the rest through body language and pointing.
D. Smile and nod throughout her story while attempting to ascertain as much information as possible. If more clarification is needed ask closed ended questions to obtain the information.
E. Close the patient record and ask Rebecca to sit on the examination table so that you can obtain primarily objective data for diagnosis.

Explanation: The answer is B. During a pause in her story, you calmly and clearly state, “I do not speak Spanish well. One moment and I will get an interpreter so that I can understand your concerns better”. The use of a trained non-relative translator facilitates communication and fosters relationship and understanding when there are language barriers between clinician and patient. By communicating clearly and calmly your intentions, the patient recognizes that you are not simply walking out of the room during her discourse, but rather, that you are attempting to improve communication through the use of someone who speaks her primary language fluently. Hold your hand up toward Rebecca in order to nonverbally stop the conversation and walk out of the room to get an interpreter is incorrect. The nonverbal gesture to stop the conversation may represent an offensive cultural mannerism. Additionally, leaving the room without explanation with someone who has limited English proficiency may leave the patient questioning the interview or the relationship with the provider. Attempt to translate her language as best as you can and fill in the rest through body language and pointing is incorrect. Attempting to translate when you are not fluent in a language will result in miscommunication which could lead to an erroneous diagnosis and understanding. Smile and nod throughout her story while attempting to ascertain as much information as possible. If more clarification is needed ask closed ended questions to obtain the information. Smiling and nodding throughout a discourse does enhance rapport. But misunderstanding can still develop as it is difficult to ascertain whether the closed ended questions are being understood in a situation in which there is limited English proficiency. Close the patient record and ask Rebecca to sit on the examination table so that you can obtain primarily objective data for diagnosis is incorrect. Eliminating the history portion of the diagnostic process will result in inadequate information in which to identify the correct diagnosis and does not enhance rapport with the patient.


Bickley, L. S. & Szilagyi, P.G. (2013). Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking (11th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

2. During a comprehensive health history you discover that Anthony, a 21 year old college student, reports an alcohol history of binge drinking every Friday and Saturday evenings. He admits to drinking 7 to 8 beers and “some vodka shots” with his buddies during each encounter. He denies feeling like he needs to decrease his alcohol consumption or feeling guilty. He states that his girlfriend badgers him for drinking so much on weekends because it interferes with his ability to get up for work on Sundays. Anthony seems unconcerned and states that “If I’m too tired for work I just take a little drink in the morning and I’m good to go.” Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Anthony’s alcohol drinking history and attitudes suggest alcohol misuse. Further questions related to black outs, accidents, and job or interpersonal problems are warranted.
B. Anthony’s alcohol drinking history and attitudes are typical for college students and does not warrant further discussion.
C. Anthony’s alcohol drinking and attitudes suggest tolerance and interventional counseling should be initiated immediately.
D. Anthony’s alcohol drinking and attitudes have not resulted in physical harm to himself or others and therefore do not represent physical dependence.
E. Anthony’s alcohol drinking and attitudes suggest that he is a social drinker without risk of addiction.

Explanation: The answer is A: Anthony’s alcohol drinking history and attitudes suggest alcohol misuse. Further questions related to black outs, accidents, and job or interpersonal problems are warranted. Anthony’s reported alcohol use is greater than four drinks on one occasion which exceeds the level for safe drinking according to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Safe Drinking Levels Without Contraindications to Alcohol Use. Additionally, he responds positively to two questions in the CAGE questionnaire. Any person responding positively to two answers or more should be asked about “blackouts…seizures, accidents or injuries while drinking, job problems, conflict in personal relationships.” (p. 89). Anthony’s alcohol drinking history and attitudes are typical for college students and does not warrant further discussion is incorrect. Although Anthony’s alcohol use may be representative of many college students his age, it does not negate the fact that he is misusing alcohol. Anthony’s alcohol drinking and attitudes suggest tolerance and interventional counseling should be initiated immediately is incorrect. Tolerance refers to the diminishing of one or more of the drug’s effects over time. Anthony does not report these effects. Anthony’s alcohol drinking and attitudes have not resulted in physical harm to himself or others and therefore do not represent physical dependence is incorrect. Physical dependence is present when reduction or cessation of alcohol intake occurs resulting in withdrawal symptoms. Anthony currently does not report any withdrawal symptoms of alcohol dependence. Physical harm to oneself or others represents an addiction rather than dependence. Anthony’s alcohol drinking and attitudes suggest that he is a social drinker without risk of addiction is incorrect. Social drinking for men is fewer than 14 drinks per week and fewer than 4 drinks at one occasion. Anthony clearly exceeds these levels with his 7-8 beers and shots of vodka.


Bickley, L. S. & Szilagyi, P.G. (2013). Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking (11th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Research Critiques and PICOT Statement

Research Critiques and PICOT Statement

Prepare this assignment as a 1,500-1,750 word paper using the instructor feedback from the previous course assignments and the guidelines below.

PICOT Question
Revise the PICOT question you wrote in the Topic 1 assignment using the feedback you received from your instructor.

The final PICOT question will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).

Research Critiques
In the Topic 2 and Topic 3 assignments, you completed a qualitative and quantitative research critique on two articles for each type of study (4 articles total). Use the feedback you received from your instructor on these assignments to finalize the critical analysis of each study by making appropriate revisions.

The completed analysis should connect to your identified practice problem of interest that is the basis for your PICOT question.

Refer to “Research Critiques and PICOT Guidelines – Final Draft.” Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative in the structure of a formal paper.

Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change
Discuss the link between the PICOT question, the research articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified. Include relevant details and supporting explanation and use that information to propose evidence-based practice changes.

General Requirements
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Nursing Diagnosis Essay Help

Nursing Diagnosis Essay Help

Please use the following Nursing Diagnosis to answer the sections:
Increased risk of injury, sickness, or death among residents in Franklin County, Ohio between the ages of 18 and 35 years, related to lack of knowledge and prevention resources as evidenced by increased rates of positive COVID cases.
a) HEADING- UNDERLYING CAUSES Accurately discuss potential contributing factors for the above health concern and logically propose the underlying causes based on the identified potential contributing factors.
b) HEADING – EVIDNECE-BASED PRACTICE: Logically and appropriately include evidence based practice relevant to the above nursing topic (e.g. Covid-19).
c) HEADING – IDENTIFICATION OF DATA: Logically identify data that relates to the nursing diagnosis from the local, state, and/or national level

Life Span vs Health Span

Life Span vs Health Span

  1. Health Promotion Paper using Gordon’s Framework 

Health Promotion Objective: Students will search nursing and allied health resources for evidence-based data to develop a paper on one of the topics.  Current relevant recommendations may enhance the health promotion of individuals, families and communities while enhancing cultural competence.

Topic Suggestions:  (Define in terms of gender, age, and culture of well individuals)

  • Lifespan vs. Health span: What are the differences?

Rubric for paper  

  1. Introduction: Identify the aim of the paper. Introduce reader to what the paper will address. This is a map of what the reader should expect and in what order __________________________5%
  2. a. Define and discuss the topic. Identify the population (gender, culture, age, etc…)

Support your topic with evidence from the literature (literature review). Reference using

APA style. _________________________________________________________________20%

  1. What policies ae in effect regarding this issue? Financial resources (ACA; Insurance; Grants)? ______________________________________________________________ ______10%
  1. Address the health promotion issue of individuals, families, and communities used for this paper and relate the issue to cultural awareness (specify age, gender, and culture of well individuals.). Using the nursing process formulate a nursing diagnosis and provide a comprehensive treatment plan. Gordon’s Framework and its impact on nutrition must be included__________________________________________________________________20%
  2. Discuss the importance of why nurses must have this knowledge. Develop a teaching plan that incorporated the evidence and knowledge you discussed in promoting health (develop a teaching plan) _____________________________________________________________________20%
  3. Discuss your feelings that were evoked from this assignment and how these feelings will       impact you and your practice as a registered professional nurse________________________5 %
  4. Conclusion (a brief synopsis of your findings)______________________________________5%


  1. General Expectations: Written in a clear and concise manner using APA style; Proper grammar and spelling;   ___________________________________________________                _15%

References –minimum of 4 current references (2008 -2018) in addition to E, K & M

References must be scientific/evidence-based and from scholarly journals. They can be from allied health care journals in addition to nursing

Paper length – (your call-whatever needed to have a comprehensive paper).

Submit (2) research articles used in the preparation of this paper with final paper.


Late papers (10) point penalty week (1), additional (5) points each additional week


Introduction to Nursing

Introduction to Nursing

For this discussion, reflect on the content discussed this week related to the history of nursing, theories, caring, and evidence-based practice. How does nursing history, theories, caring, and evidence-based practice assist with developing yourself as a nursing professional?

In 2 pages, APA , Including intext citations and separate references page

Please if you could use: “Nursing Now! Today’s Issues, Tomorrow’s Trends- 7th ed. -Joseph T. Catalano, PhD, RN” as a reference. It is our textbook at school

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Change Model PICOT QUESTION

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Change Model PICOT QUESTION

Roger’s diffusion of innovation theory is a particularly good theoretical framework to apply to an EBP project. However, students may also choose to use change models, such as Duck’s change curve model or the transtheoretical model of behavioral change. Other conceptual models, such as a utilization model (Stetler’s model) and EBP models (the Iowa model and ARCC model) can also be used as a framework for applying your evidence-based proposal in clinical practice. Apply one of the above models and carry your implementation through each of the stages, phases, or steps identified in the chosen model.
In 500-750 words (not including the title page and references page), discuss applying one of the change models to the implementation plan:
Identify the selected model or theoretical framework and discuss its relevance to your project.
Discuss each of the stages in the change model/framework.
Describe how you would apply each stage in your proposed implementation.
In addition, create a conceptual model of the project. Although you will not be submitting the conceptual model you design in Topic 4 with the narrative, you will include the conceptual model in the appendices for the final paper.
You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.
ASSIGNED PICOT/EBP PROJECT: “Among African American women ages 40 and older that did not receive a mammogram in the past 12 months (P), does a telehealth visit address barriers (I) compared to usual reminder letter (C) improve mammography adherence (O) during doctor visits?”

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Implementation Plan PICOT QUESTION

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Implementation Plan PICOT QUESTION

In 1,000-1,500 words, provide a description of the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution. Include the following:
Describe the setting and access to potential subjects. If there is a need for a consent or approval form, then one must be created. Although you will not be submitting the consent or approval forms in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the consent or approval forms in the appendices for the final paper.
Describe the amount of time needed to complete this project. Create a timeline. Make sure the timeline is general enough that it can be implemented at any date. Although you will not be submitting the timeline in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the timeline in the appendices for the final paper.
Describe the resources (human, fiscal, and other) or changes needed in the implementation of the solution. Consider the clinical tools or process changes that would need to take place. Provide a resource list. Although you will not be submitting the resource list in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the resource list in the appendices for the final paper.
Describe the methods and instruments, such as a questionnaire, scale, or test to be used for monitoring the implementation of the proposed solution. Develop the instruments. Although you will not be submitting the individual instruments in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the instruments in the appendices for the final paper.
Explain the process for delivering the (intervention) solution and indicate if any training will be needed.
Provide an outline of the data collection plan. Describe how data management will be maintained and by whom. Furthermore, provide an explanation of how the data analysis and interpretation process will be conducted. Develop the data collection tools that will be needed. Although you will not be submitting the data collection tools in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the data collection tools in the appendices for the final paper.
Describe the strategies to deal with the management of any barriers, facilitators, and challenges.
Establish the feasibility of the implementation plan. Address the costs for personnel, consumable supplies, equipment (if not provided by the institute), computer-related costs (librarian consultation, database access, etc.), and other costs (travel, presentation development). Make sure to provide a brief rationale for each. Develop a budget plan. Although you will not be submitting the budget plan in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the budget plan in the appendices for the final paper.
Describe the plans to maintain, extend, revise, and discontinue a proposed solution after implementation.
You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content. Note: After submitting the assignment, you will receive feedback from the instructor. Use this feedback to make revisions for your final paper submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.

ASSIGNED PICOT/EBP PROJECT: “Among African American women ages 40 and older that did not receive a mammogram in the past 12 months (P), does a telehealth visit address barriers (I) compared to usual reminder letter (C) improve mammography adherence (O) during doctor visits?”

Developing Professional Nursing Partnering with Consumers

Developing Professional Nursing Partnering with Consumers

‘Effective partnerships are linked to a positive experience for patients, as
well as high-quality health care and improved safety’ (ACSQHC, 2017).
For this assessment, you will be required to choose ONE ‘action’ from
the ‘Partnering with Consumers’ standard from the Australian
Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and examine clinician
resources related to that action during your PEP that effectively aim to
promote a person-centred approach to care.
You will be required to answer a series of questions related to that action
which will require you to draw on those clinician resources sourced and
engage with the literature to draw your own conclusions on the
following questions:
How do those resources meet the related action?
How effectively do you think they are implemented in your
What considerations may they create for your own future
professional practice?
Further resources regarding this standard and how to identify partnering
with consumers activities in your PEP environment will be provided via
the MyLO site in assessment resources.
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. National Safety and
Quality Health Service Standards. 2nd ed. Sydney: ACSQHC; 2017.
Please start by looking at the Rubric.

My Journey to Nursing What does Nursing mean to you and why do you want to become a nurse

My Journey to Nursing What does Nursing mean to you and why do you want to become a nurse

My journey to Nursing

Please write an essay on “What does Nursing mean to you, and why do you want to become a nurse? Please include an introduction and conclusion. The essay must be APA style. In the first Paragraph, please discuss what does nursing means to you. The second Paragraph discusses why you want to be a nurse. No plagiarism is allowed.