Background of Advanced Practice Nurse (APN)

Background of Advanced Practice Nurse (APN)

Paper Instructions
1. Background of Advanced Practice Nurse (APN)
2. Advanced Practice Nursing (APN)
• Different types of APN
• Recognized APN in Canada
• Differences and similarities in Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Nurse specialist
• Competencies of APN
• Challenges faced by APN in Canada
3. Primary Health Care (PHC)
• Definition of PHC
• Focus of Primary Health Care
• List and explain the Principles of Primary Health Care
4. Interrelationships Between Advanced Practice Nursing and Primary Health Care
• How does Advance primary Nurse interrelate in Primary Health Care
5. Conclusion

Health Disparities Group Assignment

Health Disparities Group Assignment

A wide variety of health conditions differ dramatically between varying groups of people in the US. The cause of those disparities or differences are multi-faceted and are not easily understood, or easily changed. (There are also many stereotypical, but not generally accurate, views about why certain groups are less healthy than others.)

For this assignment, you will be work with a group of classmates to identify the factors that contribute to a particular health disparity, that is, a difference in health status between two groups of people (with the disparity generally based on race, ethnicity, culture, social class, sexual orientation, or some other characteristic which places people in a less privileged position).

For your written assignment, your group will have to identify a range of factors (i.e. reasons) that published research suggests is a potential cause of this health disparity. (

For example: You don’t want to answer the questions: What causes cervical cancer? or why do women get cervical cancer? The question you want to answer is: “What are the causes of the vast difference between cervical cancer rates between Latinx and white women in the US?”

The paper should BEGIN with a short, referenced, overview of existing statistics on the condition or problem (what it is, who has it, how it differs across groups.

The written factoid paper is worth 20 points, broken down as follows:

2. Up to 5 points for correctly cited professional references, and clear/correct writing
3. Up to 5 points for reflecting careful reading and summary of those credible references, in making the case for what each article says about the selected factor
4. Up to 3 points for assuring that there is no bias or stereotyping about a particular group or culture- that is, any generalizations you make are supported by the literature you present
5. Up to 2 points that you have actually addressed the selected factoid of your assignment
Total points: 20

References, length, and requirements

All references should be presented in a SINGLE list, using a SINGLE consistent referencing style (APA )Whatever style you choose should be consistent throughout the paper and the reference list.
We use “turn-it-in” to check for plagiarism and assure that you have properly paraphrased and re-written others’ words. Be careful about cutting and pasting, to assure that you have rewritten or paraphrased others’ writing.
Your references should be peer-reviewed journal articles, professional literature, government or reputable non-profit organizations, and all sources should be cited. You will likely have 4-6 references for each of the factors that you’ve identified.

There should be a brief introduction that indicates the nature of the problem (e.g. “X % of Americans have blah blah blah. However, there are vast differences between various groups. X% of African- Americans…. while only X% of non-hispanic White americans…”) Let the reader know that you understand the problem and the disparit

The non-profit organization that you work for has received an urgent request to send a team of nurses to Eritrea to provide aid to a village that is grieving a serious earthquake

The non-profit organization that you work for has received an urgent request to send a team of nurses to Eritrea to provide aid to a village that is grieving a serious earthquake

Minimum of 1 outside source (not including textbook)
The non-profit organization that you work for has received an urgent request to send a team of nurses to Eritrea to provide aid to a village that is grieving a serious earthquake. It is anticipated that your team will spend 2 months there. The city of 1,700 residents that you are serving has suffered 300 casualties, and still over 50 people are unaccounted for. For those found and negatively affected, there are serious injuries that need to be treated. There are other organizations already on location providing water, shelter and food. But the medical teams that they have from other organizations are overwhelmed. Before your team can mobilize, you must get organized and explain what each person will be responsible for.
As a team, you will need to write a report in Microsoft Word that addresses:
Who you will delegate to complete the tasks listed below. Include first and last name of the team member responsible.
Why they were chosen to complete the task. List at least 3 points. For example
Jane has 3 years of experience managing her family budget
Jane has exhibited strong attention to detail in our last team meeting
Jane is good at finding deals
How they will complete the task.
Include an original team logo and an explanation of its significance
Write the report in the style of a proposal to your organization’s board of advisors.
Here are the tasks that must be delegated:

Transportation to city and throughout the city
Plane, bus, jeep, quads, etc.
Medical supplies: gloves, sutures, gauze, iodine, etc.
Acquire via donation, packaging, transport
Entry into the country
Passports, visa, etc.
Financial management
Budget of $35,000, bank account(s), debit cards
Complete the Leader Evaluation Form (linked in the Writing Requirements section below). This form is required by each member of your team. Failing to complete this form can result in a 20% deduction.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
Length: 5-7 page report (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 1 scholarly sources, not including the textbook)
Completed Team Evaluation FormPreview the document
Textbooks and Resources
Required Textbooks
The following books are required for this course:
Manning, G., & Curtis, K. (2019). The art of leadership (6th ed.). NY, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

This textbook is available as an e-book and can be accessed from the module view.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.
One or more of the texts for this course is an eBook. Make sure to review this information to learn more about accessing eBooks.

Textbooks and Resources
Required Textbooks
The following books are required for this course:
Manning, G., & Curtis, K. (2019). The art of leadership (6th ed.). NY, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
This textbook is available as an e-book and can be accessed from the module view.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.

Literature Review PICOT

Literature Review PICOT

(Please no quotes)
Review of the Literature-Summarize each study by identifying the research elements (Authors, Year, level of evidence, design, purpose, study variables, sampling, measurement, main results, and conclusions); determine the study strengths and weaknesses; and evaluate the credibility, trustworthiness, and meaning of the study for its applicability to your PICOT.

Mobilizing Care for an Immigrant Population

Mobilizing Care for an Immigrant Population

Please see the uploaded word document containing detailed instructions. Please ask if you have any questions. This is # 2 of 3 assignments that must be done in order and are related and build upon and refer back to the previous assignments in the series of 3. 6618-1: Planning and
Presenting a Care Coordination Project
6618-2: Mobilizing Care for an Immigrant Population
6618-3: Disaster Plan With Guidelines for Implementation: Tool Kit for the Team

Evidence-based Practice Article Review

Evidence-based Practice Article Review

Read over the evidence-based practice article you were assigned. Conduct research to find five related supplemental research articles. Articles should be from peer-reviewed journals and published within the last five years. Write one paragraph for each article, summarizing the findings of the article. Include APA references for each article.

DNP-Practice Project

DNP-Practice Project

Project Planning and Preparation Rubric & Guidelines


Project planning will be an important aspect of your new DNP practice scholar role. The purpose of this Assignment is to further explore the project planning process as you prepare for your DNP project. This assignment is an extension of the Week 3 Assignment and any previous work you have done for your DNP project planning.

Utilize this budget template to assist you with budget development. (Links to an external site.)

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO1: Examine the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in leading financial planning and management across healthcare settings. (PO 2, 4, 9)

CO2: Formulate a needs-based organizational assessment to inform strategic leadership decision-making (PO 3, 5, 7)

CO3: Develop strategies to lead project planning, implementation, management, and evaluation to promote high value healthcare. (PO 3, 5, 7)

Total points possible: 300

Page Requirement:

Length 8-15 pages – excluding cover page and references.

Preparing the Assignment

  1. As background to this assignment, please refer to the Financial and Business Management for the Doctor of Nursing Practice by K. T. Waxman text. Based on the information provided in Waxman and the work you have completed on your proposed DNP Practicum Project, develop a project plan that includes the following:
  2. Review the Graduate Re-Purpose Policy in the Student Handbook, page 15

Repurposed Work Graduate students have the opportunity to use previously submitted ideas as a foundation for future courses. No more than 50 percent of an assignment, excluding references, may be repurposed from another University course. Previous course assignments that are deemed building blocks will be notated in the syllabus by the course leader. As with every assignment, students must uphold academic integrity; therefore, students must follow the guidelines for remaining academically honest according to the Academic Integrity policy. If the instructor is not made aware of the repurposing of an assignment, the submission will be treated as plagiarized work if not properly referenced

  1. Use of the following subheadings as Level 1 headers to organize your paper:
    1. Executive Summary (place prior to paper in place of the abstract)
      1. Provide a one-page well-formulated executive summary of key points of the project plan.
      2. This will include a brief summary that includes the problem statement, significance of the problem, evidence to support the project change, and your project implementation plan, and evaluation plan.
    2. Introduction
      1. Start your introduction with a powerful statement or two to stimulate interest.
      2. Identify the purpose of your paper.
  • Present the purpose of your proposed project. Begin your formal purpose statement by stating, “The purpose of the proposed DNP project is to…”
  1. Provide a preview of what the paper will include with a strong thesis sentence.
  1. Problem Statement and Significance of the Practice Problem (include in-text citations)
    1. Present your problem statement.
    2. Examine the issue and its significance from a global perspective.
  • Consider the issue and its significance from a nationwide perspective.
  1. Discuss the issue and its significance within the practicum site.
  2. Describe current practice/process leading to the issue.
  3. Discuss available data to document the need identified by primary decision maker(s) at practicum site.
  1. PICOT Question
    1. Based on the need of the practicum site, present a PICOT question in one sentence.
    2. Based on the needs of the practicum site, briefly describe in one or two sentences each part of your PICOT question.
  2. Project Implementation and Evaluation Plan
    1. Clearly define the DNP project evidence-based intervention related to your PICOT question.
    2. Discuss rationale for why this intervention was chosen and how it is based on the needs of the practicum site.
  • Discuss how you will protect participants and whether the facility will require IRB approval. If so, discuss the process for obtaining approval.
  1. Present a minimum of 5-10 sources of evidence which support the project intervention within the last 5 years.
  2. Propose outcomes/goals for project and how they will be evaluated.
  3. Given you only have 8-10 weeks to implement your project, discuss its feasibility. Will you be able to accomplish everything you want to do as far as implementation in 8-10 weeks? What barriers might you have and how will you overcome them?
  • Discuss the data collection plan for your project, identifying the instrument and discus its reliability and validity.
  • Explain your plan for data analysis.
  1. Provide a concise overview of what you will do during each week of the 8 weeks of your implementation phase of your project to address the issue within the practicum site. Use a GANTT chart if it is helpful.
  1. Resources Including Financial Budget
    1. Describe the various resources you will need during your implementation phase (i.e., conference room(s), projector, handouts, human resources, etc.).
    2. Propose how this will be financed, sources of revenue.
  • Explain the financial impact, if any, on the organization.
  1. Conclusion
    1. Effectively summarize your project plans in one to two comprehensive yet concise paragraphs that clearly describe your project plans and how you will implement the project and evaluate the change project.
  2. Clarity of Writing
    1. Use of standard English grammar and sentence structure.
    2. No spelling errors or typographical errors.
    3. Organized around the required components using appropriate headers.
  3. All information taken from another source, even if summarized, must be appropriately cited in the manuscript and listed in the references using APA (current edition of the APA manual) format.
    1. Document setup
    2. Title and reference pages
    3. Citations in the text and references


Week 6: Project Planning and Preparation Rubric

Week 6: Project Planning and Preparation Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExecutive Summary Requirements:

1) Provides a well-formulated executive summary of key points of the project plan
2-6) Includes problem statement, significance of the problem, evidence to support the project change, project implementation plan and evaluation plan.

40.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 6 requirements.

36.0 pts

Very Good or High Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 5 requirements.

32.0 pts

Acceptable Level of Performance

Includes no less than 4 requirements.

0.0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Three or fewer requirements for this section presented.

40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction Requirements:

1) Introduction starts with a powerful statement or two to stimulate interest
2) Identifies the purpose of your paper
3) Present the purpose of your proposed project.
4) Provides a preview of what the paper will include with a strong thesis sentence

20.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 4 requirements.

18.0 pts

Very Good or High Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 3 requirements.

16.0 pts

Acceptable Level of Performance

Includes no less than 2 requirements.

0.0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Two or fewer requirements for this section presented.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem Statement and Significance of the Practice Problem (include in-text citations) Requirements:

1) Presents the problem statement
2) Examines the issue and its significance from a global perspective
3) Considers the issue and its significance from a nationwide perspective
4) Discusses the issue and its significance within the practicum site
5) Describes current practice/process leading to the issue.
6) Discuss available data to document the need identified by primary decision maker(s) at practicum site.

80.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 6 requirements.

72.0 pts

Very Good or High Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 5 requirements.

64.0 pts

Acceptable Level of Performance

Includes no less than 3 requirements.

0.0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Three or fewer requirements for this section presented.

80.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePICOT Question Requirements:

1) Based on the need of the practicum site, present a PICOT question in one sentence.
2-6) Based on the needs of the practicum site, briefly describe in one or two sentences each part of your PICOT question.

30.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 6 requirements.

27.0 pts

Very Good or High Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 5 requirements.

24.0 pts

Acceptable Level of Performance

Includes no less than 4 requirements.

0.0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Three or fewer requirements for this section presented.

30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProject Implementation and Evaluation Plan Requirements:

1) Clearly define the DNP project evidence-based intervention related to your PICOT question.
2) Discuss rationale for why this intervention was chosen and how it is based on the needs of the practicum site.
3) Discuss how you will protect participants and whether the facility will require IRB approval. If so, discuss the process for obtaining approval.
4) Present a minimum of 2-3 sources of evidence which support the project intervention.
5) Propose outcomes/goals for project and how they will be evaluated.
6) Given you only have 8-10 weeks to implement your project, discuss its feasibility. Will you be able to accomplish everything you want to do as far as implementation in 8-10 weeks? What barriers might you have and how will you overcome them?
7) Discuss the data collection plan for your project, identifying the instrument and discus its reliability and validity.
8) Explain your plan for data analysis.
9) Provide a concise overview of what you will do during each week of the 8 weeks of your implementation phase of your project to address the issue within the practicum site. Use a GANTT chart if it is helpful.

80.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 9 requirements.

72.0 pts

Very Good or High Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 8 requirements.

64.0 pts

Acceptable Level of Performance

Includes no less than 7 requirements.

0.0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Six or fewer requirements for this section presented.

80.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResources including Financial Budget Requirements:

1) Discuss the revenues and expenses of the project, including supplies, durables you must purchase, expenses such as statistician, etc.
2) Propose how this will be financed, sources of revenue
3) Explain the financial impact, if any, on the organization

20.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 3 requirements.

18.0 pts

Very Good or High Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 2 requirements.

16.0 pts

Acceptable Level of Performance

Includes no less than 1 requirements.

0.0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

No requirements for this section presented.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion Requirements:

Effectively summarize your project plans in one to two comprehensive yet concise paragraphs that clearly:
1) describe your project plans and
2) how you will implement the project and
3) evaluate the change project.

10.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 3 requirements.

9.0 pts

Very Good or High Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 2 requirements.

8.0 pts

Acceptable Level of Performance

Includes no less than 1 requirements.

0.0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

No requirements for this section presented.

10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of Writing Requirements:

1) Use of standard English grammar and sentence structure.
2) No spelling errors or typographical errors. 3) Organized around the required components using appropriate headers.

10.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 3 requirements.

9.0 pts

Very Good or High Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 2 requirements.

8.0 pts

Acceptable Level of Performance

Includes no less than 1 requirements.

0.0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

No requirements for this section presented.

10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formatting/References Requirements:

All information taken from another source, even if summarized, must be appropriately cited in the manuscript and listed in the references using APA (current edition of the APA manual) format.
1) Document setup
2) Title and reference pages
3) Citations in the text and references

10.0 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 3 requirements.

9.0 pts

Very Good or High Level of Performance

Includes no fewer than 2 requirements.

8.0 pts

Acceptable Level of Performance

Includes no less than 1 requirements.

0.0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

No requirements for this section presented.

10.0 pts
Total Points: 300.0


What barriers in developing and developed countries relate to mental health care

What barriers in developing and developed countries relate to mental health care
What barriers in developing and developed countries relate to mental health care compared to physical health care.
Identify factors that are culturally appropriate to move the person toward recovery.

NursingThe Art of Caring

Nursing The Art of Caring

  • 2 pages double spaced
  • APA format
  • 3 sources

Reflective Discussion Video about a Request to Hasten Death Health Care Professionals

Reflective Discussion Video about a Request to Hasten Death Health Care Professionals  

Appendix H – Video: YOUTUBE (Hasten Death)
Ticket to class:
• Place in dropbox prior to the start of class – no credit if placed after the discussion started and completed
• No single word responses (at least 100+ words in each response)
• Give the questions some thought and answer honestly
• Give examples if you have them
• Site resources
• Number your answers to correspond with the question
• Worth 12 points / 5%
Watch the video: “Reflective Discussion Video about a Request to Hasten Death” (Health Care Professionals from 12 years ago and updated version 2012)

Answer these questions:
1. What is happening?
2. What issues does the video raise?
3. What emotions come to your awareness for you, the doctor, the patient and the family? Explain.
Note: Please go to you tube and watch Reflective Discussion Video about A Request to Hasten Death.
And Discussing Goals of care (Hastened Death Request) and answer the three questions. Thank you.