Nursing Leadership Essay

Nursing Leadership Essay

Complete the DNR interactive case study scenario. After completion, reflect on what you have learned from the case study and how it relates to miscommunication.
Think about a recent interaction you had or observed that resulted in miscommunication. Consider the following regarding your interaction:
Were verbal and nonverbal communication congruent?
What factors may have affected communication? (Examples include gender, generational differences, culture, values, environment, or language barriers.)
Were there any physiological or psychological issues that affected the communication process?
Finally, think about both the scenario and your recent interaction. Describe how you could act as a coach or mentor to your staff in both situations to avoid miscommunication. In each situation, how would you debrief to avoid this happening again?

Medical Errors Nursing Essay

Medical Errors Nursing Essay

Medical Errors
Meadowview hospital has begun reviewing their existing policies and procedures surrounding the prevention of medical errors in outpatient surgeries. As the risk manager, you have been asked to contribute to the development of a policy that addresses possible disparities and risks upon implementation.
Create a policy and procedure that addresses the following:
• Identify system factors that have influenced Meadowview’s organizational performance.
• Select processes and techniques that can be used to investigate, prevent, and control these types of events now and in the future. Discuss the specific process or technique you selected and explain why you believe it is a viable choice to address this event.
• Recommend measures that can be used to assess the organization’s performance and the risk management plan in this area as it relates to patient safety and explain your rationale for each. Attach your proposed assessment and risk management plans as appendices to your presentation.

Health History of a Patient

Health History of a Patient

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment.
1. Complete a health assessment/history on an individual of your choice who is 18 years of age or older and NOT a family member or close friend.
a. The purpose of this restriction is to avoid any tendency to anticipate answers or to influence how the questions
are answered. Your goal in choosing an interviewee is to simulate the interaction between you and an individual
for whom you would provide care.
b. Inform the individual that information obtained will be kept confidential and do not use identifying information
within the assignment.
c. There are three parts to this assignment.
2. Include the following sections when completing the assignment
A. Health History Assessment
1) Demographics
2) Perception of Health
3) Past Medical History
4) Family Medical History
5) Review of Systems
6) Developmental Considerations- use Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development- which stage is your
participant at and give examples of if they have met or not met the milestones for that stage.
7) Cultural Considerations- definition, cultural traditions, cultural viewpoints on healing/healers, traditional and
complementary medicine, these are examples but please add more
8) Psychosocial Considerations- support systems-family, religious, occupational, community these are examples
but please add more
9) Resources to Improve Health- give examples of resources available to improve the health of the participant such as community, nutritional recommendations, healthcare, spiritual, etc.
B. Reflection
Reflection is used to intentionally examine our thought processes, actions, and behaviors in order to evaluate outcomes. Provide a written reflection that describes your experience with conducting this Health History.
1) Reflect on your interaction with the interviewee holistically.
a) Describes the interaction in its entirety: include the environment, your approach to the individual, time of day, and other features relevant to therapeutic communication and to the interview process.
2) How did your interaction compare to what you have learned?
3) What barriers to communication did you experience?
a) How did you overcome them?
b) What will you do to overcome them in the future?
4) What went well with this assignment?
5) Were there unanticipated challenges during this assignment?
6) Was there information you wished you had available but did not?
7) How will you alter your approach next time?
3. Style and Organization
Your writing should reflect your synthesis of ideas based on prior knowledge, newly acquired information, and appropriate writing skills. Scoring of your work in written communication is based on proper use of grammar, spelling, APA, and how clearly you express your thoughts and reasoning in your writing.
1) Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.
2) Verbalizes thoughts and reasoning clearly
3) Uses appropriate resources and ideas to support topic with APA where applicable.

SPSS NVIVO Minitab Data Analysis Nursing Papers

SPSS NVIVO Minitab Data Analysis Nursing Papers

-SPSS data analysis

-Analyzing data using NVIVO

-Analyzing data using Minitab

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Talk to our support before you place your order. Data analysis services using SPSS, Minitab, NVIVO, and other software are priced higher than essays. Thank you!

Practicum Report PMHNP DNP

Practicum Report PMHNP DNP


The practicum objectives part II provides the student the opportunity to evaluate practicum experiences, individual performance, and progress toward meeting practicum objectives that are consistent with the practicum focus. This assignment meets course objectives 1-7 (Refer to PMHNP Practicum Course Syllabus). Program Learning Outcomes 1-7 (Refer to DNP Handbook).
The student will complete a write-up that will demonstrate progress, growths, practicum gaps, how he/she met practicum objectives or if partially met or not met, and revision. The student will also discuss and include the preceptor’s evaluation. The student will complete the assignment based on the requirements in the assignment grading rubric. Please do not copy and paste the Practicum Objectives Part I directly into this assignment. Make sure to paraphrase those practicum objectives to avoid high similarity Turnitin report.
Here are the points that should be covered in the assignment:
Part I: Briefly discuss practicum experiences that have contributed to achieving practicum objectives.
Part II: Evaluate and describe your progress toward meeting practicum objectives for this course.
Part III: Identify and discuss areas for improvement and plan to enhance practicum experiences. Students will provide preceptor with DNP Handbook Form 8: Preceptor Evaluation of PMHNP/DNP Student. Evaluation must be completed by the preceptor. Students are encouraged to discuss evaluation with preceptor. Evidence that practicum objectives and midterm assessment discussed with practicum preceptor. A signed PDF copy of Form 8: Preceptor Evaluation of PMHNP/DNP Student must be attached to Objectives Part II Assignment.
Format/Presentation: Current APA Format, Limit 6 pages, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 inch margins, correct spelling and grammar.
The practicum objectives will be evaluated according to the rubric. Please see the assignment grading rubric in course content.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


Nursing case study essay – Australia registered nurse practice

Nursing case study essay – Australia registered nurse practice

Word limit: 2500 words
Precise and concise, with a good flow that makes good sense for reader, being easy to understand and get the feeling that its a really good case study essay
APA referencing, references should be no less than 10 years time. Using up to date, evidence-based practices and **nursing** literature. (Every sentence needs to be cited and referenced in reference list, as per academic guidelines).

Please be critical. Writing context is Registered nurse’s nursing scope of practice, references when citing should include Australia nursing guidelines/ pathways, nursing assessment and treatments or interventions. For example, if the vital signs are out of range, please state which vitals value and how this relate to the NSW Health’s Between The Flag chart (whether the vitals are in or falling towards yellow or red range) and any relevant Australian nursing health charts and guidelines or policies please.

For broader literature relating to the disease or when providing rationales for assessment and intervention, or general context, international or worldwide nursing peer-reviewed articles and some up to date textbook can be used (where relevant).

For assessment and intervention prioritisation, please start off with stating that you are doing a formal primary survey or a A-G assessment (whichever you find more suiting to the case/ pt condition you identified – e.g. Doing a primary survey which includes A-G/ A-E assessment for a trauma patient) and why (with reference). And then moving on to more specific/ comprehensive assessment parts with regards to the patient vitals or symptoms presented. Intervention prioritisations should relate back to assessments. Potential complications should could be considered with patient’s current symptoms that could progressively worsen and complications from literature evidences for such patients.


Mental Health Practicum Clinical Objectives

Mental Health Practicum Clinical Objectives

The practicum objectives part II provides the student the opportunity to evaluate practicum experiences, individual performance, and progress toward meeting practicum objectives that are consistent with the practicum focus. This assignment meets course objectives 1-7 (Refer to PMHNP Practicum Course Syllabus). Program Learning Outcomes 1-7 (Refer to DNP Handbook).


The student will complete a write-up that will demonstrate progress, growths, practicum gaps, how he/she met practicum objectives or if partially met or not met, and revision. The student will also discuss and include the preceptor’s evaluation. The student will complete the assignment based on the requirements in the assignment grading rubric. Please do not copy and paste the Practicum Objectives Part I directly into this assignment. Make sure to paraphrase those practicum objectives to avoid high similarity Turnitin report.

Here are the points that should be covered in the assignment:

Part I: Briefly discuss practicum experiences that have contributed to achieving practicum objectives.

Part II: Evaluate and describe your progress toward meeting practicum objectives for this course.

Part III: Identify and discuss areas for improvement and plan to enhance practicum experiences. Students will provide preceptor with DNP Handbook Form 8: Preceptor Evaluation of PMHNP/DNP Student. Evaluation must be completed by the preceptor. Students are encouraged to discuss evaluation with preceptor. Evidence that practicum objectives and midterm assessment discussed with practicum preceptor. A signed PDF copy of Form 8: Preceptor Evaluation of PMHNP/DNP Student must be attached to Objectives Part II Assignment.

Format/Presentation: Current APA Format, Limit 6 pages, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 inch margins, correct spelling and grammar.

The practicum objectives will be evaluated according to the rubric. Please see the assignment grading rubric in course content.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


Patient Family or Population Health Problem Solution

Patient Family or Population Health Problem Solution

Develop an intervention (your capstone project), as a solution to the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined. Submit the proposed intervention to the faculty for review and approval. This solution needs to be implemented (shared) with your patient, family, or group. You are not to share your intervention with your patient, family, or group or move on to Assessment 5 before your faculty reviews/approves the solution you submit in Assessment 4.

In a separate written deliverable, write a 5-7 page analysis of your intervention.

Please submit both your solution/intervention and the 5-7 page analyses to complete Assessment 4.

Nurse and Health Advocacy Assignment

Nurse and Health Advocacy Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to identify a health issue requiring advocacy from the nursing
profession on a local, regional, state, national, or international level. This topic can be related to
health promotion, population health, disease management, or patient safety in the community or
other healthcare setting. You are assuming the role of advocate in various capacities. The topic
you select for this paper will be the subject of your Policy Brief and Advocacy Letter
Assignment. Therefore, research thoroughly your topic of interest to ensure that it can be applied
across both assignments.
In this paper you will identify a health issue which may or may not already be represented in the
form of legislation or health policy. Individuals may just take a position on an issue affecting
local policy with decision makers.
An example of this with legislation includes:
• Health issue: primary care access for patients
• Health policy: increasing primary care providers using nurse practitioners; support of PA
HB 765 for CRNP independent practice
An example of this without legislation includes:
• Health issue: increased chronic back pain from integration of technology in healthcare
• Health policy: ergonomic evaluation of work environments for all employees; letter of
support to employers for new healthcare organization policy
This assignment is worth 25% of your grade. Using APA format and criteria from the Grading
Rubric for Written Assignments, in 5 double spaced pages (excluding the title page and reference
page) present the following details:
Criteria for Your Advocacy as a Nursing Professional
Outline of health issue and existing or necessary health policy
and/or politics. Why is this significant to nursing?
List and discuss any other stake holders who would be concerned
with the health issue, in favor or opposition.
Propose a plan on this health issue advocacy:
• Effect of the health issue on health policy and politics
• Interventions to be implemented in this advocacy to enact
change; incorporate health politics as pertinent
• Identify opposition which can be encountered.

PICO Question Post Postpartum Depression

PICO Question Post Postpartum Depression
As a Mental health Nurse Practitioner, the study on postpartum depression is very important following the mental health risks and complications resulting in (Field, 2017). Moreover, most mothers or fathers fail to recognize it as a serious mental health problem by mistaking it with baby blues syndrome or other minor health issues. However, if left untreated, postpartum depression can cause chronic or major depression, mood and anxiety, and disorders to victims, including mothers, fathers and children (Field, 2017). As one dealing with patients in the Psychiatric unit, researching postpartum depression is key to protecting the mental health of most future parents (especially new ones) since the best intervention is early detection. This can be done by screening the signs and symptoms of mood, anxiety and depression problems during pregnancy and undertaking appropriate counseling and treatment measures to prevent its occurrence after childbirth (Shim & Choi, 2022).
PICO Question: In women with postpartum depression, is the use of antipsychotics and psychotherapy more effective than the use of psychotherapy alone in reducing the effects of postpartum depression??