Nursing Contingency Planning

Nursing Contingency Planning 
Treating cover patients will be the contingency plan focus. Do an analysis of your organization’s
contingency plan. Assess whether or not the plan addresses key factors for effective contingency
planning from your readings. Using principles of Clockware and Swarmware create a
contingency plan for your organization taking into consideration present day issues. Present your
findings. Your discussion should be scholarly and have evidence from the literature which should
be cited using APA format

Nursing Contingency Planning

Nursing Contingency Planning 
Treating cover patients will be the contingency plan focus. Do an analysis of your organization’s
contingency plan. Assess whether or not the plan addresses key factors for effective contingency
planning from your readings. Using principles of Clockware and Swarmware create a
contingency plan for your organization taking into consideration present day issues. Present your
findings. Your discussion should be scholarly and have evidence from the literature which should
be cited using APA format

The Nurse Leader as Change Agent and Role Model

The Nurse Leader as Change Agent and Role Model
Topic: The Nurse Leader as Change Agent and Role Model
A change agent is an individual who has formal or informal legitimate power and whose purpose
is to direct and guide change (Sullivan, 2012). This person identifies a vision and rationale for the
change and is a role model for nurses and other health care personnel. Nurse leaders’ behaviors
influence staff actions that contribute to change (Drucker, 1999; Yukl, 2013). The significant
number of changes that nurse leaders face require new ways of thinking about leading change
and adapting to new ways of working. Moreover, leaders work closely with frontline care
providers to identify necessary change in the workplace that would improve work processes an patient care. As such, nurse leaders must have the requisite skills for influencing human
behavior, including supervisory ability, intelligence, the need for achievement, decisiveness, and
persistence to guide the process (Gilley et al., 2009). Effective change management requires the
leader to be knowledgeable about the process, tools, and techniques required to improve
outcomes (Shirey, 2013).
•Topic Match Proposal 5
•Cover page 2
•Introduction 5
•Background 5
•Aim/Purpose 10
•Research Method 10
•Review of Literature10
•Implications for Nursing Practice 10
•Conclusion 5
•Reference page 8
APA 6th Edition Format 10
Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation and use of graphics 10

Integumentary system / skin

Answer the following questions using only the powerpoint attached.
1.  The integumentary system or the skin is the largest system. Choose 4 pathological conditions and define them.
2. Divide and define three medical terms that can be related to the skin.
3. A lesion is an area of damaged skin. What is the difference between these lesions?
a. Macule and wheal
b. papule and nodule
c. erosion and ulcer?
d. vesicle and cyst?
4. Many combining forms are related to colors. Mention 4 of these combining forms. Give an example of a medical term for each one of these combining forms, divide the term, label it and give its meaning.
5. What do the following abbreviations stand for: SLE, PPD, ABCDE? Explain

Personal Statement For Nursing School

Personal Statement For Nursing School

I need help on writing a personal statement as to why i want to go to nursing school
The letter should be written in the first person, typed, double-spaced and not exceed two pages. It should include a plan for completing any remaining pre-requisites to the major and address the choice of nursing as a career and why the student chose to apply to Madonna University’s program.
i.  Cover Page
ii.  Introduction
iii.  Why you have chosen nursing
iv.  Why you have chosen to apply to Madonna University’s program
v.  What you want to do in the future

Problem, Intervention, Comparison And Outcome – Picot question

Summary of Clinical Issue (200-250 words): 
PICOT Question:

Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3
APA-Formatted Article Citation with Permalink  
How Does the Article Relate to the PICOT Question?      
Quantitative, Qualitative (How do you know?)      
Purpose Statement      
Research Question      
(Where did the study take place?)
Key Findings of the Study      
Recommendations of the Researcher      


Criteria Article 4 Article 5 Article 6
APA-Formatted Article Citation with Permalink  
How Does the Article Relate to the PICOT Question?      
Quantitative, Qualitative (How do you know?)      
Purpose Statement      
Research Question      
(Where did the study take place?)
Key Findings of the Study      
Recommendations of the Researcher      


Problem, Intervention, Comparison And Outcome – Picot question

Summary of Clinical Issue (200-250 words): 
PICOT Question:

Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3
APA-Formatted Article Citation with Permalink  
How Does the Article Relate to the PICOT Question?      
Quantitative, Qualitative (How do you know?)      
Purpose Statement      
Research Question      
(Where did the study take place?)
Key Findings of the Study      
Recommendations of the Researcher      


Criteria Article 4 Article 5 Article 6
APA-Formatted Article Citation with Permalink  
How Does the Article Relate to the PICOT Question?      
Quantitative, Qualitative (How do you know?)      
Purpose Statement      
Research Question      
(Where did the study take place?)
Key Findings of the Study      
Recommendations of the Researcher      


Masters of Nursing capstone

Graduate level paper(Masters of Nursing) capstone

Journal Reflection – Nursing

Assignment 3 will be comprised of six Journal Reflections. You will complete the journal entries and submit your answers within this assignment.  This assignment should be completed in ONE document, and your answers should be separated by Journal Reflection # headings (1-6).
Journal Reflection #1
Provision 4: “The nurse is responsible and accountable for individual nursing practice and determines the appropriate delegation of tasks consistent with the nurse’s obligation to provide optimum patient care.”
Imagine you are the head nurse in a senior living facility. You have 36 residents; normally there are two nurses with four nursing assistants. It is night shift, and the other nurse was in an accident on the way to work. Hence, it is you, 36 residents, and four CNAs. One of the CNAs is due to graduate from nursing school in one month. 30 of the 36 patients have 9 PM medicine due.

  1. To get medicine to the patients on time, would you allow the CNA who is close to finishing school to help administer the medicine? Would this be an appropriate delegation of tasks, considering that an RN must complete medication administration? Which is more important: delegation of tasks or timely medication administration for patients?

Journal Reflection #2
Provision 5: “The nurse owes the same duties to self as to others, including the responsibility to preserve integrity and safety, to maintain competence, and to continue personal and professional growth.”
Imagine you are nurse who is six months pregnant (guys, stretch that imagination). You arrive to the hospital and check your patient assignment. One patient in your assignment is receiving high-dose chemotherapy medication, which, in this case, is contraindicated for pregnant women to administer. You ask the charge nurse to change the assignment, and he refuses based on the acuity of the patient. He notes that other nurses on staff tonight are too new to care for such a sick patient.

  1. Who is ethically right: the charge nurse trying to ensure a high-acuity patient has appropriate nursing care or you the nurse? Build an argument for your opinion.

Journal Reflection #3
Provision 6: “The nurse participates in establishing, maintaining, and improving health care environments and conditions of employment conducive to the provision of quality health care and consistent with the values of the profession through individual and collective action.”

  1. How would a nurse contribute to the values of the nursing profession on an individual basis and through collective action?

Journal Reflection #4
Provision 7: “The nurse participates in the advancement of the profession through contributions to practice, education, administration, and knowledge development.”

  1. Why would the advancement of the profession of nursing be included in a code of ethics? How do ethics and advancing professional practice relate to one another?

Journal Reflection #5
Provision 8: “The nurse collaborates with other health professionals and the public in promoting community, national and international efforts to meet health needs.”

  1. To what extent are medical personnel responsible for caring for community, national, and international health care needs? Comment on each type of need: community, national, and international. What role does an individual, a hospital system, and the larger federal government play?

Journal Reflection #6
Provision 9: “The profession of nursing value, for maintaining the integrity of the profession and its practice, and for shaping social policy.”

  1. In your own words, define integrity as it relates to nursing. Can personal and professional integrity be separated? In other words, can a person have little personal integrity but maintain professional integrity? Why or why not? We will discuss ethical concerns of vulnerable populations at another point in the class. However, briefly note the role of ethics in shaping social policy in health care.


Complex Regional Pain Disorder White Male With Hip Pain

Decision Point One
Savella  12.5 mg once daily on day 1; followed by 12.5 mg BID on day 2 and 3;  followed by 25 mg BID on days 4-7; followed by 50 mg BID thereafter

  • Client returns to clinic in four weeks
  • Client comes into the office to without crutches but is limping a  bit. The client states that the pain is “more manageable since I started  taking that drug. I have been able to get around more on my own. The  pain is bad in the morning though and gets better throughout the day”.  On a pain scale of 1-10; the client states that his pain is currently a  4. When asked what pain level would be tolerable on a daily basis, the  client states, “I would rather have no pain but don’t think that is  possible. I could live with a pain level of 3.”. When questioned  further, the PMHNP asks what makes the pain on a scale of 1-10 different  when comparing a level of 9 to his current level of 4?”. The client  states that since using this drug, I can get to a point on most days  where I do not need the crutches. ” The client is also asked what would  need to happen to get his pain from a current level of 4 to an  acceptable level of 3. He states, “If I could get to the point everyday  where I do not need the crutches for most of my day, I would be happy.”
  •  Client states that he has noticed that he frequently (over the  past 2 weeks) gets bouts of sweating for no apparent reason. He also  states that his sleep has “not been so good as of lately.” He does  complain of nausea today
  •  Client’s blood pressure and pulse are recorded as 147/92 and 110  respectively. He also admits to experiencing butterflies in his chest.   The client denies suicidal/homicidal ideation and is still future  oriented

Decision Point Two
 Continue with current medication but lower dose to 25 mg twice a day  

  • Client returns to clinic in four weeks
  • Client comes to office today with use  of crutches. He states that his current pain is a 7 out of 10. “I do not  feel as good as I did last month.”
  • Client states that he is sleeping at night but woken frequently from pain down his right leg and into his foot
  • Client’s blood pressure and heart rate recorded today are 124/85 and 87 respectively. He denies any heart palpitations today
  • Client denies suicidal/homicidal ideation but he is discouraged about the recent slip in his pain management and looks sad

Decision Point Three
 Change Savella to 25 mg orally in the MORNING and 50 mg orally at BEDTIME 

Guidance to Student
The client has a complex neuropathic  pain syndrome that may never respond to pain medication. Once that is  understood, the next task is to explain to the client that pain level  expectations need to realistic in nature and understand that he will  always have some level of pain on a daily basis. The key is to manage it  in a manner that allows him to continue his activities of daily living  with as little discomfort as possible. Next, it is important to explain  that medications are never the final answer but a part of a complex  regimen that includes physical therapy, possible chiropractic care, heat  and massage therapy, and medications. Savella is a SNRI that also  possesses NMDA antagonist activity which helps in producing analgesia at  the site of nerve endings. It is specifically marketed for fibromyalgia  and has a place in therapy for this gentleman. Tramadol is never a good  option along with other opioid type analgesics. Agonists at the Mu  receptors does not provide adequate pain control in these types of  neuropathic pain syndromes and therefore is never a good idea. It also  has addictive properties which can lead to secondary drug abuse.  Reductions in Savella can help control side effects but at a cost of  uncontrolled pain. It is always a good idea to start with dose  reductions during parts of the day that pain is most under control. The  addition of Celexa with Savella needs to be done cautiously. Both  medications inhibit the reuptake of serotonin and can, therefore, lead  to serotonin toxicity or serotonin syndrome.