Scholarly Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators
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3 rubrics for Part 1 , 2 & 3
Part 1: Methods Paper (4 pages)
Topic: Distance Learning through COMBINATION OF Online method and flipped Learning method.
First: Define what is flipped Learning method. What is the step by step method of instruction or the process involved in this method? What are the Pros and Cons?
Second: Why online learning is important this day? What was the origin or historical background of online learning? Please refer to page to Chapter 8 “Theoretical Foundation”
- Summarize some literature related to the topic (6 references)
- States how the information presented in the paper can be used by the nurse educator.
- Relate the topic to Nursing Education and to one’s own role as an ADVANCED PRACTICE NURSE EDUCATOR.
- Address the learning styles of students
- Address the andragogy and pedagogy learners
Select 6 references
First reference:
Bradshaw, M. & Hultquist, B. L. (2017). Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions (7th ed.). Burlington, MA. Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13 978-1-284-10707-4
PART 2: CREATIVE TEACHING PROJECT (5 page PowerPoint and 3 pages summary or script and lesson plan explanation)
Topic: Discussion of Different Learning styles (Reference Bradshaw Chapter 1-3 and provide 3 article or journal references)
Teaching method that will be used for the discussion is Flipped learning method, in combination with teaching method of interest :1. POWER POINTS, 2.VIDEO – AUDIO, 3.composing a song about the topic and 4.Simulation (Designed to simulate real nursing scenarios and to develop clinical decision-making skills, competence, and confidence in nursing students, vSim for Nursing)
- Provides introduction prior to beginning the lesson that includes the following: – who the intended audience would be (ex. Undergraduate nursing students, classroom or clinical setting, hospital staff education, community or patient education) – why the method is appropriate for the subject matter and audience. – how the lesson will be presented
- Using the method of instruction that you chose for the class presentation part, prepare a 20-minute lesson for the class, on a subject of your choice.
- 1st a power point will be made 5 pages about different types of learning (Reference Bradshaw Chapter 1-3)
PART 3: CLASS PRESENTATION: (8 pages, 2 page explanation or script for discussion)
- Guidelines: Choose a method of instruction that you feel is particularly creative and interesting, and effective in the classroom. For example,role play, debate, visual presentation, or some form of technology. Prepare a 10 minute presentation about your chosen method and present to the class.
Topic: Method of instruction/teaching method of interest :1. POWER POINTS, 2.VIDEO – AUDIO, 3.composing a song about the topic and 4.Simulation (Designed to simulate real nursing scenarios and to develop clinical decision-making skills, competence, and confidence in nursing students, vSim for Nursing)
- Selects a teaching method of interest, appropriate for use in undergraduate nursing education, hospital education, or community teaching.
- Thoroughly describes selected method; including pros and cons, how to implement method, and any barriers to implementation.
- Discusses how the nurse educator can utilize the method in various settings.
- Describes how, as a nurse educator, this method might be used.