Sleep/Wake Disorders

Please pay attention to case study
zero plagiarism
five references

  • Provide the case number in the subject line of the Discussion.
  • List three questions you might ask the patient if he or she were in your office. Provide a rationale for why you might ask these questions.
  • Identify people in the patient’s life you would need to speak to or get feedback from to further assess the patient’s situation. Include specific questions you might ask these people and why.
  • Explain what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate for the patient and how the results would be used.
  • List three differential diagnoses for the patient. Identify the one that you think is most likely and explain why.
  • List two pharmacologic agents and their dosing that would be appropriate for the patient’s sleep/wake therapy based on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. From a mechanism of action perspective, provide a rationale for why you might choose one agent over the other.
  • If your assigned case includes “check points” (i.e., follow-up data at week 4, 8, 12, etc.), indicate any therapeutic changes that you might make based on the data provided.
  • Explain “lessons learned” from this case study, including how you might apply this case to your own practice when providing care to patients with similar clinical presentations.

Sleep/Wake Disorders

Please pay attention to case study
zero plagiarism
five references

  • Provide the case number in the subject line of the Discussion.
  • List three questions you might ask the patient if he or she were in your office. Provide a rationale for why you might ask these questions.
  • Identify people in the patient’s life you would need to speak to or get feedback from to further assess the patient’s situation. Include specific questions you might ask these people and why.
  • Explain what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate for the patient and how the results would be used.
  • List three differential diagnoses for the patient. Identify the one that you think is most likely and explain why.
  • List two pharmacologic agents and their dosing that would be appropriate for the patient’s sleep/wake therapy based on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. From a mechanism of action perspective, provide a rationale for why you might choose one agent over the other.
  • If your assigned case includes “check points” (i.e., follow-up data at week 4, 8, 12, etc.), indicate any therapeutic changes that you might make based on the data provided.
  • Explain “lessons learned” from this case study, including how you might apply this case to your own practice when providing care to patients with similar clinical presentations.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on selected RN-BSN competencies acquired through the NUR4827 course.
Course Outcomes
This assignment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes:
– The student will be able to identify the different roles of leadership and management in the nursing field.
– The student will be able to analyze and apply the leadership and management role into the nursing profession.
1. The Course Reflection is worth 100 points (10%) and will be graded on quality of self-assessment, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
2. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about your essay may be posted under the Q & A forum under the Discussions tab.
3. The length of the reflection is to be within three to six pages excluding title page and reference pages.
4. APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered):
Note: Introduction – Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63).
a. Course Reflection
b. Conclusion
Preparing Your Reflection
The BSN Essentials (AACN, 2008) outline a number of healthcare policy and advocacy competencies for the BSN-prepared nurse. Reflect on the NUR4827 course readings, discussion threads, and applications you have completed across this course and write a reflective essay regarding the extent to which you feel you are now prepared to:
1. “Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high-quality nursing care, healthcare team coordination, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings.
2. Demonstrate leadership and communication skills to effectively implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team.
3. Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions and describe the process of changing current practice.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN]. (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice. Washington, DC: Author.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on selected RN-BSN competencies acquired through the NUR4827 course.
Course Outcomes
This assignment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes:
– The student will be able to identify the different roles of leadership and management in the nursing field.
– The student will be able to analyze and apply the leadership and management role into the nursing profession.
1. The Course Reflection is worth 100 points (10%) and will be graded on quality of self-assessment, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
2. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about your essay may be posted under the Q & A forum under the Discussions tab.
3. The length of the reflection is to be within three to six pages excluding title page and reference pages.
4. APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered):
Note: Introduction – Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63).
a. Course Reflection
b. Conclusion
Preparing Your Reflection
The BSN Essentials (AACN, 2008) outline a number of healthcare policy and advocacy competencies for the BSN-prepared nurse. Reflect on the NUR4827 course readings, discussion threads, and applications you have completed across this course and write a reflective essay regarding the extent to which you feel you are now prepared to:
1. “Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high-quality nursing care, healthcare team coordination, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings.
2. Demonstrate leadership and communication skills to effectively implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team.
3. Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions and describe the process of changing current practice.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN]. (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice. Washington, DC: Author.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on selected RN-BSN competencies acquired through the NUR4827 course.
Course Outcomes
This assignment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes:
– The student will be able to identify the different roles of leadership and management in the nursing field.
– The student will be able to analyze and apply the leadership and management role into the nursing profession.
1. The Course Reflection is worth 100 points (10%) and will be graded on quality of self-assessment, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
2. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about your essay may be posted under the Q & A forum under the Discussions tab.
3. The length of the reflection is to be within three to six pages excluding title page and reference pages.
4. APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered):
Note: Introduction – Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63).
a. Course Reflection
b. Conclusion
Preparing Your Reflection
The BSN Essentials (AACN, 2008) outline a number of healthcare policy and advocacy competencies for the BSN-prepared nurse. Reflect on the NUR4827 course readings, discussion threads, and applications you have completed across this course and write a reflective essay regarding the extent to which you feel you are now prepared to:
1. “Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high-quality nursing care, healthcare team coordination, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings.
2. Demonstrate leadership and communication skills to effectively implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team.
3. Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions and describe the process of changing current practice.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN]. (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice. Washington, DC: Author.

FLORIDA’s state Board of Nursing (BON)

Purpose: To provide students with the opportunity to understand the role FLORIDA’s state Board of Nursing (BON) and explore how it protects the welfare and safety of citizens and regulates the practice of nursing.  Then provide simple and short answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the structure and authority of the BON?
  2. What is the code of conduct as described in the Nurse Practice Act?
  3. How is professional misconduct defined?
  4. What are the sanctions for misconduct?
  5. How do nurses remain in good standing?
  6. Name three (3) OTHER nursing organizations (include at least one APRN organization)

At least 300 words

FLORIDA’s state Board of Nursing (BON)

Purpose: To provide students with the opportunity to understand the role FLORIDA’s state Board of Nursing (BON) and explore how it protects the welfare and safety of citizens and regulates the practice of nursing.  Then provide simple and short answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the structure and authority of the BON?
  2. What is the code of conduct as described in the Nurse Practice Act?
  3. How is professional misconduct defined?
  4. What are the sanctions for misconduct?
  5. How do nurses remain in good standing?
  6. Name three (3) OTHER nursing organizations (include at least one APRN organization)

At least 300 words

Clinical Field Experience

USe one of the links to complete this assignment
Culture influences learning. How children are raised affects how they learn. Effective educators consider the various learning needs of the students, or their culture, when planning for instruction.
For this assignment, identify a birth to Pre-K child care center, and observe an infant/toddler classroom and a preschool classroom environment within the same center. During your observations, answer the questions on the “Clinical Field Experience A: Observation Log.”
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.
After observing the two classrooms, write a 250-500 word comparison of the learning environments. Address the following questions:

  • How will you develop clear lines of communication with families to ensure diverse learning needs are met?
  • What challenges might you face in communicating with families of different cultures?
  • How could you integrate diverse cultures into your future classroom in order to develop a positive learning environment?

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
Document the locations and hours you spend in the field on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form.
Submit the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form to the LMS in the last topic. Directions for submitting can be found on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center.
Students may complete required practicum/field experience hours by watching supplemental videos that align with the practicum course, assignment(s), and student’s program (i.e. Teacher Tube, Teacher Channel, YouTube) to count towards the required practicum/field experience
hours. As of now, if the student chooses this option, the course instructor will sign as the mentor teacher on the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form.
Please review the following list of helpful resources and links to sites where students can access supplemental videos or experiences for practicum/field experience hours (not student teaching course requirements).
· TeacherTube:
· YouTube (search for teaching and lesson videos to supplement):
· The Teaching Channel:
· ASCD: Professional Learning & Community for Educators:
· Edutopia:
· The Teachers Network:
· PBS:

Nursing Course Summary

Please explain what each of the following courses mean to me within my nursing career and how I was able to apply the various BSN essentials through the completion of various course assignments and clinical practice experiences. I have attached the BSN essentials as well as a course description for each course. The paper needs to be 3 pages in length, reflecting on each class. The description of each class is listed below along with an explanation of each BSN essential. Utilize as many BSN essential as possible for each course reflection.
3 pages minimum
12 Point Font (Times New Roman)
Semester 3
Care management 3 (maternal newborn and pediatrics)
Nursing care management of children and families including healthy mothers and newborns, with an emphasis on health promotion, protection, and restoration. Proficiency is acquired in the classroom and while working with inter-professional teams in a variety of settings.
Health Promotion, Disease Prevention: A Community Perspective
Utilization of evidence-based recommendations from WHO, CDC, NIH, and other resources to examine population-focused nursing, prioritizing primary prevention. Topics will include epidemiology, population genomics, social determinants of health, levels of prevention, vulnerable populations, emergency preparedness and disaster, triage, technology in population focused health care, ecological models, environmental issues, and health beliefs and practices of diverse groups. Roles for nurses in community/public health will be explored, including interventions for public health/community health nursing (surveillance, disease, and health event investigation, screening, social marketing, and others).
Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice
Examination of the history of nursing research, research methods and processes, and the relationship between theory development and research. Topics include analysis of research applications and preparation of research reports.
Public Policy and Risk Management in Nursing
Analysis of the impact of a dynamic social and political climate on professional regulation and health policy, the role of government in financing and maintaining quality healthcare, current health policy issues and their impact on nursing, patients, and healthcare delivery. Explores how nursing identifies,
The BSN Essentials
Essential I: Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice
A solid base in liberal education provides the cornerstone for the practice and
education of nurses.
Essential II: Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and
Patient Safety
Knowledge and skills in leadership, quality improvement, and patient safety are
necessary to provide high quality health care.
Essential III: Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice
Professional nursing practice is grounded in the translation of current evidence
into one’s practice.
Essential IV: Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology
Knowledge and skills in information management and patient care technology are
critical in the delivery of quality patient care.
Essential V: Health Care Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments
Healthcare policies, including financial and regulatory, directly and indirectly
influence the nature and functioning of the healthcare system and thereby are
important considerations in professional nursing practice.
Essential VI: Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration
for Improving Patient Health Outcomes
Communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals are critical to
delivering high quality and safe patient care.
Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health
Health promotion and disease prevention at the individual and population level are necessary to improve population health and are important components of baccalaureate generalist nursing practice.
Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values
Professionalism and the inherent values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice are fundamental to the discipline of nursing.
Essential IX: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice
The baccalaureate graduate nurse is prepared to practice with patients, including individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations across the lifespan and across the continuum of healthcare environments. The baccalaureate graduate understands and respects the variations of care, the increased complexity, and the increased use of healthcare resources inherent in caring for patients.

Nursing Course Summary

Please explain what each of the following courses mean to me within my nursing career and how I was able to apply the various BSN essentials through the completion of various course assignments and clinical practice experiences. I have attached the BSN essentials as well as a course description for each course. The paper needs to be 3 pages in length, reflecting on each class. The description of each class is listed below along with an explanation of each BSN essential. Utilize as many BSN essential as possible for each course reflection.
3 pages minimum
12 Point Font (Times New Roman)
Semester 3
Care management 3 (maternal newborn and pediatrics)
Nursing care management of children and families including healthy mothers and newborns, with an emphasis on health promotion, protection, and restoration. Proficiency is acquired in the classroom and while working with inter-professional teams in a variety of settings.
Health Promotion, Disease Prevention: A Community Perspective
Utilization of evidence-based recommendations from WHO, CDC, NIH, and other resources to examine population-focused nursing, prioritizing primary prevention. Topics will include epidemiology, population genomics, social determinants of health, levels of prevention, vulnerable populations, emergency preparedness and disaster, triage, technology in population focused health care, ecological models, environmental issues, and health beliefs and practices of diverse groups. Roles for nurses in community/public health will be explored, including interventions for public health/community health nursing (surveillance, disease, and health event investigation, screening, social marketing, and others).
Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice
Examination of the history of nursing research, research methods and processes, and the relationship between theory development and research. Topics include analysis of research applications and preparation of research reports.
Public Policy and Risk Management in Nursing
Analysis of the impact of a dynamic social and political climate on professional regulation and health policy, the role of government in financing and maintaining quality healthcare, current health policy issues and their impact on nursing, patients, and healthcare delivery. Explores how nursing identifies,
The BSN Essentials
Essential I: Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice
A solid base in liberal education provides the cornerstone for the practice and
education of nurses.
Essential II: Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and
Patient Safety
Knowledge and skills in leadership, quality improvement, and patient safety are
necessary to provide high quality health care.
Essential III: Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice
Professional nursing practice is grounded in the translation of current evidence
into one’s practice.
Essential IV: Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology
Knowledge and skills in information management and patient care technology are
critical in the delivery of quality patient care.
Essential V: Health Care Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments
Healthcare policies, including financial and regulatory, directly and indirectly
influence the nature and functioning of the healthcare system and thereby are
important considerations in professional nursing practice.
Essential VI: Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration
for Improving Patient Health Outcomes
Communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals are critical to
delivering high quality and safe patient care.
Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health
Health promotion and disease prevention at the individual and population level are necessary to improve population health and are important components of baccalaureate generalist nursing practice.
Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values
Professionalism and the inherent values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice are fundamental to the discipline of nursing.
Essential IX: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice
The baccalaureate graduate nurse is prepared to practice with patients, including individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations across the lifespan and across the continuum of healthcare environments. The baccalaureate graduate understands and respects the variations of care, the increased complexity, and the increased use of healthcare resources inherent in caring for patients.