Competencies of a Registered Nurse (RN)
What are Competencies of a Registered Nurse (RN)? – 850 words
Steps to become Advanced Practice Nurse (APN)
Community Health Nurses Practice Settings
This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcomes (COs).
• CO 3: Plan prevention and population-focused interventions for vulnerable populations using professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice. (POs 4 and 8)
• CO 5: Analyze the nursing roles in providing comprehensive care in a variety of community health settings. (PO 1)
Community health nurses practice in a variety of settings. Choose one of the following CH settings, and describe what you have learned about the setting and the role(s) of the nurse in that setting (see Nies & McEwen, 2019, Chapters 30-34).
Please do not choose home health nursing for this discussion because your paper is on home health nursing (can include home hospice).
• Correctional nursing
• Occupational nursing
• School Nursing
• Forensic nursing
• Faith community nursing
Next study levels of prevention in this week’s lesson (primary, secondary, and tertiary). Note that the term primary is used differently than in normal conversation.
• Describe one of the levels of prevention, and discuss how a community health nurse (CHN) in the setting you discussed can implement this level of prevention.
Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2019). Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.
Nurse Professional Association Membership (CHN, APN, RN, APN, etc)
Write a research paper 6-8 pages, MLA style. Write about the Gangs in the US: history, differences, controversies, characteristics, dangers, measures taken. This paper will include research and evaluation of research. It will combine your opinions and arguments with the opinions from at least five articles on the issue that you have chosen. At least three of these articles have to be opinion and argument articles containing the author’s position on one side or the other, not just facts. All of your articles have to have an author. Use sources like library resources, universities sites or major newspapers. You can add “scholarly article” to the key word if you use Google or other search engines on the web. EBSCO is a good web. The paper must contain a debate between two sides of the issue. Present the sides and explain where the authors stand in your paper with major points and how they’re supported from the articles, and agree or disagree with each point you bring up from their texts. Finally, you will choose one side based on which arguments you agree with the most. You should make the comparison between the arguments obvious: are the articles that are on one side very similar or have differences? Is the opposing argument more, or less valid? Why?
The argument that evaluates the four articles that you picked should be clear from the beginning, but then elaborated in a dialogue with the 4 articles. Do not just summarize someone else’s point until you mention whose opinion that is. Distinguish between their points and yours, with words such as “In his opinion…”, “I agree because…”, or “his point makes sense because”. Give your own examples, to show how you relate to the issue or not. Explain the meaning of facts and use them to help make your point. Make them relevant to your position. Organization: The introduction, will announce what the topic is, what articles you talk about by what authors, and will announce your position in relation to them. A. Divide the body of the paper in 5 parts though you should have more than one paragraph for each source and each part will be about one article, making sure you always agree or disagree, saying what reasons you have to agree or disagree with it. Make references to the previous
ones, saying how it is similar to them or not, as well as your position toward it. Draw some conclusions based on your position and how you analyzed the articles. Why you agreed with this point and disagreed with that point, your overall point is this. B. Alternate between the 5 or more articles giving at the same time a critical evaluation of them, by expressing your attitude and why you have it. It will be organized by sub-points, and show how each article addresses each particular sub-point, then you will move to the next sub-point and show how each article addresses it. Be clear by the end where you stand in relation to the topic. Use quotes from all the three articles to show how the author makes a point. Give a short quote for each separate idea, with proper citation, and with a comment on the quote. The quote should not be more than one third of the paragraph, the rest your own evaluation of the point made in the quote or the analysis preceding the quote.
Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous
2. Using the University’s format (APA – 6th edition) for written papers, the paper is to be 3 – 5 pages (not counting title page and reference page and no abstract is needed) and include the following:
A very brief description (one paragraph for each group – do NOT include the actual 12-steps) to include the following:
a. Official names of the programs or groups you observed b. When and where did you go to the two groups?
c. Why did you choose these specific meetings?
d. A brief history of program or group – MUST CITE – you obtained this information from somewhere. If you obtained information during the meeting, cite IN the paper “personal communication” (according to APA guidelines).
e. Criteria for client entrance into the program or group
f. Organization’s goals of program or group The main body of the paper should address:
g. Your objective impression of the program or group in meeting the clients’ needs and your rationale. In your opinion, was the group process (leadership style, established norms, etc.) effective?
h. A comparison/contrast of the likenesses and differences between these two types of groups. Would you refer future clients?
At least one reference must be from a source other than the internet or a web-based site. If you used an article, please attach the first page of the article to the end of the paper. If you used a brochure, please attach it to the end of the paper. If you used a web site, print the home page and attach it at the end.
Philosophy Statement For School Of Nursing
Summarize Philosophy Statement For School Of Nursing:
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
Ethical Issues In Nursing (Case Study)
Read the case study and analyze the issues in an ethical perspective (1,800 words). Refer ANA Code of Ethics.
NP Patient Teaching Plan
Special Reminder: There are 2 separate submissions.
- Patient Teaching Plan
- Visual Teaching Tool
Please note that you will need to complete the Patient Teaching Plan first. You will use this plan to develop the Visual Teaching Tool. It is recommended that you read the directions for both assignments carefully before beginning.
To create a Patient Teaching Plan aimed at educating a specific patient population about a specific health topic. This plan will be used to develop a Visual Teaching Tool in a future assignment.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO 2: Recognize the influence that developmental stages have on physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual functioning. (PO #1)
CO 4: Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (PO #2)
Due Date
This assignment is worth 125 points.
Background Information
NR305 focuses on nursing assessment, and the identification of opportunities to prevent disease and improve health of patients. An important professional role for nurses is to provide teaching to patients based on knowledge deficits identified during assessment.
Prior to beginning this assignment, follow the link to read the article below. The information related to adult learning and barriers to understanding will be helpful when planning how to best educate your selected population.
Beagley, L. (2011). Educating patients: Understanding barriers, learning styles, and teaching techniques. Journal of Paranesthesia Nursing, 26(5), 331-337. permalink (Links to an external site.)
Please read all directions carefully before you begin.
Click to download the Patient Teaching Plan Form (Links to an external site.).
Type your answers directly into this Word document and submit. The use of correct terminology, grammar, and spelling is important! Any references and citations used should be written in APA format. Please utilize in-text citations when appropriate, and list all references in the space provided at the end of the worksheet.
You are required to complete the form using the productivity tools required by University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at website. Click on the envelope at the top of the page.
Health Topic: Decide WHAT you would like to teach. Describe in detail why this is an important topic for patient education. Use evidence from the textbook, lesson or an outside scholarly source to support your rationale.
Select from the following health topics to complete your Patient Teaching Project:
- Stress and Time Management
- Self-Care (can choose a specific self-care activity)
- Prevention of Hazards at Work
- Bicycle Safety
- Ergonomics (related to work, posture)
- Skin Cancer Prevention
- Healthy Eating
- Exercise/Physical Activity
- Suicide
- Human Trafficking
- Eating Disorders
- Substance Abuse (Opioid, Alcohol, Nicotine)
- Depression
- Palliative Care/Hospice Care
Population and Setting: Once you have selected a topic, you must decide WHO you will be teaching and WHERE the education will take place. (i.e., teaching a classroom of middle school students; teaching community members at a local health fair)
Learning Barriers: Refer to the assigned article: Educating patients: Understanding barriers, learning styles, and teaching techniques for information related to learning barriers and other teaching considerations. Barriers might be cultural, physical, educational, or environmental. You may also want to consider the developmental stages of your selected population.
The population in this community is known to have a low-literacy level, therefore clear pictures and graphics will be utilized to assist with understanding.
Learning Objectives: Write three specific learning objectives your Visual Teaching Tool will address. Begin each objective with “At the end of this education, the learner will …” Use an action verb to finish the sentence (i.e., list, demonstrate, describe, define, identify).
At the end of this education, the learner will be able to demonstrate the proper way to wear a bike helmet.
At the end of this education, the learner will be able to describe how to perform a breast self-exam.
At the end of this education, the learner will be able to list three benefits of regular physical activity.
Evaluation: Write a paragraph describing how you could evaluate whether your visual teaching tool was successful and met the learning objectives. Consider the population’s abilities and the setting.
Please see the grading criteria and rubrics on this page.
Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles
This assignment will be uploaded automatically to Turnitin upon submission to verify this is your original work and no parts were copied from another student.
Community health nurses practice in a variety of settings. The purpose of this paper is to describe the community setting and analyze the role of a nurse in the assigned setting. Health promotion nursing interventions and a professional nursing organization related to this role will also be examined.
The topic for this paper is the role of a nurse in a home health setting (can include home hospice).
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.
CO5: Analyze the nursing roles in providing comprehensive care in a variety of community health settings. (PO 1)
CO6: Utilize a systems-based and collaborative approach to address factors that influence the health of a community and population health problems. (PO 2)
Watch the tutorial on tips for completing the Community Settings and Community Health Nursing Roles assignment.
This APA paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Below are the requirements for successful completion of this paper. Please use the recommended APA Template linked below, which incorporates the following categories as the first level headings on your paper. APA formatting helps you to organize your paper in a professional manner and provides consistent methods for citing your sources and completing your reference page. See the documents in the APA category in Course Resources for assistance with APA formatting. The Student Success Strategies resource has great sections on writing scholarly papers and APA formatting.
The community health setting for this paper must be a home health setting (can include home hospice).
Click to view and download the NR443 Community Settings APA Template (Links to an external site.) to complete your paper. The template is formatted with the appropriate running head, title page, page numbers, paragraph formatting, and most of the headings. Please edit the headers and title page with your specific information. You are also encouraged to view the Week 4 assignment tutorial found at the end of the Academic Integrity Reminder.
Read the chapter of your textbook on the assigned community health setting and take notes based on the outline below.
Locate and read at least one scholarly peer-reviewed journal article that is not assigned in the course related to a nurse’s role in health promotion in this setting. Search peer reviewed journals to find a scholarly article on this topic. The article must be less than 10 years old (less than 5 years is best).
Thoroughly address the following categories using the APA Template that is provided.
- Introduction (one paragraph):
- The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader’s attention.
- Introduce the assigned community setting
- Briefly identify CHN role(s) in this setting
- Identify vulnerable population(s) served in this setting
- Include a purpose statement
- Community Setting (two to three paragraphs)
- Describe the assigned community setting, including vulnerable population(s) served.
- Discuss three health services provided by the a CHN in the assigned setting.
- Use your textbook or an outside scholarly source to address these sub-points.
- Health Promotion Nursing Intervention (two to three paragraphs)
- Describe in detail health promotion intervention(s) that a CHN could implement in the assigned community setting.
- Identify people/organizations/community members this CHN role may collaborate with in health promotion interventions.
- Utilize at least one peer-reviewed scholarly article related to a health promotion intervention.
- Professional Nursing Organization (two paragraphs)
- Provide a detailed description of a professional nursing organization related to the assigned community setting. Search the text, your article, or the Internet for one professional organization that supports nurses in this role. If you can’t find an organization specific to this group, search the American Nurses Association (ANA) website for information on this role. Cite the organization in the body of the text with (organization name, year), and include a complete reference on the reference page.
- Discuss one professional issue that this organization is addressing related to the assigned community setting.
- Summary (one paragraph)
- The summary reiterates key points about:
- The community setting and the CHN role(s)
- Health promotion intervention
- Professional organization
- Includes a concluding statement.
- Reference Page: The reference page should start on a new page (insert a page break). All references should be cited within the body of the paper as (author or organization, year), and the full reference should be included in APA format on the reference page. A URL link alone is not an adequate reference. See the Chamberlain Guidelines for Professional Writing in the APA Folder in Program Resources for examples of properly formatted references.
The setting for this paper must be a home health setting (can include home hospice).
Application: Use Microsoft Word 2010™ or later to create this assignment on the template provided.
We highly recommend that you used the specific APA paper template for this assignment linked above as the headings are already included.
Scholarly Writing: APA format is required. Review APA documents in Program Resources, and use the free resources of for writing tutors.
Length: This paper is expected to be no more than 4 pages in length (not including the title page and reference list).
Quotations should be minimal—please paraphrase your sources. A maximum of one quotation should be used for this paper
Best Practices in Preparing the Paper
The following are best practices in preparing this project.
Follow the guidelines above carefully.
Use only the assigned community setting.
Use the provided APA assignment specific template.
Visit the SSPRNBSN Student Success resource for help with writing a scholarly paper, APA formatting, and library navigation. This should be one of your course tiles.
Use the 1st column of the grading rubric to make sure all elements of the paper are addressed.
Cite all sources within the paper as well as on the reference page.
Proofread prior to final submission.
Check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission with or the free tutor available through the Tutoring link in the course.