Aspergers Syndrome effects it has on a childs development and how it relates to Autism

Aspergers Syndrome effects it has on a childs development and how it relates to Autism

You will select a topic related to developmental psychology.
Since this is a writing intensive class, you will need to write a 6-7 page paper on this topic. The 6 to 7
pages is content only. You will need a topic page and a works cited page in addition to the 6 to 7
pages of content. 5 sources are required for use in your research paper. Wikipedia cannot be utilized.
MLA Style format

Aspergers Syndrome effects it has on a childs development and how it relates to Autism

Aspergers Syndrome effects it has on a childs development and how it relates to Autism

You will select a topic related to developmental psychology.
Since this is a writing intensive class, you will need to write a 6-7 page paper on this topic. The 6 to 7
pages is content only. You will need a topic page and a works cited page in addition to the 6 to 7
pages of content. 5 sources are required for use in your research paper. Wikipedia cannot be utilized.
MLA Style format

Relationship between task modality and mind wandering

Relationship between task modality and mind wandering

Please edit Lab Report Intro.docx accordingly to the teacher’s feedbacks. Then continue on the full lab report with the Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.

SPSS has already been done by me, please refer to stats data.docx for the SPSS tables. Follow the lab report format under Lab Report Proforma (1).docx.

For information to be included into the lab report, please refer to Singapore Lab Report LM 2.pptx PSYC327_345 Experiment Method info_SIM.docx

For additional guides on writing, please refer to PSYC345 2018 Argument and writing.pptx Lab report writing.docx Results section in a lab report.docx Discussion pointers.docx.

Psychology Perception Questions lightness constancy

Psychology Perception Questions lightness constancy

Above is an example of lightness constancy. Look at the checkerboard scene on the left: Which squares do you perceive to be the same? If you are like most people, your visual system creates the perception that square A and C are different, and A and B are identical, even though (and now look at the checkerboard scene on the right) they are not! Why did your brain do that? Why don’t you see what is actually on the retina?

Think about it, it happens a lot: Most times you see a coin, for example, you perceive it to be a circle. Yet think about the image that coin casts on the retina (which is the first stage of visual processing). That image is hardly ever circular and far more likely to elliptical. However, you perceive the coin to be round, just as a door is perceived to be a rectangle at all times, even though a rectangle shape is less likely on the retina than a parallelogram. In building our visual perception of the world of objects and scenes from those bottom-up signals impinging on our sensory receptors, the input is the retinal image, constantly changing as our head shifts, as we make eye movements, as we move relative to objects and scenes; however, our perceptions of color, shape, size, orientation, motion, and lightness remain constant; they do not change. It doesn’t appear as if everything is visually transmogrifying and morphing in front of our eyes, even though that is exactly what is happening on the retina. How does the brain achieve perceptual constancy, the ability to perceive the unchanging features of the world despite the ever-changing retinal image?

This week, please answer the following:

1) What is meant by perceptual constancy?

2) Choose either: size constancy, orientation constancy, shape constancy, lightness constancy, or color constancy (perceptual constancy is discussed in the lecture and the textbook. I discuss orientation constancy in the lecture. Demonstrations can be seen in Course Material and in my lecture). You might want to explore the famous “dress” controversy? Was it blue and gold or was it black and whatever!?  What accounted for that? (Hint: Do some research on color constancy).

3) Describe this constancy in a paragraph. Again, you should do some research on how it is described in the field, and then armed with that information, present this information using your own words. Give evidence for it where possible.

4) What are the proposed ways that the visual brain achieves it? Again, what is the evidence?

5) What might happen to a person’s visual experiences of color, size, shape, orientation, motion, brightness, and other percepts if perceptual constancy did not occur? What would a person perceive? Can you find any evidence for this? (Note: This last part requires you do some research).


What do you feel is the best/most appropriate time and approach to begin educating individuals about human sexuality

What do you feel is the best/most appropriate time and approach to begin educating individuals about human sexuality

  • Please watch the following to begin…

Please take some time to respond in your discussion post about the reflections and thoughts that arise for you in viewing this clip… How can we best make sense of and address the intersex experience in a biblical manner? How could we go about creating safe, loving spaces for these individuals and their experiences in our church communities–as, according to statistics, it is likely that you’ve encountered someone with this experience in your churches or even here on campus!

2) This week’s discussion topic is *drum roll*….

Sex Ed!

In light of reading through the chapter, the different developmental stages, and even the different approaches of sex ed in different cultures, please interact with the following:

What do you feel is the best/most appropriate time and approach to begin educating individuals about human sexuality? What was your experience of sex education as you grew up? Imagine yourself (or reflect on your personal experience) as someone trying to parent children within the church… what would you be concerned about (peers, media, etc.?) and how would you personally hope to approach this topic?

Impacts of Educational Programs on Recidivism Rates

Impacts of Educational Programs on Recidivism Rates

The problem statement is 250-300 words and captures these three things:

1. What is the problem as identified in the literature?

2. Whose problem is it?

3. What happens if the problem is not addressed?

Child Psychology Essay

Child Psychology Essay

Refer to the attached files:

  • APA style
  • 8 Sources
  • 4-5 pages

Stroop Effect Essay

Stroop Effect Essay

  • See attached file
  • Use APA format
  • 750-1,050 words


Circadian Rhythm Cycle Assignment

Circadian Rhythm Cycle Assignment

Chapter 4 discusses the Circadian Rhythm Cycle. Perform outside research to find 2 studies that are about the Circadian Rhythm Cycle.
Explain how the studies were completed and how their findings differ from each other and the material in the book (i.e. use of stimulants to help sleep vs relying on your natural Circadian Rhythm).

This should be approximately 1 page with 3-4 paragraphs using 2 researched sources.

Be sure that you cite and reference your sources using APA.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapeutic treatment that helps people learn how to identify and change destructive or disturbing thought patterns that have a negative influence on behavior and emotions.

In this assignment, you need to:

  • Provide explanation of how the use of CBT in families compares to CBT in individual settings.
  • Provide one specific example and explain the challenges counselors might encounter.

You can use this resource: