Using DSM-5 to Diagnose Clients

 Diagnosing Clients Using DSM-5 
Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a group therapy session. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same group session. (Grandfather with His Granddaughter) Grandfather has a history of Bi-polar, Granddaughter has history of Bi-polar and drug addiction) Describe each client (without violating HIPAA regulations), and identify any pertinent history or
medical information, including prescribed medications. Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for each client. Explain whether cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with this group. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach. Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling each client. Support your approach with evidence-based literature. (Will send an example of a journal to use as a guideline and format)

Psychology Essays. Psychology Term Papers. Graduate Psychology Papers.

This is a continuation of week 4 where you selected a topic of interest and chose 5 APA references Your paper should be 5 pages in length, plus a Title Page and Reference Page for a total of 7 pages. Please do not submit a 7+ page paper of
In the Issue Analysis Paper, you have selected a topic, issue or subject relating to sports psychology, and now you are asked to analyze the
topic in the first half of the paper.
First, identify an important Issue related to sport psychology and describe that issue in detail during the first half of the paper. Then, in the paper’s second half, analyze the issue and suggest solutions. Analysis requires breaking a subject, issue, or event into its constituent elements, so that the assumptions or components are made clear and the relationships between them are made explicit.
Thus, through the analysis paper, the student demonstrates comprehension of the material being analyzed. In that Sport Psychology is
interdisciplinary, you can borrow topics and subjects from other areas in which you have an interest, but we must be sure the topic relates to sports psychology.
Issues can include mental or physical conditions, performance, goal-setting and imagery, aggression and violence, group processes,
competition, etc. The paper is not a personal opinion or reflection style paper. As such, it should NOT include personal stories or observation sharing, but must analyze the issue; the personal, you or I, must be left out of your thinking and writing. You should write in 3rd person point of
view (the most objective and analytical), as though your readers are intelligent but not fully informed about the topic.
Your paper must be developed using research material from at least five sources. You may not use your textbook as a source. You may also
use the Internet for some of your material as long as you access scholarly resources and not popular media such as Sports Illustrated,
Psychology Today, opinion .com sites or blogs, sites or others that do summarizing for readers, abstracts without reading the full article, etc. NO WIKIPEDIA articles may be used for these papers or any other writing assignment in this course.
All sources must be listed on “References” pages (not “Works Cited” or “Bibliography” – those aren’t APA format terms, and without the
quotation marks) attached to the end of the papers.
You must also cite the material within the body of your paper, using the American Psychological Association (APA) format.

Analyzing Theories of Emotion

Assignment Instructions
Complete this week’s Learning Activity to prepare you for the Assignment.
For this Assignment, you will write a 2-3 page expository paper analyzing theories of emotion and the role of the limbic system and frontal lobe in the processing of emotion.
Utilize the following scenario in the construction of your paper:
John is a 42-year-old construction worker who was leaving the construction site to take his lunch break. While walking from the site, he heard a loud crashing sound. John turned around to see a crane tip over and fall to the ground. Initially, John experienced feelings of terror at the sight of the crane falling and fear that someone would be hurt. However, as the crane landed, he was able to see that it fell on an unoccupied plot of land.
Include the following in your paper:
Examine the three theories of emotion in the context of the scenario. Analyze the different features of the three theories of emotion with respect to the cognitive and neuropsychological processes involved in John’s processing of the events. Differentiate the three theories of emotion and how processing of the events would be different under each theory.
State which theory of emotion you feel is the most accurate and why. Break down the neuropsychological processing of emotion with respect to the functioning of the limbic system (hypothalamus, thalamus, amygdala, hippocampus), and the frontal lobe. Analyze how the different parts of the brain are involved in the processing of emotion as well as the flow of information within the limbic system and frontal lobe.
The Assignment should:
Utilize a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources outside your textbook and assigned readings to support your paper.
Follow Assignment directions (review grading rubric for best results). Use correct APA formatting per the current APA Publication Manual. Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. Be written in Standard English and be clear, specific, and error-free.
Your paper should include:
Title Page
Main Body of the paper
Reference Page

Analyzing Theories of Emotion

Assignment Instructions
Complete this week’s Learning Activity to prepare you for the Assignment.
For this Assignment, you will write a 2-3 page expository paper analyzing theories of emotion and the role of the limbic system and frontal lobe in the processing of emotion.
Utilize the following scenario in the construction of your paper:
John is a 42-year-old construction worker who was leaving the construction site to take his lunch break. While walking from the site, he heard a loud crashing sound. John turned around to see a crane tip over and fall to the ground. Initially, John experienced feelings of terror at the sight of the crane falling and fear that someone would be hurt. However, as the crane landed, he was able to see that it fell on an unoccupied plot of land.
Include the following in your paper:
Examine the three theories of emotion in the context of the scenario. Analyze the different features of the three theories of emotion with respect to the cognitive and neuropsychological processes involved in John’s processing of the events. Differentiate the three theories of emotion and how processing of the events would be different under each theory.
State which theory of emotion you feel is the most accurate and why. Break down the neuropsychological processing of emotion with respect to the functioning of the limbic system (hypothalamus, thalamus, amygdala, hippocampus), and the frontal lobe. Analyze how the different parts of the brain are involved in the processing of emotion as well as the flow of information within the limbic system and frontal lobe.
The Assignment should:
Utilize a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources outside your textbook and assigned readings to support your paper.
Follow Assignment directions (review grading rubric for best results). Use correct APA formatting per the current APA Publication Manual. Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. Be written in Standard English and be clear, specific, and error-free.
Your paper should include:
Title Page
Main Body of the paper
Reference Page

Analyzing Theories of Emotion

Assignment Instructions
Complete this week’s Learning Activity to prepare you for the Assignment.
For this Assignment, you will write a 2-3 page expository paper analyzing theories of emotion and the role of the limbic system and frontal lobe in the processing of emotion.
Utilize the following scenario in the construction of your paper:
John is a 42-year-old construction worker who was leaving the construction site to take his lunch break. While walking from the site, he heard a loud crashing sound. John turned around to see a crane tip over and fall to the ground. Initially, John experienced feelings of terror at the sight of the crane falling and fear that someone would be hurt. However, as the crane landed, he was able to see that it fell on an unoccupied plot of land.
Include the following in your paper:
Examine the three theories of emotion in the context of the scenario. Analyze the different features of the three theories of emotion with respect to the cognitive and neuropsychological processes involved in John’s processing of the events. Differentiate the three theories of emotion and how processing of the events would be different under each theory.
State which theory of emotion you feel is the most accurate and why. Break down the neuropsychological processing of emotion with respect to the functioning of the limbic system (hypothalamus, thalamus, amygdala, hippocampus), and the frontal lobe. Analyze how the different parts of the brain are involved in the processing of emotion as well as the flow of information within the limbic system and frontal lobe.
The Assignment should:
Utilize a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources outside your textbook and assigned readings to support your paper.
Follow Assignment directions (review grading rubric for best results). Use correct APA formatting per the current APA Publication Manual. Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. Be written in Standard English and be clear, specific, and error-free.
Your paper should include:
Title Page
Main Body of the paper
Reference Page

Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse in Georgia

Most states have laws requiring mandatory reporting for suspicion of child abuse as a condition
of professional licensure. Research the law of the state in which you plan to be licensed as an
RN (Georgia) and consider the information as you respond to this discussion.
Read the following resources before posting to the discussion:
Interactive: Child Abuse
Ellington, E. (2017). Psychiatric nursing’s role in child abuse: Prevention, recognition, and
(Links to an external site.)
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 55(11), 16-20.
New York State Office of Children and Family Services. (2019). Summary guide for mandated
reporters in New York State.
(Links to an external site.)
Retrieved from
Initial Post
Address the following:
Discuss the legal implications of mandatory reporting for nurses in your State of licensure.
Discuss the ethical implications of mandatory reporting for nurses in your State of licensure.
How would the RN overcome the feeling of hesitation to report suspected child abuse?
Base your initial post on your readings and research on this topic.
Textbook Readings
Silbert-Flagg, J., & Pillitteri, A. (2018). Maternal and child health nursing: Care of the childbearing
and childrearing family (8th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.
Chapter 55: Nursing Care of a Family in Crisis: Maltreatment and Violence in the Family (pp.
Townsend, M., & Morgan, K. (2018). Psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care in
evidence-based practice (9th ed.). F. A. Davis.
Chapter 2: Mental Health/Mental Illness: Historical and Theoretical Concepts (pp. 12-25)
Chapter 4: Psychopharmacology (pp. 54-84)

Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse in Georgia

Most states have laws requiring mandatory reporting for suspicion of child abuse as a condition
of professional licensure. Research the law of the state in which you plan to be licensed as an
RN (Georgia) and consider the information as you respond to this discussion.
Read the following resources before posting to the discussion:
Interactive: Child Abuse
Ellington, E. (2017). Psychiatric nursing’s role in child abuse: Prevention, recognition, and
(Links to an external site.)
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 55(11), 16-20.
New York State Office of Children and Family Services. (2019). Summary guide for mandated
reporters in New York State.
(Links to an external site.)
Retrieved from
Initial Post
Address the following:
Discuss the legal implications of mandatory reporting for nurses in your State of licensure.
Discuss the ethical implications of mandatory reporting for nurses in your State of licensure.
How would the RN overcome the feeling of hesitation to report suspected child abuse?
Base your initial post on your readings and research on this topic.
Textbook Readings
Silbert-Flagg, J., & Pillitteri, A. (2018). Maternal and child health nursing: Care of the childbearing
and childrearing family (8th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.
Chapter 55: Nursing Care of a Family in Crisis: Maltreatment and Violence in the Family (pp.
Townsend, M., & Morgan, K. (2018). Psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care in
evidence-based practice (9th ed.). F. A. Davis.
Chapter 2: Mental Health/Mental Illness: Historical and Theoretical Concepts (pp. 12-25)
Chapter 4: Psychopharmacology (pp. 54-84)

Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse in Georgia

Most states have laws requiring mandatory reporting for suspicion of child abuse as a condition
of professional licensure. Research the law of the state in which you plan to be licensed as an
RN (Georgia) and consider the information as you respond to this discussion.
Read the following resources before posting to the discussion:
Interactive: Child Abuse
Ellington, E. (2017). Psychiatric nursing’s role in child abuse: Prevention, recognition, and
(Links to an external site.)
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 55(11), 16-20.
New York State Office of Children and Family Services. (2019). Summary guide for mandated
reporters in New York State.
(Links to an external site.)
Retrieved from
Initial Post
Address the following:
Discuss the legal implications of mandatory reporting for nurses in your State of licensure.
Discuss the ethical implications of mandatory reporting for nurses in your State of licensure.
How would the RN overcome the feeling of hesitation to report suspected child abuse?
Base your initial post on your readings and research on this topic.
Textbook Readings
Silbert-Flagg, J., & Pillitteri, A. (2018). Maternal and child health nursing: Care of the childbearing
and childrearing family (8th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.
Chapter 55: Nursing Care of a Family in Crisis: Maltreatment and Violence in the Family (pp.
Townsend, M., & Morgan, K. (2018). Psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care in
evidence-based practice (9th ed.). F. A. Davis.
Chapter 2: Mental Health/Mental Illness: Historical and Theoretical Concepts (pp. 12-25)
Chapter 4: Psychopharmacology (pp. 54-84)

Threat vs. no threat can impact the categorization of White-Hispanic targets

Assignment: In this study, we are interested in investigating how threat vs. no threat can impact the categorization of White-Hispanic targets differently for White and Hispanic participants. You must write a research paper on the effect of threat (IV: threat vs. no threat manipulation from Ho et al., 2013) on White and Hispanic participants’ (IV: White participants vs. Hispanic participants) categorization of Hispanic-White Biracials (DV: To what degree do you consider Hispanic/White biracial people to be a part of your racial group?). The data has already been collected.
Hypotheses:  We hypothesis that there will be a main effect of condition, such that participants in the threat condition will categorize Hispanic-White Biracials as less a part of their racial ingroup than participants in the control (i.e., no threat) condition. We also hypothesize a main effect of participant race, such that White participants will categorize Hispanic-White Biracials as less a part of their racial ingroup than Hispanic Participants.
Finally, we predict a condition x participant race interaction. Specifically, we hypothesize that White participants in the threat condition will categorize Hispanic-White Biracials as less ingroup than White participants in the no threat condition.  For Hispanic participants, we hypothesize there will be no difference in categorization of Hispanic-White biracials between the threat and no threat conditions.
Formatting:  All parts of your manuscript should be double-spaced with standard “1” margins.  You also need to use the header option on your word processor to give your manuscript a running head and page numbers. Please refer to the APA style guide template to ensure your paper is APA format.
You will be primarily graded on the clarity of your writing and your ability to adhere to APA style.
Your paper should consist of the following parts:
Title Page: See p. 163 in the textbook for more information and p. 169 for an example.
Abstract: See p. 170 in the textbook for more information and p. and 178 for an example.
Introduction: This should be about 4-6 paragraphs. See pp. 178-179 in the textbook for more information and p. 171 for an example. Remember to 1) introduce the research question or problem, 2) review the relevant research on the topic, and 3) state your specific hypotheses and explain why they make sense given the literature you reviewed earlier.
Here is a simple way of structuring your introduction:

  • Start the paper by broadly describing the research topic.
  • In the next few paragraphs, provide the background literature on the topic; be sure to include key theories and findings.
  • In the next few paragraphs you should transition to your study and set forth your hypotheses along with a brief justification for your hypotheses based on the background literature from the previous paragraph.

Method: You should use subheadings, such as participants, procedure, and materials, even though they will be very brief. See p. 179-180 in the textbook for more information and pp. 172-173 for an example.
Results: You need to report the results of your experiment (main effects and interaction).  Begin by restating your hypotheses one at a time, and reporting whether the data supports your hypothesis or not. We will go over the results of the study in lecture and in section.
Discussion: In 3-5 paragraphs discuss 1) whether or not the results support your hypothesis (make sure to restate your hypotheses), 2) what the implications of your research are for our understanding of the issue being studied, 3) some of the limitations of your study along with any alternative explanations for your results, and suggestions for future research.
References: This should start on a new page, and should include at least 6 references (most likely more than 6; remember that every claim in your paper should be cited from an academic source).
Due Dates
8/4 Annotated bibliographies due. You will need to write 6 annotated bibliographies for Paper 2. (You can use the articles that we provided in the Paper 2 BlackBoard folder or you can find your own, but you must include Ho et al. (2013) article.
8/6 Outline of your introduction
8/16 Paper 2 due
Useful APA Videos on APA Formatting
Useful APA Videos on How to Write a Literature Review
Useful APA Videos on Avoiding Plagiarism

Threat vs. no threat can impact the categorization of White-Hispanic targets

Assignment: In this study, we are interested in investigating how threat vs. no threat can impact the categorization of White-Hispanic targets differently for White and Hispanic participants. You must write a research paper on the effect of threat (IV: threat vs. no threat manipulation from Ho et al., 2013) on White and Hispanic participants’ (IV: White participants vs. Hispanic participants) categorization of Hispanic-White Biracials (DV: To what degree do you consider Hispanic/White biracial people to be a part of your racial group?). The data has already been collected.
Hypotheses:  We hypothesis that there will be a main effect of condition, such that participants in the threat condition will categorize Hispanic-White Biracials as less a part of their racial ingroup than participants in the control (i.e., no threat) condition. We also hypothesize a main effect of participant race, such that White participants will categorize Hispanic-White Biracials as less a part of their racial ingroup than Hispanic Participants.
Finally, we predict a condition x participant race interaction. Specifically, we hypothesize that White participants in the threat condition will categorize Hispanic-White Biracials as less ingroup than White participants in the no threat condition.  For Hispanic participants, we hypothesize there will be no difference in categorization of Hispanic-White biracials between the threat and no threat conditions.
Formatting:  All parts of your manuscript should be double-spaced with standard “1” margins.  You also need to use the header option on your word processor to give your manuscript a running head and page numbers. Please refer to the APA style guide template to ensure your paper is APA format.
You will be primarily graded on the clarity of your writing and your ability to adhere to APA style.
Your paper should consist of the following parts:
Title Page: See p. 163 in the textbook for more information and p. 169 for an example.
Abstract: See p. 170 in the textbook for more information and p. and 178 for an example.
Introduction: This should be about 4-6 paragraphs. See pp. 178-179 in the textbook for more information and p. 171 for an example. Remember to 1) introduce the research question or problem, 2) review the relevant research on the topic, and 3) state your specific hypotheses and explain why they make sense given the literature you reviewed earlier.
Here is a simple way of structuring your introduction:

  • Start the paper by broadly describing the research topic.
  • In the next few paragraphs, provide the background literature on the topic; be sure to include key theories and findings.
  • In the next few paragraphs you should transition to your study and set forth your hypotheses along with a brief justification for your hypotheses based on the background literature from the previous paragraph.

Method: You should use subheadings, such as participants, procedure, and materials, even though they will be very brief. See p. 179-180 in the textbook for more information and pp. 172-173 for an example.
Results: You need to report the results of your experiment (main effects and interaction).  Begin by restating your hypotheses one at a time, and reporting whether the data supports your hypothesis or not. We will go over the results of the study in lecture and in section.
Discussion: In 3-5 paragraphs discuss 1) whether or not the results support your hypothesis (make sure to restate your hypotheses), 2) what the implications of your research are for our understanding of the issue being studied, 3) some of the limitations of your study along with any alternative explanations for your results, and suggestions for future research.
References: This should start on a new page, and should include at least 6 references (most likely more than 6; remember that every claim in your paper should be cited from an academic source).
Due Dates
8/4 Annotated bibliographies due. You will need to write 6 annotated bibliographies for Paper 2. (You can use the articles that we provided in the Paper 2 BlackBoard folder or you can find your own, but you must include Ho et al. (2013) article.
8/6 Outline of your introduction
8/16 Paper 2 due
Useful APA Videos on APA Formatting
Useful APA Videos on How to Write a Literature Review
Useful APA Videos on Avoiding Plagiarism