Threat vs. no threat can impact the categorization of White-Hispanic targets

Assignment: In this study, we are interested in investigating how threat vs. no threat can impact the categorization of White-Hispanic targets differently for White and Hispanic participants. You must write a research paper on the effect of threat (IV: threat vs. no threat manipulation from Ho et al., 2013) on White and Hispanic participants’ (IV: White participants vs. Hispanic participants) categorization of Hispanic-White Biracials (DV: To what degree do you consider Hispanic/White biracial people to be a part of your racial group?). The data has already been collected.
Hypotheses:  We hypothesis that there will be a main effect of condition, such that participants in the threat condition will categorize Hispanic-White Biracials as less a part of their racial ingroup than participants in the control (i.e., no threat) condition. We also hypothesize a main effect of participant race, such that White participants will categorize Hispanic-White Biracials as less a part of their racial ingroup than Hispanic Participants.
Finally, we predict a condition x participant race interaction. Specifically, we hypothesize that White participants in the threat condition will categorize Hispanic-White Biracials as less ingroup than White participants in the no threat condition.  For Hispanic participants, we hypothesize there will be no difference in categorization of Hispanic-White biracials between the threat and no threat conditions.
Formatting:  All parts of your manuscript should be double-spaced with standard “1” margins.  You also need to use the header option on your word processor to give your manuscript a running head and page numbers. Please refer to the APA style guide template to ensure your paper is APA format.
You will be primarily graded on the clarity of your writing and your ability to adhere to APA style.
Your paper should consist of the following parts:
Title Page: See p. 163 in the textbook for more information and p. 169 for an example.
Abstract: See p. 170 in the textbook for more information and p. and 178 for an example.
Introduction: This should be about 4-6 paragraphs. See pp. 178-179 in the textbook for more information and p. 171 for an example. Remember to 1) introduce the research question or problem, 2) review the relevant research on the topic, and 3) state your specific hypotheses and explain why they make sense given the literature you reviewed earlier.
Here is a simple way of structuring your introduction:

  • Start the paper by broadly describing the research topic.
  • In the next few paragraphs, provide the background literature on the topic; be sure to include key theories and findings.
  • In the next few paragraphs you should transition to your study and set forth your hypotheses along with a brief justification for your hypotheses based on the background literature from the previous paragraph.

Method: You should use subheadings, such as participants, procedure, and materials, even though they will be very brief. See p. 179-180 in the textbook for more information and pp. 172-173 for an example.
Results: You need to report the results of your experiment (main effects and interaction).  Begin by restating your hypotheses one at a time, and reporting whether the data supports your hypothesis or not. We will go over the results of the study in lecture and in section.
Discussion: In 3-5 paragraphs discuss 1) whether or not the results support your hypothesis (make sure to restate your hypotheses), 2) what the implications of your research are for our understanding of the issue being studied, 3) some of the limitations of your study along with any alternative explanations for your results, and suggestions for future research.
References: This should start on a new page, and should include at least 6 references (most likely more than 6; remember that every claim in your paper should be cited from an academic source).
Due Dates
8/4 Annotated bibliographies due. You will need to write 6 annotated bibliographies for Paper 2. (You can use the articles that we provided in the Paper 2 BlackBoard folder or you can find your own, but you must include Ho et al. (2013) article.
8/6 Outline of your introduction
8/16 Paper 2 due
Useful APA Videos on APA Formatting
Useful APA Videos on How to Write a Literature Review
Useful APA Videos on Avoiding Plagiarism

Substance Abuse and Addiction Paper. Motivational Interviewing. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Motivational Interviewing or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 
Write a paper on any area of addiction. In this paper, please address the following
1. The type of intervention (For example, Motivational Interviewing or Cognitive Behavioral
2. If relevant, discuss the population you will be focusing this paper on (e.g. adolescents,
older adults).
3. Discuss culturally responsive practice skills that apply.
4. Provide research that addresses this intervention. Please make sure you use at least 7
peer-reviewed journals and books. This research should address the knowledge of the
intervention and prevention models, as well as the evidence-based approach used for the
population you are focusing on.
5. Discuss the issue of resistance as an opportunity in working with addicted individuals.
6.Provide a conclusion that discusses age implications for practice, policy, and future

Literature search – Women are more emotional than men

Literature search – Women are more emotional than men
Task: Pick one of the claims below and find two scholarly articles: one in support of the claim, and one which refutes the claim.
Claims: Women are more emotional than men.
Teaching babies multiple languages makes them smarter.
Liberals are more ethical than Conservatives.
Gifted children are more creative than typical children

Literature search – Women are more emotional than men

Literature search – Women are more emotional than men
Task: Pick one of the claims below and find two scholarly articles: one in support of the claim, and one which refutes the claim.
Claims: Women are more emotional than men.
Teaching babies multiple languages makes them smarter.
Liberals are more ethical than Conservatives.
Gifted children are more creative than typical children

Literature search – Women are more emotional than men

Literature search – Women are more emotional than men
Task: Pick one of the claims below and find two scholarly articles: one in support of the claim, and one which refutes the claim.
Claims: Women are more emotional than men.
Teaching babies multiple languages makes them smarter.
Liberals are more ethical than Conservatives.
Gifted children are more creative than typical children

Couples and Family Therapy

Couples and Family Therapy 
Read chapter 4-5 in Gehart text and chapter 12-13 in Handbook
Discuss an assessment for the couple below using strategic or structural therapy – what are you looking for, why, and what did you find? Then discuss possible strategic or structural interventions – which ones, why, and what was the outcome? Make sure to address any legal or cultural issues that may be present. Mateo & Kesha: Mateo is a 48 year old male; Italian; parents married; previously married and divorced with two children (ages 17 and 16) and one step child (age 21). He does not have a good relationship with his children at this time. Kesha is a 25 year old black female; parents married; no previous marriages; has two children with Mateo ages 2 and 3. The couple met in February 2015 through a dating app and were married in September 2015. Mateo’s children are upset with him and thus upset with Kesha – they don’t get along very well, especially the step son. Mateo presents with an abrasive personality and stated he can be harsh with his words. Kesha is overwhelmed with work, raising kids, and not being happy in the marriage. She wanted to attend therapy a year ago but Mateo did not feel it was needed. Kesha has been open about not being happy and needing more. In not getting this, she began talking to other people online. In doing so, she met another man and decided to approach Mateo about opening up the relationship so she could have a boyfriend. Mateo is not okay with this but has made concessions. He stated he did this so at least it was not behind his back however, he is upset that she has met and had sex with this other man. Both are feeling very lost and hurt by the other

Effect of Gentrification on Children

Effect of Gentrification on Children 

  • AtLEAST 2 pages long. Can be more than 2 pages, but cannot be less or else I will not review it.
  • Must have AT LEAST 2 socio-scientific peer-reviewed articles. After those 2 are included you can include any other source (newspaper, book, your textbook, website, etc.) but 2 academic articles must be included.
  • Reference page (no need to annotate it, just include the references listed in proper APA format). THIS IS SEPARATE FROM THE 2 PAGE REQUIREMENT, THIS DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS YOUR 2 PAGES.
  • At least three to four in text citations in APA format (please visit the Purdue Owl writing website I suggested, as well as the APA site in the BMCClibrary page.I have included some PDF links for you below).
  • 1st paragraph must have:  your  Thesis (with essay map) sentence; and you outlining the rest of your paper to the reader. We discussed this during our last Virtual Session, if you were absent please make sure to contact a fellow classmate so that they may fill you in on what you missed.

Effect of Gentrification on Children

Effect of Gentrification on Children 

  • AtLEAST 2 pages long. Can be more than 2 pages, but cannot be less or else I will not review it.
  • Must have AT LEAST 2 socio-scientific peer-reviewed articles. After those 2 are included you can include any other source (newspaper, book, your textbook, website, etc.) but 2 academic articles must be included.
  • Reference page (no need to annotate it, just include the references listed in proper APA format). THIS IS SEPARATE FROM THE 2 PAGE REQUIREMENT, THIS DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS YOUR 2 PAGES.
  • At least three to four in text citations in APA format (please visit the Purdue Owl writing website I suggested, as well as the APA site in the BMCClibrary page.I have included some PDF links for you below).
  • 1st paragraph must have:  your  Thesis (with essay map) sentence; and you outlining the rest of your paper to the reader. We discussed this during our last Virtual Session, if you were absent please make sure to contact a fellow classmate so that they may fill you in on what you missed.

Consumer Behavior. Consumer Psychology

Describe what consumer psychology is. Explain how consumer psychology is used by marketers to segment potential customers and position their products and services.
Provide at least 2 examples.
Instructions: Your answers to the questions should be 4 -5 pages (total not each), be in APA format, use outside research and represent overall college level work.

Differences Between Psychopath and Sociopath

Differences Between Psychopath and Sociopath 
Write 2500-word paper in which you outline the similarities and differences between psychopaths and sociopaths. Find as much information as much possible.