Differences Between Psychopath and Sociopath

Differences Between Psychopath and Sociopath 
Write 2500-word paper in which you outline the similarities and differences between psychopaths and sociopaths. Find as much information as much possible.

DSM-5 Diagnosis – Family Therapy

DSM-5 Diagnosis – Family Therapy

Select a case that deals with Marital and/or Family Therapy-related issues.
Identify the target Client and then give a DSM-5 Diagnosis for the target client giving:
Principal Diagnosis
Provisional Diagnosis (if appropriate)
Other Conditions That Might be a Focus of Clinical Attention
Identify the “Pressing Issue(s)” which need to be addressed in Marital and/or Family Therapy
Utilizing the Dattillo, F.M. & Jongsma, A. (2014). The family therapy treatment planner with DSM5 updates (Second edition). Hoboken, N J: John Wiley & Sons Inc. ISBN: 978111906307-0,
Develop a Treatment Plan, which gives Three Long-Term Goals and 3 Objectives per goals and
One Intervention per each Objective. which will address the “Pressing Issue(s)” facing the
individual and/couple and/or family in each case

Childhood Mental Health

Childhood Mental Health 
For your final assignment, you are tasked with developing a NIH-style funding proposal to implement a health education program designed to address your health topic. An outline of required components can be found here: https://deainfo.nci.nih.gov/extra/extdocs/gntapp.pdf General outline (more specific details can be found in link above):
I. Project summary (5 points)
II. Research Plan (in our case, program plan) (10 points total)
A. Specific Aims (1 point)
1. Significance (2 points)
2. Innovation (2 points)
3. Approach (this is the grittiest) (5 points)
III. Budget and Justification (create table and narrative description) (5 points)
**We will discuss this assignment in detail over the course of the semester
** Format: 5-7 pages, plus references (both in-text and as works cited page).
At least 15 references are required. Your text may be used as one of the 15 required references.
Please format your document to be 1-inch margins all around with 2.0 line spacing, 12-point font.

Job Analysis

This assignment will require you to consider essentially all aspects of personnel psychology discussed in this class.  You may complete it individually or in a group of no more than 3 people. I don’t expect it to be perfect, but whatever you decide for criteria and your selection system should make logical sense.
Step 1. Conduct a small job analysis by interviewing someone you know (e.g., parent, friend, significant other) who has been working the same job for over a year.

  • The information obtained during this interview should be used to create a job description
    • There are 5 parts to a job description (see slides 11 and 12 of the “Job Analysis” powerpoint).
    • Use these 5 parts as a guide when you are asking questions during your job analysis interview.
    • You may find O*Net useful for this part of the assignment in particular!

Step 2. Describe the relevant criteria for the job analyzed in Step 1.

  • How will you measure performance for the job?
    • Will you use a single global criterion, a composite criterion, multiple criteria, etc.
    • If using performance ratings, describe who will be rating.
    • If using multiple or composite criteria, be sure to list all the different parts being used or factored in.
  • Are there any other criteria you might look at? (OCBs, CWBs, absenteeism, etc.)

Step 3. Design a selection system for the job analyzed in Step 1.

  • What screening and selection tools will you use?
    • Think carefully here—don’t just list all the tools we went over in class!
    • Describe how each screening/selection tool is related to the job; be specific
      • For example, if you’re using a personality inventory as a selection tool, describe which traits will predict which aspects of performance (e.g., “the Agreeableness factor of personality will be related to the individual’s ability to work well with their coworkers”)
    • How will applicants be processed through the selection system?
      • Will there be multiple hurdles? If so, what tools will you use at each phase?
      • Will you combine various predictors (i.e., multiple regression), use cutoffs for each predictor (i.e., multiple cutoff), etc.
      • See slide 14 of the “Combing Predictors” powerpoint for an example of how a selection system might be laid out

Job Analysis

This assignment will require you to consider essentially all aspects of personnel psychology discussed in this class.  You may complete it individually or in a group of no more than 3 people. I don’t expect it to be perfect, but whatever you decide for criteria and your selection system should make logical sense.
Step 1. Conduct a small job analysis by interviewing someone you know (e.g., parent, friend, significant other) who has been working the same job for over a year.

  • The information obtained during this interview should be used to create a job description
    • There are 5 parts to a job description (see slides 11 and 12 of the “Job Analysis” powerpoint).
    • Use these 5 parts as a guide when you are asking questions during your job analysis interview.
    • You may find O*Net useful for this part of the assignment in particular!

Step 2. Describe the relevant criteria for the job analyzed in Step 1.

  • How will you measure performance for the job?
    • Will you use a single global criterion, a composite criterion, multiple criteria, etc.
    • If using performance ratings, describe who will be rating.
    • If using multiple or composite criteria, be sure to list all the different parts being used or factored in.
  • Are there any other criteria you might look at? (OCBs, CWBs, absenteeism, etc.)

Step 3. Design a selection system for the job analyzed in Step 1.

  • What screening and selection tools will you use?
    • Think carefully here—don’t just list all the tools we went over in class!
    • Describe how each screening/selection tool is related to the job; be specific
      • For example, if you’re using a personality inventory as a selection tool, describe which traits will predict which aspects of performance (e.g., “the Agreeableness factor of personality will be related to the individual’s ability to work well with their coworkers”)
    • How will applicants be processed through the selection system?
      • Will there be multiple hurdles? If so, what tools will you use at each phase?
      • Will you combine various predictors (i.e., multiple regression), use cutoffs for each predictor (i.e., multiple cutoff), etc.
      • See slide 14 of the “Combing Predictors” powerpoint for an example of how a selection system might be laid out

Educational Psychology Theorists Table And Report

You may find information in your book or use other academic sources to complete the table. You must provide references (so a reference page is required) and provide accurate citations using APA 6th edition. You will type directly in the table for this part using Times New Roman 12in font. DO NOT BOLD THE TEXT. It is important that you write your responses using correct grammar and punctuation. You may use short phrases and short sentences in the table, remember being accurate and thorough is more important than length,
PART II: You will be required to describe components of 2-3 theories that best align with your thoughts about teaching and learning and justify your responses. This paper should be included at the end of the template.  I have changed the orientation of the paper where you should start this APA report.  It should be NO MORE than a page, not including the reference page. Remember, these theories are not your original ideas, so I expect to see citations (either paraphrasing or direct quotes, but see the APA video, too many direct quotes is not good).

Summarize chapter 10 for psychology

Summarize chapter 10 for psychology: first paragraph Introduction, second paragraph observation and third paragraph conclusion
1.   Preoperational intelligence according to Piaget is thinking between ages of 2 and 6. This means that children cannot yet perform logical operations, that is they cannot use logical principles.
2.   According to Vygotsky, children learn because adults present challenges, offer assistance, and encourage motivation.
3.  The vocabulary of children consists primarily of verbs and concrete nouns.
4.   Centration – the tendency of    preoperational children to focus only on one aspect of a situation or object.
5.   Egocentrism – thinking that is self-centered. In the preoperational period a child views the world exclusively from his or her own perspective.
6.   Focus on appearance refers to the preoperational child’s tendency to focus only on apparent attributes and ignore all others.
7.    Irreversibility is the characteristic of preoperational thought in which the young child fails to recognize that a process can be reversed to restore the original conditions of a situation

Summarize chapter 10 for psychology

Summarize chapter 10 for psychology: first paragraph Introduction, second paragraph observation and third paragraph conclusion
1.   Preoperational intelligence according to Piaget is thinking between ages of 2 and 6. This means that children cannot yet perform logical operations, that is they cannot use logical principles.
2.   According to Vygotsky, children learn because adults present challenges, offer assistance, and encourage motivation.
3.  The vocabulary of children consists primarily of verbs and concrete nouns.
4.   Centration – the tendency of    preoperational children to focus only on one aspect of a situation or object.
5.   Egocentrism – thinking that is self-centered. In the preoperational period a child views the world exclusively from his or her own perspective.
6.   Focus on appearance refers to the preoperational child’s tendency to focus only on apparent attributes and ignore all others.
7.    Irreversibility is the characteristic of preoperational thought in which the young child fails to recognize that a process can be reversed to restore the original conditions of a situation

Career Plan as a Psyhologist. Psychology Career Planning Paper

Career Plan as a Psyhologist. Psychology Career Planning Paper
Describe your 5-year plan. What is your current career pathway and major? How will this plan
prepare you for your career? Include what you learned from Career Coach Assessment
What are your interests, values and skills? How do these match with your goals? What level of
responsibility are you seeking and tell about your desired work environments? Include what you
learned from O*Net
Describe how your personality affects your goals? Tell about your personality type, MIS, Learning
styles (VARK), Holland’s Code and how knowing these will benefit you in college and your
career. Include what you learned from class and online assessments
Build a plan based on what you’ve learned to manage your time, improve your academic
success and maintain your health and wellness. What are the challenges you are now aware of
and what is your plan for improving in these area?
Describe a financial plan that will help you earn and save money over the next 5 years while still
moving forward with your academic goals. Include what you learned from Foundations video.
Describe your desired future financial goals and whether the career you’ve chosen will help you
achieve that goal. Talk about how you will Create a desirable budget for when you are
successfully in your college. Based on the level of income you have learned about the position
you are interested in, build a realistic budget for the future. Don’t forget to include a plan for
student debt, taxes, retirement and unexpected expenses such as medical bills

Career Plan as a Psyhologist. Psychology Career Planning Paper

Career Plan as a Psyhologist. Psychology Career Planning Paper
Describe your 5-year plan. What is your current career pathway and major? How will this plan
prepare you for your career? Include what you learned from Career Coach Assessment
What are your interests, values and skills? How do these match with your goals? What level of
responsibility are you seeking and tell about your desired work environments? Include what you
learned from O*Net
Describe how your personality affects your goals? Tell about your personality type, MIS, Learning
styles (VARK), Holland’s Code and how knowing these will benefit you in college and your
career. Include what you learned from class and online assessments
Build a plan based on what you’ve learned to manage your time, improve your academic
success and maintain your health and wellness. What are the challenges you are now aware of
and what is your plan for improving in these area?
Describe a financial plan that will help you earn and save money over the next 5 years while still
moving forward with your academic goals. Include what you learned from Foundations video.
Describe your desired future financial goals and whether the career you’ve chosen will help you
achieve that goal. Talk about how you will Create a desirable budget for when you are
successfully in your college. Based on the level of income you have learned about the position
you are interested in, build a realistic budget for the future. Don’t forget to include a plan for
student debt, taxes, retirement and unexpected expenses such as medical bills