Behavior and Paternity

Behavior and Paternity 
Group Writing Project. 50 points.
You will write a 1.5 – 2  page single space review paper on your special topic (Conservation Genetics, Landscape Genetics, Selection, or Paternity Analyses and Behavior). You should break your paper into 3 sections
General Introduction to the topic.

  1. Define key terms relevant to your topic (7 points)
  2. What are the goals/aims of your topic (6 points)

Empirical Examples from the literature (and your interpretation of those examples).

  1. Describe the findings based on at least 4 scientific publications (7 points)
  2. Interpret those findings in light of the goals/aims/contributions to the field (7 points)

Conclusions on the next steps for research in the field

  1. General conclusions based on the papers you read (7 points)
  2. What future research should be done in this field (find a review article and cite it). (6 points)

General Formatting

  1. All paragraphs have a topic sentence. All sentences are written as complete sentences, with correct grammar and punctuation. No spelling mistakes. (5 points)
  2. Citations and References. All scientific names are italicized. All citations are cited in the text and listed in a Reference section. You can choose any citation style you like as long as you are consistent. (5 points)

Psychology Report

Psychology Report 
Clinical Assessment Assignment – Adult Version (10 grade points for assessment and 15 points
for formulation)
In response to the questions below, please write at least 1500 words, to complete the enclosed
psychological report. This assignment will account for 10% of your total grade in the Clinical
Assessment Module, and 15% of your total grade in the Case Formulation Module:
1. In the assigned place in the table, write three paragraphs (at least 300 words) interpreting
Khalid’s performance on the WAIS-IV (50 points). Use a blank Record Form that was provided to
you in class, write down or extract the numbers needed below to help you visualize and respond
accurately. Use all the online documents and examples that were provided to you in class to help
you interpret meanings of any subscale you need to mention. Make sure to cover the following:
2. Make sure to cover the following:
• Interpretative statements (average, superior, poor etc.) about FSIQ, GAI, and CPI.
• Interpretative statements (average, superior, poor etc.) about each of the five indices (VCI, PRI,
• Are any of the four indices (VCI, PRI, WMI, PSI) statistically stronger/weaker than the other?
• Comment on subtest strengths and weakness (only the ones that are statistically significant)
compared to the mean of subtests (critical value= .05). AND describe WHAT the difference means
(e.g. what does it mean that Coding is much weaker/stronger; what does it measure?).
3. In the assigned place on the table, write three paragraphs (at least 400 words) interpreting
Khalid’s performance on the PAI (50 points). Make sure to cover the following:
• Comment on validity indices
• Interpret clinical scales
• Interpret subclinical scales
• Describe the items endorsed in the clinically significant scales
• Interpret Khalid’s self-concept
• Interpret Khalid’s interpersonal style
• Comment on treatment issues
4. Summarize demographic information, history, and reason of referral (10 points) in your own
words (do not copy-paste sentences from history section).
5. Summarize all results in few sentences (10 points) in your own words (do not copy-paste
sentences from results section).
6. Provide a DMS 5 diagnosis, and WHY (use info from history, MSE, and results as your
evidence) AND case formulation, once using a psychodynamic viewpoint, and once using a
cognitive behavioral viewpoint (at least 300 words; 60 points).
7. Provide at least two treatment recommendations (20 points).

Psychology Report

Psychology Report 
Clinical Assessment Assignment – Adult Version (10 grade points for assessment and 15 points
for formulation)
In response to the questions below, please write at least 1500 words, to complete the enclosed
psychological report. This assignment will account for 10% of your total grade in the Clinical
Assessment Module, and 15% of your total grade in the Case Formulation Module:
1. In the assigned place in the table, write three paragraphs (at least 300 words) interpreting
Khalid’s performance on the WAIS-IV (50 points). Use a blank Record Form that was provided to
you in class, write down or extract the numbers needed below to help you visualize and respond
accurately. Use all the online documents and examples that were provided to you in class to help
you interpret meanings of any subscale you need to mention. Make sure to cover the following:
2. Make sure to cover the following:
• Interpretative statements (average, superior, poor etc.) about FSIQ, GAI, and CPI.
• Interpretative statements (average, superior, poor etc.) about each of the five indices (VCI, PRI,
• Are any of the four indices (VCI, PRI, WMI, PSI) statistically stronger/weaker than the other?
• Comment on subtest strengths and weakness (only the ones that are statistically significant)
compared to the mean of subtests (critical value= .05). AND describe WHAT the difference means
(e.g. what does it mean that Coding is much weaker/stronger; what does it measure?).
3. In the assigned place on the table, write three paragraphs (at least 400 words) interpreting
Khalid’s performance on the PAI (50 points). Make sure to cover the following:
• Comment on validity indices
• Interpret clinical scales
• Interpret subclinical scales
• Describe the items endorsed in the clinically significant scales
• Interpret Khalid’s self-concept
• Interpret Khalid’s interpersonal style
• Comment on treatment issues
4. Summarize demographic information, history, and reason of referral (10 points) in your own
words (do not copy-paste sentences from history section).
5. Summarize all results in few sentences (10 points) in your own words (do not copy-paste
sentences from results section).
6. Provide a DMS 5 diagnosis, and WHY (use info from history, MSE, and results as your
evidence) AND case formulation, once using a psychodynamic viewpoint, and once using a
cognitive behavioral viewpoint (at least 300 words; 60 points).
7. Provide at least two treatment recommendations (20 points).

Sport or Exercise Psychology Research Paper

Sport or Exercise Psychology Research Paper
You should write a paper on any topic that you think suitable for segments or all of your audience.  For example, “Changing your behavior to make you a better coach” or “Body image and physical activity participation” or “Exercise effects on psychological function” or  “Determinants that predict exercise behavior.”  At any rate, use your imagination, decide what appeals to you and might be appealing to the audience and choose a topic that falls under the heading of sport OR exercise psychology.  It is important to choose a topic that has some interest for you, but still fits within the given guidelines!
The following suggestions will help you organize and put together your presentation:

  1. Remember, you are targeting a specific audience and you are giving a talk, so write in language that they will understand.  But what you say must be scientifically accurate! So, you need to make reference to some scientific content.
  2. The title and the opening paragraph will help you get your audience’s attention.  Therefore, make the title creative or catchy and make the first paragraph as interesting as possible to get their attention.  Otherwise, people will be asleep before you know it.
  3. Focus the content of your paper. The audience does not want to know everything under the sun about the topic. Keep it comprehensive, and make sure to pick an important aspect that has a take-home message.
  4. Use plenty of examples to illustrate and highlight your points.
  5. Ask yourself the question, “Does the paper provide ideas, recommendations, and insights that the audience can take away with them and use later?”  If not, you need to rethink.
  6. Provide information that reflects scientific credibility. As such, you must cite scientific information in your paper (at least 2 sources). Do not rely on large chunks of direct quotations.  Additionally, do not rely on citing “class notes.”  This is not an acceptable reference source and points will be taken off for doing this.
  7. Be clear! Have someone else read your paper. If they find it confusing at any point if means you haven’t done a good enough job explaining your ideas or being clear.
  8. This is not a group assignment.  Completion of this assignment with another individual will automatically result in a grade of zero for all persons involved.

General Guidelines
The written assignment will require you to use the library/academic databases (e.g., PubMed or Web of Knowledge), read, think, and prepare thoroughly.  The paper should be 2 pages in length, (can be between 1 and 3/4th to 2 full pages), and double-spaced typed. Please DO NOT SUBMIT ANYMORE THAN TWO PAGES (double-spaced typed) in length excluding references.  Again the emphasis is on preparation and presentation, and you need to make a well written, concise, and convincing case in your paper, keeping the length in mind. More guidelines on formatting are provided below.
Proofread your manuscript, use a spell checker, write in sentences, and do not use colloquialisms.  The focus of the assignment is to improve your writing abilities by incorporating your knowledge of sport and exercise psychology.  The end product should reflect effort, persistence, and thought.  The papers will be judged on content, scientific accuracy, individual thought, and appropriate use of examples, organization, and clarity of writing.
Formatting guidelines 
The paper must follow the following APA guidelines: 

  1. Font size pt 12.
  2. Double-spaced.
  3. Font style- Times New Roman.
  4. Margins 1″
  5. Left aligned.
  6. The citation must be in APA style- meaning, it must be an in-text citation as well as mentioned in the references. 

Help/Guidance on citing academic sources, and citing them in APA style: 
You have to have at least 2 scientifically credible sources. These could be journal articles, textbooks, or well-recognized bodies such as the World Health Organization, National Institute of Health etc (These bodies are usually cited for definitions of terms).
For finding journal articles, you can use scientific databases. The most common one, and probably adequate for this assignment, would be Google Scholar. Keep in mind, you have to cite the article, not the database (Do not cite Google Scholar as your source, find the citation for the particular article you found on Google Scholar).
In the APA format, citation is done in-text and included in the references section. So essentially, the article (or any other scientific source) you have included in your in-text citation should be mentioned in the references. For example, say I have a sentence in my paper that says:
‘Bryant, Ford, and Kim (2014) found that there were significant racial differences in the relation between BMI and cognitive function’ <– This is an in-text citation
And then I would mention this article in the reference section:
Bryant, A., Ford, K.-L., & Kim, G. (2014). Racial/Ethnic Variations in the Relation Between Body Mass
Index and Cognitive Function Among Older Adults. The American Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry, 22(7), 653–660.
A good source of learning how to cite different scientific sources (books, articles) in the APA format is Purdue Owl APA Citation Guide.

Sport or Exercise Psychology Research Paper

Sport or Exercise Psychology Research Paper
You should write a paper on any topic that you think suitable for segments or all of your audience.  For example, “Changing your behavior to make you a better coach” or “Body image and physical activity participation” or “Exercise effects on psychological function” or  “Determinants that predict exercise behavior.”  At any rate, use your imagination, decide what appeals to you and might be appealing to the audience and choose a topic that falls under the heading of sport OR exercise psychology.  It is important to choose a topic that has some interest for you, but still fits within the given guidelines!
The following suggestions will help you organize and put together your presentation:

  1. Remember, you are targeting a specific audience and you are giving a talk, so write in language that they will understand.  But what you say must be scientifically accurate! So, you need to make reference to some scientific content.
  2. The title and the opening paragraph will help you get your audience’s attention.  Therefore, make the title creative or catchy and make the first paragraph as interesting as possible to get their attention.  Otherwise, people will be asleep before you know it.
  3. Focus the content of your paper. The audience does not want to know everything under the sun about the topic. Keep it comprehensive, and make sure to pick an important aspect that has a take-home message.
  4. Use plenty of examples to illustrate and highlight your points.
  5. Ask yourself the question, “Does the paper provide ideas, recommendations, and insights that the audience can take away with them and use later?”  If not, you need to rethink.
  6. Provide information that reflects scientific credibility. As such, you must cite scientific information in your paper (at least 2 sources). Do not rely on large chunks of direct quotations.  Additionally, do not rely on citing “class notes.”  This is not an acceptable reference source and points will be taken off for doing this.
  7. Be clear! Have someone else read your paper. If they find it confusing at any point if means you haven’t done a good enough job explaining your ideas or being clear.
  8. This is not a group assignment.  Completion of this assignment with another individual will automatically result in a grade of zero for all persons involved.

General Guidelines
The written assignment will require you to use the library/academic databases (e.g., PubMed or Web of Knowledge), read, think, and prepare thoroughly.  The paper should be 2 pages in length, (can be between 1 and 3/4th to 2 full pages), and double-spaced typed. Please DO NOT SUBMIT ANYMORE THAN TWO PAGES (double-spaced typed) in length excluding references.  Again the emphasis is on preparation and presentation, and you need to make a well written, concise, and convincing case in your paper, keeping the length in mind. More guidelines on formatting are provided below.
Proofread your manuscript, use a spell checker, write in sentences, and do not use colloquialisms.  The focus of the assignment is to improve your writing abilities by incorporating your knowledge of sport and exercise psychology.  The end product should reflect effort, persistence, and thought.  The papers will be judged on content, scientific accuracy, individual thought, and appropriate use of examples, organization, and clarity of writing.
Formatting guidelines 
The paper must follow the following APA guidelines: 

  1. Font size pt 12.
  2. Double-spaced.
  3. Font style- Times New Roman.
  4. Margins 1″
  5. Left aligned.
  6. The citation must be in APA style- meaning, it must be an in-text citation as well as mentioned in the references. 

Help/Guidance on citing academic sources, and citing them in APA style: 
You have to have at least 2 scientifically credible sources. These could be journal articles, textbooks, or well-recognized bodies such as the World Health Organization, National Institute of Health etc (These bodies are usually cited for definitions of terms).
For finding journal articles, you can use scientific databases. The most common one, and probably adequate for this assignment, would be Google Scholar. Keep in mind, you have to cite the article, not the database (Do not cite Google Scholar as your source, find the citation for the particular article you found on Google Scholar).
In the APA format, citation is done in-text and included in the references section. So essentially, the article (or any other scientific source) you have included in your in-text citation should be mentioned in the references. For example, say I have a sentence in my paper that says:
‘Bryant, Ford, and Kim (2014) found that there were significant racial differences in the relation between BMI and cognitive function’ <– This is an in-text citation
And then I would mention this article in the reference section:
Bryant, A., Ford, K.-L., & Kim, G. (2014). Racial/Ethnic Variations in the Relation Between Body Mass
Index and Cognitive Function Among Older Adults. The American Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry, 22(7), 653–660.
A good source of learning how to cite different scientific sources (books, articles) in the APA format is Purdue Owl APA Citation Guide.

DSM-5 Diagnostic Impressions Vignette

 DSM-5 Diagnostic Impressions Vignette
Students are asked to provide the following in this paper:
DSM-5 diagnostic impressions for the provided vignette. HINT: Nadine has more than one
diagnosis!!! Students should provide a thorough explanation for their diagnosis, including the
consideration of any cultural factors. Please feel free to “talk through” your diagnosis to
demonstrate your knowledge. Don’t forget to include diagnostic specifiers, if relevant (i.e., mild,
moderate, severe, with XYZ features, etc. The DSM will indicate when specifiers are required for
a specific diagnosis).
Please clearly indicate your diagnosis in your paper. When talking through your ideas, it’s easy
for your actual diagnosis to get “lost” in the paper. Please clearly write it out.
For example, “My diagnosis is 1) Schizoid Personality Disorder, 2) Gambling Disorder, moderate,
persistent, and 3) Insomnia Disorder, episodic.” It does not have to look exactly like this. But please just make it clear to read.
Next, students are asked to identify a potential theoretical orientation for treatment of this
disorder. You may need to do a brief literature review or review of your textbooks to determine
what orientations might be best suited for this diagnosis. Please discuss the central tenets and a
brief overview of the effectiveness of this orientation as cited in the research.
Often, clinicians will select an orientation that is best fit for the primary diagnosis (i.e., the
disorder that the clinician deems to be most significant). You do NOT need to select a different
orientation for each disorder that you diagnose. Just think about the FIRST steps you would take
with the client and what evidence-based treatment orientation you would utilize.
Lastly, students are asked to make suggestions for 2-3 MAPS goals for the client (see below for
reminders about how to set MAPS/SMART goals). Push yourselves to ensure that the goals are
measurable and specific.
This paper should be 3-4 pages and utilize APA style. Please remember to include a Reference
Please use subheadings for this paper: Diagnosis, Treatment Orientation, Goals
See attached rubric for more complete details.
MAPS = measurable, attainable, positive, specific.
Another common acronym for goal-setting is SMART = specific, measurable, attainable, realistic,
Both of these methods are helpful tools to use when you’re designing treatment goals. You can
keep these general “rules” in mind when you’re thinking about the goals that would be best
suited for your client from the vignette.
“Nadine was a 15-year-old girl whose mother brought her for a psychiatric evaluation to help with
her long-standing shyness.
Although Nadine was initially reluctant to say much about herself, she said she constantly felt
tense. She added that the anxiety had been ‘really bad’ for several years and was often
accompanied by episodes of dizziness and crying. She was generally crippled with fear about
interacting with others outside of her home or school classes. She refused to leave her house
alone for fear of being forced to interact with someone. She was especially anxious about other
teenagers. She said it felt impossible to walk into a restaurant and order form ‘a stranger at the
counter’ for fear of being humiliated. She also felt constantly on her guard, needing to avoid the
possibility of getting attacked, a strategy that really only worked when she was alone in her
Nadine tried to conceal her crippling anxiety from her parents, typically telling them she ‘just
didn’t feel like’ going out. Feeling trapped and incompetent, Nadine said she contemplated
suicide ‘all the time.’
Nadine had always been ‘shy’ and had been teased at recess since she started kindergarten.
The teasing had escalated to outright bullying by the time she was in seventh grade, leading to
intense fear for her own safety. For two years, day after difficult day, Nadine’s peers turned on
her ‘like a snarling wolf pack,’ calling her ‘stupid,’ ‘ugly,’ and ‘crazy.’ Not infrequently, one of them
would stare at her and tell her she would be better off committing suicide. One girl (the
ringleader, as well as former elementary school chum) hit Nadine in the face on one occasion,
giving her a black eye and a bloody nose. Nadine did not fight back. This event was witnessed
by an adult neighbor, who told Nadine’s mother. When Nadine’s mother asked her about the
incident, Nadine denied it, saying she had ‘fallen’ in the street. She did, however, mention to her
mother ‘in passing’ that she wanted to switch schools, but her delivery was so offhand that, at the
time, her mother casually advised against the switch. Nadine suffered on, feeling terrified of
school and sobbing herself to sleep most nights.
Full of hope, Nadine transferred to a specialty arts high school for ninth grade. Although the
bullying ceased, her anxiety symptoms worsened. She felt even more unable to venture into
public spaces and felt increasingly embarrassed by her inability to develop the sort of
independence typical of a 15-year-old. She said she had begun to spend whole weekends
‘trapped’ in her home and had become scared to even read by herself in the local park for fear of
what would happen if she was out in public alone. She had nightly nightmares about the bullies
in her old school and of being attacked. Her preoccupation with suicide grew
Her parents had thought she would outgrow being shy and sought psychiatric help for her only
after a teacher remarked that her anxiety and social isolation were keeping her from making the
sort of grades and doing the sort of extracurricular activities that were necessary to get into a
good college.
Nadine described her mother as loud, excitable, aggressive. Her father was a successful tax
attorney who worked long hours. Nadine described him as shy in social situations (‘He’s more
like me’). Nadine said she and her father sometimes joked that the goal of the evening was to
avoid tipping the mother into a rage. Nadine adding that she ‘never wanted to be anything like
her mother.’”

Personality Tests – Psychology Paper

Personality Tests – Psychology Paper 
Do you agree with the results of your personality tests? Why or why not?
Were you surprised by your results? Was there anything in the results that you felt tapped into
strengths/personality factors that you may have known about but haven’t yet acted upon?
What were your most important takeaways from taking these tests? (That could include that they
weren’t accurate, but you have to explain why.)
How can knowing more about your personality help you towards your goals this semester? How
can you utilize these results to help you towards your self-development? Be specific.
Plesase see my personality test in the file attached !

Personality Tests – Psychology Paper

Personality Tests – Psychology Paper 
Do you agree with the results of your personality tests? Why or why not?
Were you surprised by your results? Was there anything in the results that you felt tapped into
strengths/personality factors that you may have known about but haven’t yet acted upon?
What were your most important takeaways from taking these tests? (That could include that they
weren’t accurate, but you have to explain why.)
How can knowing more about your personality help you towards your goals this semester? How
can you utilize these results to help you towards your self-development? Be specific.
Plesase see my personality test in the file attached !

Stress. Pschology Paper. Depression. Learned. Helplessness. Anxiety. Anger. Addiction.

Pschology Paper. Depressio. Learned. Helplessness. Anxiety. Anger. Addiction. Stress Reserach – Pschology Paper
Tip: Check the boxes as you go to help make sure you followed all instructions.
General Instructions:

  • The essay is due by August 17th, 2019 at 11pm.
  • The essay must be in Word format Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced.
  • Your essay should be at least 8 pages long. The more pages you write, the more willing I’d be to give you extra credit.
  • Do not use a ton of figures to meet the 8-page requirement, or you will lose points.
    • Works cited page does NOT count towards the 8-page requirement.
  • Papers are to be written individually; i.e. you and another person writing on the same topic cannot turn in a group paper.
  • Plagiarism will result in a zero.
  • I will give 5-10 points extra credit to the best written paper for each topic. Don’t copy!


  • You must use at least 10 outside, educated sources in this paper.
    • These sources MUST be approved by me before you turn in your final draft, or you will lose points.
    • Any unapproved sources will not be counted towards your 10.
    • The best way to get these sources approved is to just email me a list of your sources, and then I can reply which (if any) sources need to be replaced.
  • On your works cited page at the end, number your sources.
  • You must cite sources for any outside information you use or any information that isn’t common knowledge.
    • Use in-text citations (author and source # in parentheses) for any outside information you use.

Example: According to the CDC, coronavirus causes many serious respiratory problems (CDC, 1).
Works Cited:

  1. 2020. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Symptoms and Testing. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web.

In your essay, discuss ALL of the following points/questions to get maximum points.

  • Do NOT just list answers to these points.
  • This paper is supposed to show how educated you are on the topic.
  • If your paper doesn’t have any flow, and if it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, you’re probably going to lose a lot of points.
  • What is stress? What is a stressor? What is a stress reaction?
  • Discuss in detail the appraisal theory of stress.
    • Discuss primary appraisal and secondary appraisal.
    • What are the 3 categories of response to primary appraisal?
  • Discuss in detail the 4 main categories of stressors.
  • Discuss how the autonomic nervous system and the reticular activating system play a role in responding to stress.
    • Does stress trigger our sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system?
  • What are the physiological effects of stress? Discuss this IN DETAIL.
    • Effects on the heart (mention heart rate, blood pressure, coronary artery disease)
    • Effects on respiration
    • Effects on our immune system (also, how is it related to inflammation?)
    • Discuss the endocrine response to stress in detail – definitely mention cortisol, glucagon, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.
    • Is diabetes related to stress?
    • Effects on the reproductive system (and is impotence related to stress? How?)
  • Discuss the “tend-and-befriend” response and how having a better support system can help respond better to stress.
  • General Adaptation Syndrome – what are the three distinct phases of stress? Discuss them
  • Define and discuss how each of the following are related to stress:
    • Depression
    • Learned Helplessness
    • Anxiety
    • Anger
    • Addiction
  • Stress Management (coping with stress)
    • Discuss how a lack of perceived control over things/situations is associated with higher stress (good to use research studies here)
    • Discuss coping mechanisms: social support and optimism
    • Discuss in detail at least 4 methods of how to cope/manage stress (e.g. exercise)

Your essay is not limited to these points, but you should discuss/explain ALL of them across a minimum of 8 pages to get maximum points.
If you would like to include more information related to stress you are more than welcome to!

Stress. Pschology Paper. Depression. Learned. Helplessness. Anxiety. Anger. Addiction.

Pschology Paper. Depressio. Learned. Helplessness. Anxiety. Anger. Addiction. Stress Reserach – Pschology Paper
Tip: Check the boxes as you go to help make sure you followed all instructions.
General Instructions:

  • The essay is due by August 17th, 2019 at 11pm.
  • The essay must be in Word format Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced.
  • Your essay should be at least 8 pages long. The more pages you write, the more willing I’d be to give you extra credit.
  • Do not use a ton of figures to meet the 8-page requirement, or you will lose points.
    • Works cited page does NOT count towards the 8-page requirement.
  • Papers are to be written individually; i.e. you and another person writing on the same topic cannot turn in a group paper.
  • Plagiarism will result in a zero.
  • I will give 5-10 points extra credit to the best written paper for each topic. Don’t copy!


  • You must use at least 10 outside, educated sources in this paper.
    • These sources MUST be approved by me before you turn in your final draft, or you will lose points.
    • Any unapproved sources will not be counted towards your 10.
    • The best way to get these sources approved is to just email me a list of your sources, and then I can reply which (if any) sources need to be replaced.
  • On your works cited page at the end, number your sources.
  • You must cite sources for any outside information you use or any information that isn’t common knowledge.
    • Use in-text citations (author and source # in parentheses) for any outside information you use.

Example: According to the CDC, coronavirus causes many serious respiratory problems (CDC, 1).
Works Cited:

  1. 2020. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Symptoms and Testing. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web.

In your essay, discuss ALL of the following points/questions to get maximum points.

  • Do NOT just list answers to these points.
  • This paper is supposed to show how educated you are on the topic.
  • If your paper doesn’t have any flow, and if it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, you’re probably going to lose a lot of points.
  • What is stress? What is a stressor? What is a stress reaction?
  • Discuss in detail the appraisal theory of stress.
    • Discuss primary appraisal and secondary appraisal.
    • What are the 3 categories of response to primary appraisal?
  • Discuss in detail the 4 main categories of stressors.
  • Discuss how the autonomic nervous system and the reticular activating system play a role in responding to stress.
    • Does stress trigger our sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system?
  • What are the physiological effects of stress? Discuss this IN DETAIL.
    • Effects on the heart (mention heart rate, blood pressure, coronary artery disease)
    • Effects on respiration
    • Effects on our immune system (also, how is it related to inflammation?)
    • Discuss the endocrine response to stress in detail – definitely mention cortisol, glucagon, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.
    • Is diabetes related to stress?
    • Effects on the reproductive system (and is impotence related to stress? How?)
  • Discuss the “tend-and-befriend” response and how having a better support system can help respond better to stress.
  • General Adaptation Syndrome – what are the three distinct phases of stress? Discuss them
  • Define and discuss how each of the following are related to stress:
    • Depression
    • Learned Helplessness
    • Anxiety
    • Anger
    • Addiction
  • Stress Management (coping with stress)
    • Discuss how a lack of perceived control over things/situations is associated with higher stress (good to use research studies here)
    • Discuss coping mechanisms: social support and optimism
    • Discuss in detail at least 4 methods of how to cope/manage stress (e.g. exercise)

Your essay is not limited to these points, but you should discuss/explain ALL of them across a minimum of 8 pages to get maximum points.
If you would like to include more information related to stress you are more than welcome to!