Psychology assignment – MINDSET
It is expected that you will read the Mindset Book by Carol Dweck. When answering questions, please
include thorough responses, and include the page numbers at the end of the paragraph or sentence that show
on what page you obtained your information. ALL RESPONSES NEED TO BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
Also, no quotes even if properly cited. J
- Dweck discusses two different mindsets. What are they and what are the characteristics of
- What does Dweck say about the role of biology on behavior and mindset?
- What does Dweck mean when she talks about the “CEO disease” and how is that related to
- What does Dweck report about NASAs approach to judging someone’s potential? Do you agree?
Why or why not?
- What is the “self-esteem movement,” and how does this affect one’s Mindset?
- How do the different mindsets perceive failure? Your responses should be VERY well
developed, with comparisons and contrasts between the two Mindsets.
- How are the Mindsets related to emotional experiences? What are examples provided by
- Why does Dweck call high effort a “big risk?” What are your thoughts on this, and what
experiences in your life are related to this?
- Dweck asks the question of whether those with a fixed mindset differ in their confidence
compared to those with a growth mindset. Which mindset has greater confidence? What
evidence does she provide?
- How does Mindset relate to school achievement? What examples does she provide?
- Is there danger in praise and positive labels as questioned in the book, and what are the
onsequenes of negative labels?
- What is the mindset of champions?. Describe, explain, and provide examples.
- What does Dweck say about success and failure, and the relationship they have with mindset?
What is the difference in the way these are interpreted by the two mindsets?
- In chapter 5, Dweck discusses the role of mindset in leadership and how that fits in a business
environment. Describe the optimal mindset? Give a description of three examples for both fixed
and growth mindset in a business environment.
- Dweck discusses nature versus nurture when she asks whether negotiators, managers and
leaders are “born or made.” What are her conclusions and what examples does she provide?
Do you agree? Why or why not?
- How do the two mindsets approach relationships? Is one better than the other? Does a growth
mindset bring advantages, or is it simply that fixed mindset brings disadvantages? Describe the
issues presented here when answering this question?
- According to Dweck, how can understanding the literature on mindset help us with social
experiences such as shyness or bullying? Your response should include information brought out
in the book.18. In chapter 7, Dweck discusses the importance of how failure is handed on the development of
one’s mindset. What does she say about failure, and how should it be handled?
- What make up the qualities of a great parent, teacher, or coach? What lessons do they teach,
and how does this impact the mindset of the child?
- Dweck discusses the idea of success and failure as the enemy? What does she mean by this, and
what does she conclude?
- How is a growth mindset cultivated? Bring out specific information and examples from the
book. What is your advice for gaining a more growth oriented mindset?
- What are the qualities of a fixed mindset, and why is this approach problematic? Why does
Dweck say “embrace your fixed mindset” if growth mindset has greater advantages?
- Describe your mindset. Be specific about the qualities that characterize you as having a growth
or fixed mindset?
- How do you think your mindset was shaped as it is today? Who had the biggest impact on your
way of thinking, and what did they DO that affected the way you think? Be specific and include
detailed examples.
- What are you overall conclusions after reading Mindset and answering these questions?