Psychology on college student’s performance

Psychology on college student’s performance
1. 1000 words research paper
2. Minimum of 4 peer-reviewed​ journal articles
3. No need for an abstract

Psychology on college student’s performance

Psychology on college student’s performance
1. 1000 words research paper
2. Minimum of 4 peer-reviewed​ journal articles
3. No need for an abstract

Psychology on college student’s performance

Psychology on college student’s performance
1. 1000 words research paper
2. Minimum of 4 peer-reviewed​ journal articles
3. No need for an abstract

Cognitive Psychology (Research Paper)

This is a full research paper which require you to write:

  • Title,
  • Abstract,
  • Introduction,
  • Methods,
  • Results and
  • Discussion,
  • References and Appendices.

You will also need to use SPSS to interpret the data. on the result section, please add a chart to indicates the statistics such as
mean, range etc, but do not cope and paste it from SPSS.
Also,  more documents about the paper will be provided, but do not copy and paste to the research paper.
fFor the reference, please do not use any website or online article as the sources, try to use more academic research such as book or journal. Preferred language style UK English

Cognitive Psychology (Research Paper)

This is a full research paper which require you to write:

  • Title,
  • Abstract,
  • Introduction,
  • Methods,
  • Results and
  • Discussion,
  • References and Appendices.

You will also need to use SPSS to interpret the data. on the result section, please add a chart to indicates the statistics such as
mean, range etc, but do not cope and paste it from SPSS.
Also,  more documents about the paper will be provided, but do not copy and paste to the research paper.
fFor the reference, please do not use any website or online article as the sources, try to use more academic research such as book or journal. Preferred language style UK English

Cognitive Psychology (Research Paper)

This is a full research paper which require you to write:

  • Title,
  • Abstract,
  • Introduction,
  • Methods,
  • Results and
  • Discussion,
  • References and Appendices.

You will also need to use SPSS to interpret the data. on the result section, please add a chart to indicates the statistics such as
mean, range etc, but do not cope and paste it from SPSS.
Also,  more documents about the paper will be provided, but do not copy and paste to the research paper.
fFor the reference, please do not use any website or online article as the sources, try to use more academic research such as book or journal. Preferred language style UK English

Case Study with Relevant Psychosocial, Cultural and Ethical Considerations

Case study
Trigger 1 “Jeff”  Part A
3,000 word written case study on the management of chiropractic patient (from selected trigger case) with a focus on relevant psychosocial, cultural and ethical considerations
Case History
A 44 Year Old Male Teacher with intermittent non-specific low back pain. No associated leg symptoms.
3 year recurring history following a fall at work, worse over last 6 months.
No red flags present
MRI (3 months ago) NAD – (nothing abnormal detected)
Had x10 physio sessions (manual treatment) through insurance – no effect
Yellow flags present, see below
Social history
2 children (10 and 7)
Currently going through a divorce with wife
Normally plays football (5 a side – non-competitive) weekly but not attended for 8 weeks due to low back pain
Occupational History
Been a teacher for 10 years, 6 months ago promoted to head of geography “very stressful, too high a work load”
Had the last 3 weeks off work “work being unsupportive”
Part B
Jeff scored as high risk on the STarT Back Tool
Jeff scored 60 out of 70 on the Bournemouth Questionnaire
Jeff states he has no confidence in ability to carry out his ADLs including football and work
Jeff does not feel that he will get better and that nothing will help “maybe surgery”
Jeff is very worried about his back “serious damage”
Although the MRI was normal a “bulging Disc” was shown “this is serious!”
The physiotherapist told him it is “a disc bulge” and that he shouldn’t bend forward or do any sports at the minute “should I stop forever?” “Exercise is not safe, cause’s further damage”
In addition Jeff states – “making me blue” “bit depressed”
Has suffered over the last 5 years with mild depression and anxiety.
Jeff states his sleep is now being affected by “everything”.
Patients states “cant carry on like this, what’s the point, no one cares”
Jeff denies suicidal thoughts
Part C
You have been treating Jeff x4 per week over the last 2 weeks
Jeff initially states feeling better following sessions “feels like someone cared and listened for the first time”. He also feels more “confident” in his back. His Bournemouth questionnaire is now 40/70.
However at week 3 Jeff has a flare up “lifting a box at work” and his symptoms and mindset return to his original presentation. He states he has lost his motivation for your management plan and Jeff’s GP has referred him for “chronic pain management” at a local hospital.
You now feel emotionally drained and do not look forward to seeing Jeff. You start to feel that Jeff is exaggerating his pain and worry if your beliefs will impact the therapeutic relationship and outcome.
Key points

  • Relationship between anxiety and depression
  • Fear
  • Catastrophizing
  • Bournemouth questionnaire
  • Bulging disc
  • Patient expectation
  • Imagining
  • Reassure the patient
  • Screening Tool, how effective
  • When we think a referral is required, To whom
  • How to meet patient’s expectation
  • Doctor patient relationship
  • Placebo
  • Trust between patient and Chiro
  • Lifestyle
  • Jeff should definitely return to work
  • Red flags and yellow flags
  • What is the epidemiology
  • ICE (idea, concerns and expectation)
  • Effective listening and communication
  • patient education -use of simple language with the patient – the difference between advice and information
  • use of words
  • Shared decision on the care plan – The patient is an active decision maker
  • Confidence
  • What do you recommend Jeff should do, what kind of exercise

Classroom Management and Educational Psychology

Fifty percent of teachers report spending more time managing classroom behavior than
educating (Beaman and Wheldall, 1997; Beaman, Wheldall, and Kemp, 2010). The challenge for
teachers is to manage the plethora of variables including, but not limited to, class size, ethnicity
issues, student behavior, language differences, and even student medications. Educational
psychology provides teachers with variant classroom management strategies and techniques to
create an effective environment for teaching and for learning.
For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the variables that can
promote or inhibit classroom management.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 3 an explanation of at least three factors related to an effective classroom learning
environment. Then explain at least one factor that can work against an effective environment.
Finally, analyze one way educational psychology might inform the learning environment. Be
specific and support your answers with the Learning Resources and current literature.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the readings below.
Article: Brophy, J. (1998). Classroom management as socializing students into clearly articulated
roles. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 33(1), 41–45.
Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Education Research Complete database.
Article: Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA. (2011). Implementing response to
interventions in context. Retrieved from
Article: Ducharme, J. M., & Shecter, C. (2011). Bridging the gap between clinical and classroom
intervention: Keystone approaches for students with challenging behavior. School Psychology Review, 40(2), 257–274.
Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Education Research Complete database.
Article: Marks, D. B. (2010). Preservice teachers’ perceptions of classroom management
instruction: Theory to practice. National Teacher Education Journal, 3(2), 179–201.
Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Education Research Complete database.
Article: Marzano, R. J., & Marzano, J. S. (2003). The key to classroom management. Educational Leadership, 61(1), 6–13.
Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Educational Research Complete database.
Article: Rosas, C., & West, M. (2009). Teachers beliefs about classroom management: Preservice and inservice teachers’ beliefs about classroom management. International Journal of
Applied Educational Studies, 5(1), 54–61.
Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Education Research Complete database.

Addiction Treatment Plan

Addiction Treatment Plan
For this assignment, you will use the same case selected for Unit 5 assignment and analyze the sections of the treatment plan template. This treatment plan will address both the addiction and any co-occurring mental health diagnoses identified in Unit 5 assignment. The conclusions reached in Unit 5 assignment regarding the specific DSM-based diagnoses, strengths, and challenges should take into consideration any feedback from your instructor. Make any needed revisions to Unit 5 assignment before developing the treatment plan. Include your revised assessment summary (the last section of Unit 5 assignment) as part one of this assignment. Follow the template provided to formulate a treatment plan for your selected case.
Assignment Instructions
* Identify a specific counseling theory that will guide interventions to work with the client and family system.
* Analyze the cultural considerations for the case and how the theory will guide multicultural appropriate application.
* Based upon the assessment summary, analyze the appropriate level of care.
* Analyze systemic interventions addressing how to include the primary support persons in treatment.
* Analyze referrals that may be needed and a plan to coordinate with other treatment professionals.
You are encouraged to use course readings to support your treatment plan. Please note that optional articles can be easily accessed by copying and pasting the title of the article into the search box for Summon on the landing page of the Capella University Library.
Assignment Requirements
* Written communication: Written communication is thoughtful and free of errors that detract from the overall message.
* APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to the current APA style and formatting.
* Number of resources: Minimum of 6 scholarly sources. Distinguished submissions will likely exceed this number.
* Length of paper: 5-8 typed, double-spaced pages. Additionally, a title page and references page.
* Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Case scenario
Meet Hori
Hori is a 60-year-old male of Polynesian decent. He is married and the father of three adult children who all live on their own. Hori worked at a
food processing plant for 20 years and advanced into a supervisory role until the company relocated a year ago leaving him unemployed for over 6 months. Hori is proud that he supported his family and created a home where his children were able to grow up and enjoy a good
education. Unfortunately, he saved little for his own retirement and has not told his wife that their meager savings will soon be depleted. Hori
recently found a position working in a recycling facility, but it pays only a fraction of what his previous position did. Hori is anguished as to how he will support his wife, and his mother who came to live with them from Fiji.
Hori often has a few drinks as he pays the bills late at night.
The Bills are Piling Up
Hori often pays bills after his wife and mother go to bed at night. He doesn’t want them to worry so he spends time carefully calculating the minimum payment for each creditor and noting on a calendar how late the payment can be mailed. His concentration has been rather poor so this takes him longer than usual. In spite of his efforts, some creditors have begun to call the house when the payments were late. His spirits have been steadily sinking as the reality of their finances broke his more characteristic optimism. He tells his family he is simply tired from the physical demands of this new job when they comment on how tired he looks, but this is only partly true. Lately, he has begun to drink as he pays the bills at night to help ease his mind. He has trouble sleeping so he reasons that maybe a drink or two may help him unwind. As he drinks, the reality of the bills do not go away so he drinks a little more. This pattern has developed into a nearly nightly cycle of looking at the bills and drinking as he makes little progress toward a solution. His situation is appearing increasingly hopeless. His life insurance policy is one bill he makes certain to pay. It may be his final option.
Hori. Hori’s supervisor.
Trouble at Work
In the past month, Hori has found it difficult to get up in the morning for work due to his late nights with the bills. He has been late to work three times and the last time, his supervisor smelled alcohol. He confronted Hori. Hori told him that he simply had grabbed the wrong shirt in the morning by accident. Perhaps, he spilled a little something on the shirt the last time he wore it. Hori’s supervisor shared how he had tried to cover his own drinking years ago and offered Hori the chance to save his job if he agreed to follow the company’s referral process as part of Employee Assistance Plan. Feeling cornered, Hori agreed.
Imagine that you are the counselor with whom Hori is meeting. Use the ASAM criteria and your course readings to address the following
How would you assess Hori’s potential for withdrawal? Do you have enough information to make a referral for detox services? What additional information is needed?
(Maximum 2500 characters)
What medical and mental health conditions and complications need to be considered in Hori’s case? What questions would you like to ask of Hori or his family?
(Maximum 2500 characters)
How does Hori’s readiness to change affect the recommendations you will be making for level of care? How would you assess Hori’s readiness to change? What additional questions might provide more information?
(Maximum 2500 characters)
Based upon the information you’ve begun to outline and Hori’s potential support system in a recovery environment, which levels of care can be eliminated as inappropriate based upon what you already know?
(Maximum 2500 characters)
Save Your Responses
Continue to the the Conclusion
This was my feedback from instructor last paper
Great job clearly assessing and discussing the case of Hori and his addictive disorder. Clear discussion surrounding the assessments. From the assessment phase, we gather valuable clinical information about the client and are then able to make a correct set of diagnoses as you have done. Lastly, good work with communicating professionally in your paper. I think you’re well on your way toward a fantastic final project!

Brain Chemistry and Anxiety Disorders

What are the different types of anxiety disorders? What is the link between brain chemistry and anxiety disorder?  (2,750 words).