Conduct a SWOT and PESTLE Analysis on the Organisation

Conduct a SWOT and PESTLE Analysis on the Organisation

Assessment task details and instructions

Your task is to:

1. Study the materials in ‘Assessment 1 brief and supporting information folder’ on the FabLAb (digital maker labs) organisation – this is within the Assessment Section of Blackboard.

2. Then conduct a SWOT and PESTLE analysis on the organisation. Your SWOT and particularly your PESTLE analysis should consider the current and future factors likely to impact the company.

3. Write a short eport of 1,500 words based on your analysis. Your analysis should pay attention to issues covered in weeks 1-5 (organisational types, strategy and business models, HR/employee related strategies and cultural alignment, leadership for innovation).

Note: the reference list and any appendix you might have is NOT included in the 1,500 words. You may be over by 150 words. Being under 1,500 words is not likely to be a sufficiently detailed report.

Your report should follow a business report style and include:
• A title page (Name, Student ID, Organisational Behaviour Assessment 1, Word Count)
• Contents table
• Executive Summary
• Introduction – short introduction to the company and it’s strategy
• Then a main body structured into bumbered sections and sub-sections which have headings (e.g. Stengths, Weakness, PESTLE factors)
• Short conclusion
• Reference list (Use the university’sHarvard APA 6 style of referencing)
• Possibly an Appendix (if you have additional information you wish to include. You may find that you need to focus within your report on the key Strenths, Weakness etc, and key PESTLE factors and include your full SWOT and PESTLE in the Appendix)

You should look at the assessment criteria (rubric) in the Assessment 1 folder in Blackboard to find out what we are specifically looking at in the assessment. Note that assessment criteria are split into 10% bands from ‘extremely poor – 1 to 9%’ thru to ‘outstanding – 90 to 100%’.

Assessed intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding
1. Examine and discuss the external and internal factors that impact on organisational and HR strategy.
2. Evaluate alternative models of HR delivery, the factors that shape these and the impact of different models on organisational outcomes.
3. Explore different meanings of performance and factors that impact on individual and organisational outcomes.
4. Understand and evaluate the empirical evidence on which the theories and concepts of Organisational Behaviour are based and the criticisms that have been advanced against them.
5. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the main theoretical perspectives that contribute to the study of the behaviour of individual, groups and organisations in public, private and not-for-profit organisations.

Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills
1. Seek and value the views of others building effective working relationships with business managers, peers and other HR functions together with relevant external organisations.
2. Be creative, innovative and enterprising when seeking solutions to business problems that are ethical, sustainable and legal and socially appropriate.
3. Plan and manage personal development effectively at an individual level (time, behaviour and motivation) as part of a team (leadership, influencing and project managing).
4. Be flexible, positively adapting to changing work priorities and patterns, ensuring key business and HR deadlines are met in a legal and socially appropriate and responsible manner.
5. Display tenacity, accountability, resilience and proactivity in the way they go about their role, dealing positively with setbacks when they occur.

Transferable Skills and other Attributes
1. Locate, analyse and synthesise information from a range of published literature and electronic sources, with acknowledgement and referencing of sources.
2. Demonstrate a capacity for independent and self-managed learning, as well as working in small groups to clarify objectives, exchange ideas and knowledge, and evaluate data in terms of problems presented.
3. Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, using a range of appropriate media/technology, and relate skills to future learning needs and employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decision-making.
4. Acquire and develop a range of cognitive and intellectual skills relevant to the understanding and management of organisational behaviour in different types of organisations and work contexts and within different national settings.

Module Aims
1.Equip students with an understanding of external factors that impact on organisational strategy and performance as well as internal environments and factors that contribute to success.
2. Expose students to alternative value sets as well as alternative models of HR delivery, including debates about the role of the HR function
3. Develop skills in the use of tools for analysing the organisational environment and developing strategies.
4. Develop an understanding of the interdependency of organisations and workers and the role of group dynamics.

Word count

Your report should be 1,500 words.

The reference list and any appendix you might have is NOT included in the 1,500 words.

You may be over by 150 words, but note that being under 1,500 words is not likely to be a sufficiently detailed report.