Coronavirus has disrupted the construction industrys multiple supply chains

Coronavirus has disrupted the construction industrys multiple supply chains

Coronavirus has disrupted the construction industry’s multiple supply chains.  Explain the disruption effects on supply and demand for two construction materials and two construction services (approx. 500 words/item). Support your view with evidence from academic journals and supplementary sources.

This is worth 50% of the module mark. This is an individual written report of a maximum of 2000 words.  The topic is:

Coronavirus has disrupted the construction industry’s multiple supply chains.  Explain the disruption effects on supply and demand for two construction materials and two construction services (approx. 500 words/item). Support your view with evidence from academic journals and supplementary sources.

  • extrapolation and creativity needed!

Asessment 1 criteria

vidence of critical thinking with logical and well-structured assessment 60
Evidence of research using appropriate (authoritative) sources 20
Correctly referenced (Harvard system as required by University of Westminster) 10
Structured as a business report (students need to research and identify what a business report requires) 10


  • Economics dictionary: any will be satisfactory – essential for key words
  • Ancell, D. (2017) Corporate social and environmental responsibility in the airline industry, London and New York, Routledge
  • Gruneberg S and Francis N, (2018) The economics of construction, 1st edition, Agenda Publishing
  • Gruneberg, S. and Ive, G. (2000) The economics of the modern construction firm, Basingstoke, MacMillan Press Ltd
  • Gruneberg, S. (1997) Construction Economics: an introduction, Basingstoke, MacMillan Press Ltd (any edition is acceptable)
  • Krugman, P. (2009). The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008. W.W. Norton Company Limited. ISBN 978-0-393-07101-6.
  • Lilley, P., (2016) Climate Change Act available from  accessed 27 July 2020 (critique of the CCA – worth reading)