Course Project Proposal

Course Project Proposal
For this assignment, you need to create a project proposal based on a fictional project. Review the Unit II Lesson for additional insight on the purpose of a project on one of the following topics or a topic of your choice approved by your professor:

  • Training seminar,
  • Construction project,
  • Department retreat,
  • New product development,
  • Software development project, or other.

When you create the proposal, you should take into account the technical considerations, management considerations, and pricing considerations. Howeve be performing a more extensive project later in the course. As for now, follow the model of a simplified project proposal, which will include the following sections
Statement of Customer’s Needs

Communicate customer needs that will be fulfilled through this project.


Identify and briefly explain all assumptions associated with this project.

Project Scope

Explain the project using specific details as it fulfills customer’s needs.


Include specific deliverables expected by the completion of this project. This should include an analysis of the measures of performance.


Identify resources necessary to complete this project.


Include a schedule that has real dates.


Establish pricing strategies.


Identify the risks associated with the completion of this project. This should include an explanation of risks and rationale for continuing with this projec
constraint should be reviewed in the risk section.

Expected Benefits

Clearly identify the benefit to be received by the completion of this project. This should include an analysis of the measures of performan

Your proposal should be a minimum of three pages in length, and each section should be properly labeled using the subheadings above. If another person was to read it he/she can easily know the direction the project will take. This should be a general document with the intent of providing more details on these sections during Unit III and Unit VI.
Make sure you use appropriate APA-style writing and citations as you create your proposal. Also, make sure that you use 12-point Times New Roman font