Dental Hygiene Care Plan Nursing Care Plan

Dental Hygiene Care Plan Nursing Care Plan

A care plan provides a checklist to guarantee that all interventions are completed. The dental hygiene care plan encompasses the services within the framework of the total treatment plan to be carried out by the dental hygienist, patient, and caregiver.2
The objective of this assignment is to familiarize the student with the components of the care plan and diagnostic statements.
To complete this assignment:

Create 4 slides with the following titles:
Slide #1- Dental Hygiene Care Plan
Slide #2- Components of the Dental Hygiene Care Plan
Slide #3- Example of a Dental Hygiene Diagnostic Statement
Slide #4- Informed Consent

* In addition to including the titles for each slide, you may add images or other text to the slides
In each slide make a video, audio or text comment answering the following:
Slide #1- In your own words, explain what a dental hygiene care plan is.
Slide #2- Identify the components of a dental hygiene care plan.
Slide #3- Provide one (1) example of a dental hygiene diagnostic statement and identify each component of the diagnostic statement for your example.
Slide #4- In your own words, explain what informed consent is and how it is obtained.
Source: 2. Wilkins, EM, Clinical practice of the dental hygienist. 12th ed. Philadelphia: Kolters Kluwer; 2017. 4 p.