Describe some actions taken by the government to ensure that people are safer and healthier today than we were 100 years ago

Describe some actions taken by the government to ensure that people are safer and healthier today than we were 100 years ago

Select ONE topic from below. Besides addressing the topic, try to include the following information (if applicable):
1. Why is this topic important to Public Health?
2. Why did you select this topic? What is its importance?
3. How can we get involved?
#1 – Describe some actions taken by the government to ensure that people are safer and healthier today than we were 100 years ago.
#2 – Identify a health issue in your community. What are some risk factors associated with that problem? Suggest a possible intervention that
the community may take to ameliorate the problem?
#3 – Give an example of a measure that would improve public health but might limit some people’s freedom. Who would benefit? Whose
freedom would be limited?