Disaster Press Release Disaster Management 

Disaster Press Release Disaster Management 
Create a video press release as the PIO in the immediate aftermath of the Bobsville University graduation disaster using the communication theory that you feel is most appropriate.
Also submit a short reflection describing your rationale on the theory you followed, the information you shared, and the decisions you made. How was your Crisis Communications Plan helpful? Submit your reflection as a Word document.
In your video press release:
Give statements and inform the community as to what happened in the event,
What the community’s current status is, and
Any current instructions to the community from the Incident Command Team and community leadership.
Record your video press release using the “Record Video” button. Here is information on how to record a video in MyClassroom.
Tips on how to record a good video can be found here: https://wistia.com/learn/production/how-to-look-good-on-a-webcam
You may also consider using a tripod-mounted video camera or cell phone if you have that equipment available. Wear appropriate clothing and have an appropriate background. Your visual presentation is part of your message and credibility