Disease and Nutrition Patient Education

Disease and Nutrition Patient Education

Final Research Paper: Disease & Nutrition
Signature Assignment Details
Part I The Diet
Include the following in Part I:
• Criterion 1: Determine if the person’s diet is deficient or in excess of CHO, PRO, and fat
and explain why.
• Criterion 2: Explain in detail how the person’s diet meets or does not meet the RDA for
five or more micronutrients.
Part II Disease and Nutrition
Include the following in Part II:
• Criterion 1: Explain how the person’s diet would affect the patient’s disease symptoms
and progression. Provide a minimum of three examples of how specific foods affect the
disease pathophysiology. Provide examples of foods the person should avoid, and those
he/she should consume.
• Criterion 2: Explain how food interacts with the medications this patient takes. What are
the nutrient-related side effects of the medication? What are the nutrient restrictions and
recommendations for the medications?
o Example: Iron supplements cause constipation, so people are
advised to increase fiber foods; however, if a person is taking fiber
with iron, the fiber will reduce the absorption of the iron thus
decreasing the effectiveness of the iron.
Part III Patient Education
Include the following in part III:
• Criterion 1: Calculate the following for the patient: BMI, BMR, CHO, PRO, and fat
needs and any other relevant calculations that will help you develop a nutritional plan for
your patient.
• Criterion 2: Develop an evidence-based nutritional education plan with three SMART
goals for your patient. Provide specific nursing strategies and examples for the patient,
and consider all aspects of the patient’s lifestyle.
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Rev 02/14/17
Getting Started Tips
Some common diets in the United States:
• Paleo diet
• Diabetic
• Hemodialysis
• Vegetarian
• Atkins
A few recommended peer-reviewed journals:
• Journal of American Medical Association
• Lancet
• Journal of American Dietetic Association
* You may not use WebMD or any Wiki sources. Check with your instructor or librarian to
confirm that your sources are credible and scholarly. Your librarians are here to help you with
your research questions!