Diversity in the News Assignment

Diversity in the News Assignment

Diversity in the News Assignment
Select a recent article, that is not more than six months old, from a reputable Canadian newspaper or online news source related to the course
content of ‘Managing a Diverse Workforce.’
Please note that any respected news source from Canada can be used. Examples include Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, National Post, CBC,
CTV, Global News, Canadian Business, etc.
Include a link to the article in your submission.
Prepare an essay that is a maximum of 5 double-spaced pages about the article using the following format:
• Write a summary of the article.
• Explain why this article caught your interest.
• Identify and discuss the specific human resource management, economic, or societal issues and implications arising from this article.
• Please relate your discussion to one or more of our readings.
• A reference page is required (this is not one of the 5 pages)
• Use proper APA referencing, grammar, and spelling.
• Evaluation of this assignment will focus on: clear explanation of key concepts/terms; demonstrated ability to integrate content across readings
to form persuasive and well-evidenced conclusions; and a thoughtful and thorough critique. Evaluation of this assignment will also take into
account structure and writing (i.e., spelling, grammar, flow, clarity, referencing, limited use of quotes, adequate paraphrasing, and inclusion of an
introduction and conclusion).