EBP project with Implementation Plan and Evaluation Plan

EBP project with Implementation Plan and Evaluation Plan

EBP project with Implementation Plan and Evaluation Plan.
(Nursing Informatics Class)
PICOT Question: (P) how does redesigning the electronic health record to be
nurse/physician friendly and properly retrain nurses on appropriate usage (I) compared to
current design and training strategies, (C) impact work flow and user satisfaction (O)
measured over two months post retraining, using (T) the electronic health usability
protocol and satisfaction survey tool.
Write a formal paper for a project proposal using APA 7 format which will include front
page and reference page, clear and not repetitive. The paper should include all topics
below and while the paper will be in APA format an example to emulate is on page 248,

257 and 344 of Melynk text (Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare. 4th edition
Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk; Ellen Fineout-Overholt)
1. Introduction
2. The Spirit of Inquiry Ignited
3. The PICOT Question Formulated
4. Search Strategy Conducted
5. Critical Appraisal of the Evidence Performed
6. Evidence Integrated with Clinical Expertise and Patient Preferences to Inform a
Decision and Practice Change Implemented
7. Outcome Evaluated
8. Project Dissemination
9. Conclusion
(Continuation from following weeks, see attachments from previous discussion)