Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Assignment

Criteria: 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points  1 Point 0 Points Points Earned Total possible points
1. Research articles Articles were:1) Submitted to med surg instructor by established deadline.
2)  Two approved articles submitted with final paper.
3) Research based
4) < 5 years old
Three criterion met Two criterion met One criterion met No criterion met   4
2. Introduction Paragraph 1) Purpose of paper is clearly stated2) Significance to healthcare is clearly stated One criterion met No criterion met 2
3. Summary of Research Articles One paragraph for each research article (2 total). Must contain:1) sample size
2) Purpose of study
3)Description of study
Three criteria met Two criteria met One Criterion met No criterion met 4
4. Implications for Nursing Practice 1) Clearly describe how the findings impact nursing practice2) Make specific recommendations for nursing practice/practice changes based on research findings.  One criterion met;One criterion not thorough or clearly described Both criterion are present but neither  are thorough or clearly described Only one criterion present. No criterion met 4
5. Conclusion 1) Restate problem2) Summarize main points of paper One criterion met No criterion met 2
6. Sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and spelling 1) Sentence structure clear.2) Correct grammar
3) Correct punctuation
4) No spelling errors
 (1-2 Errors) (3-4 Errors) (5-6 Errors) (Greater than 6 Errors) 4
7. APA Format (7th ed.) APA format (7th ed.) used appropriately:1) Title page
2) Page numbers
3) In-text citations
4) Reference page
(1 Error) (2 Errors) (3 Errors) (Greater than or = 4 Errors) 4
Total Points Earned 28
Calculation of grade = total points earned/total possible points X 3 points  


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