FIFA has just decided for the 2030 World Cup to be co-hosted by Tunisia Algeria and Morocco

FIFA has just decided for the 2030 World Cup to be co-hosted by Tunisia Algeria and Morocco

FIFA has just decided for the 2030 World Cup to be co-hosted by Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. You have been assigned with a preliminary risk management analysis. Identify four main risks and complete the table below. Then write a short paragraph for each of the risks, justifying your choices.


Risk Probability (P) (1-100) Impact (I)



S =


a. Accept

b. Avoid

c. Transfer

d. Mitigate


2. Discuss the six main environmental factors that we must consider in an international project? Provide an example to discuss their impact.

Complete the table
▪Justify your choices (e.g. for a risk plan matrix)
▪Justify your estimation regarding probability and impact and provide details about your response.
▪Why did you choose this response (Avoid/ Transfer/ Mitigate/ Accept)?
▪What do you mitigate? Impact or probability? Or both? How do you mitigate? How do you change your plane to avoid a risk? To whom do you
transfer a risk and how? Do you accept the risk and do nothing or do you accept the risk and have a contingency plan?
– A discussion is needed and support with examples.
– Materials outside those included in the slides will have merit if supported with proper arguments and/or academic references