Genetic research related to Parkinsons disease

Genetic research related to Parkinsons disease

Guidelines for Genetic Research Study Journal Article Review

(10 pt. assignment – Due Fri. 10/16/2020 by midnight!)

Being a student in a collegial nursing environment, it is important to begin to read professional journal articles that give information on some of the most current findings about different diseases, especially on genetic research being done in those areas. This paper is a chance for you to find a genetic research study article about a disease that interests you that focuses on a specific genetic research study that has been performed in regard to the disease. Complete the following guidelines & paper must to be at least 2-3 pgs in length using Times New Roman 12 font and double spaced. Directions to get started:

First, go to the Science Daily website @ and find a genetic research study journal article that focuses on a SPECIFIC GENETIC RESEARCH STUDY that has been performed in the area of a disease of interest to you. Steps to find an article:

  1. Go to Science Daily site as specified above.
  2. In search bar type: genetic research followed by the name of the disease of interest to you.
  3. Then look at the list of Science Daily blog entries available about the genetic research for the disease and pick one.
  4. Go to the bottom of your chosen Science Daily blog article and find the referenced genetic research study that was used to write the Science Daily blog.
  5. You will be using the actual genetic research study article for this review paper you are writing, but copy both the reference article and the Science Daily blog article when handing in for approval. The Science Daily blog may be used in aiding in your understanding of the information found in the actual research journal article. However, the Science Daily blog article MAY NOT be used as the source of information when writing this review. If you use the blog in this way you will receive a zero for the sections that require a citation.

Actual research article must be written within the last 5 years (unless approved by instructor of a date more than 5 yrs). Student must have article choice submitted in HARD COPY for approval to instructor no later than 9/11/2020 (1 pt.). Also submit the Science Daily blog article at that time.

Paper must be written in Times New Roman font using proper APA format and NEEDS TO INCLUDE A TITLE PAGE AND A REFERENCE PAGE (no abstract page!!). All guidelines MUST be followed and use of proper grammar is expected (1 pt.). Completed paper is to have a majority of the paper paraphrased/written in own words to receive points in each of the sections and is to be handed in electronically via Moodle by no later than Oct. 16, 2020 by midnight. REMINDER: Plagiarism is a major form of academic dishonesty and any form of plagiarism can be an automatic “0” for the section or entire paper per instructor choice.

Sections Required for Completion of Paper

Each section MUST have a heading as listed

  1. Pathophysiology: Give an overview of the pathophysiology of the disease that you have chosen. You will need to use another resource for this part. Please be sure to site this reference accordingly in proper APA format within your writing and also on the reference page at the end of your paper. This part must show your understanding of the pathophysiology with a majority of section in your own paraphrased words in order to receive points. (2 pts.)
  2. Author’s Research Focus: Answer the question, “What does the author(s) introduction section in the article report as the reason for the genetic research of the disease being investigated?” Give general information on the focus of the research findings that this (these) author(s) is (are) trying to find in regard to this disease and genetics. This part also must show your understanding of the research and then paraphrased in your own words in order to receive points. Reference article must be sited for this section!!!!(2 pts. – There will be an automatic loss of 0.5pts if this citation is not present)
  3. Research Impact: Discuss how the information presented in the article may or already is impacting the care being given to patients with this problem. Be insightful and try to think “outside the box” with the possibilities that could come from this type of research. Correlate findings in the research from the author(s) discussion section of the article. Reference article must be sited for this section!!!! (2 pts. – There will be an automatic loss of 0.5pts if this citation is not present)
  4. Personal Discovery: Discuss what you personally feel that you can take away from reading this article in regard to your own nursing practice. (You may use 1st person language in this section, but all other sections should be addressed in formal 3rdperson.) (2 pts.)

Important details:

–  See grading rubric on next two pages of syllabus.

–  This assignment is NOT optional. It is a requirement of the class to pass. Paper must be handed in no later than 4:30pm the Friday before the final exam in order to PASS the class.

–  A one point deduction/day will occur for every day the paper is submitted late and a zero will be given after late day 3.

Genetic Journal Article Review Grading Rubric

  2 pts 1 pt 0 pts
1. Journal article choice (1pt) &

APA format/Grammar (1pt)




Total = (2  pts)

Student article choice focuses on current genetic research within the last 5 yrs and submitted on time for approval (1 pt). All guidelines followed. No errors in APA format and no grammatical errors(1 pt) Student is one day late in submitting article choice to instructor per guidelines for approval (0.5 pts). All guidelines followed, but student has no more than 2 errors in APA formatting and only minor grammatical errors (0.5pts). Student submits article more than one day late per guidelines for approval. Student hands in paper that does not meet minimum page length (0 pt). Student has not followed all guidelines and/or has more than 2 errors in APA formatting and/or significant grammatical errors (0 pt).
2.  Pathophysiology of chosen disease


No section label

and/or no citation

will result in an

automatic 0.5 pt

deduction for



(2 pts)

Pathophysiology is clearly and succinctly presented on chosen disease focused on in genetic research article with appropriate reference used for information. Student has presented a pathophysiology of disease, but has missed important parts of the patho. Student shows minimal effort in completing pathophysiology of chosen disease or lack of personal understanding of the disease and/or mostly quoted material.
3. Author’s Research Focus:

Introduction to  author’s reasoning behind genetic research of disease in article.


No section label

and/or no citation

will result in an

automatic 0.5 pt

deduction for



(2 pts)

Student thoroughly addresses the author’s genetic research focus in article and clearly explains and/or correlates with chosen disease. Student presents discussion on author’s focus of the research presented, but leaves the reader without focused understanding of information presented. Student shows minimal effort in discussion of author’s focus of genetic research in chosen article and/or has mostly quoted information instead of paraphrasing.
4.  Research Impact:

Discuss how the research presented currently or futuristically is going to impact patients with this disease.

No section label

and/or no citation

will result in an

automatic 0.5 pt

deduction for



(2 pts)


Student addresses actual or potential correlations between genetic research addressed in article and the impact that this genetic research could or does have on patient care needs. Student presents ideas of correlations of genetic research presented in article on care given to patients with the disease, but leaves the reader with limited understanding of direction of student’s ideas. Student shows minimal effort in discussion of affects that the genetic research in article is or will have on patient care. Student has majority of section quoted information instead of paraphrasing.
5.Personal Discovery:

How do you feel this research can help you in your personal nursing practice?


No section label and/or if any paraphrasing or quotes from references were needed, no citation will result in an automatic 0.5 pt deduct.


(2 pts)

Student clearly explains how newfound knowledge of this genetic research can help them in their personal nursing practice. Student presents loose associations of newfound knowledge on personal nursing practice, but leaves the reader with limited understanding of direction of student’s ideas. Student shows minimal effort in discussion of the affects that newfound knowledge of the genetic research presented in the article will have on personal nursing practice.