Health care business

Health care business

Health care is a business as well as a delivery system. Business involves providing a product or service to customers for a profit. Health care businesses must define what their product or service is and who their customers are. The business may be legally organized as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation. Regardless of form, the business will perform the key business functions of management, marketing, accounting, production, and information technology. Two external environments impact the operation and design of health care businesses: economic and political-legal. These environments are the frame of reference in which health care businesses make decisions. SWOT analysis can be used to integrate the decision-making process with conditions in the external environment.


If a manager cannot control changes in the external environment, why should the manager be concerned about those changes?
Do some research. What are the current interest, inflation, and unemployment rates in your region? Have those rates been improving or declining?
What activities could a health care business begin during an economic decline to improve the profitability of the business?

Use a title page.
Font: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.
Place your name in the upper left hand corner of the page.
Each section of your paper should be headed by the bolded, capitalized item described above.
Insert page numbers bottom right.
Paper length should be four to six double-spaced pages not including title page, references, or illustrations and tables.
Use APA citations throughout the paper. If you are not familiar with APA citation, check out the tutorial APA Guidelines for Citing Sources at the end of the course syllabus, course overview and reference examples.
Include a separate Reference page at the end of the paper.