Hospital Staffing Analysis

Hospital Staffing Analysis
This assignment is an application of data analysis applied to workforce planning and the
development of a recruiting plan. The following information is provided in the attached excel
• Current and historical data on beds, staffing levels, and turnover,
• Information on available recruiting sources, numbers available from those sources and
associated costs.
• Information needed to calculate costs associated with any terminations.
Part One
As we come to the end of 2020, you have been asked to:
1. Forecast how many nurses you anticipate losing due to turnover for each of the three
departments in 2021. (You can assume that turnover rates do not differ across
2. Forecast how many nurses you project will be needed to be hired to staff each
department given the staffing ratios provided.
Part Two
Develop a recruiting plan that fills those openings cost effectively. Your plan should detail:
1. How many total recruits you will need to seek out from the source, and how many hires
will result from that (recognize that there are limits on the number of recruits you can
expect to be available from each source and you should recognize that limitation in your
2. You are also to indicate the overall cost associated with your plan.
Part Three
The hospital is also considering purchasing an automated patient monitoring system which will
reduce the time nurses in the In-patient and Out-patient unit spend taking and recording
patient information. If implemented, this would change the staffing ratio for the In-patient
department from one nurse for every ten beds to one nurse for every 12 beds. In the Outpatient department from One Nurse for every twelve beds to One Nurse for every fourteen
It would cost $1 Million to purchase and implement, along with a one-time training cost of $200
per nurse.
From a strictly financial perspective, should the hospital purchase and implement this system?
To answer that, you will need to calculate the staffing levels required if the system were
adopted, and develop a staffing or layoff plan with associated costs.