How did Karl Marx predict that the Industrial Revolution

How did Karl Marx predict that the Industrial Revolution would affect and change the nature of European society? Were his predictions correct?

Writing Assignment Instructions and Strategies for Success
Each course requires students to complete writing assignments. To help you successfully complete the writing assignment requirement, here are some things you need to know.
If you are submitting your writing assignments through the Student Portal, then select one of the writing prompts displayed in the portal and begin your answer in the text box directly below the writing prompts. The text editor will automatically include all necessary identification information (i.e., your name, student number, course number, writing assignment number, etc.) once you submit your writing assignment for evaluation.
If you are submitting your work via email attachment or U.S. mail, you will need to include your name, student number, course number, course title, writing assignment number (i.e. writing assignment 1, 2, 3, or 4) and identify the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).
Your writing assignment will need to be typed double-spaced, using a standard font and 12 point type size.
While word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignment submissions, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that are 350-500 words (1-2 pages) per question.
Students can earn a maximum of 25 points for each writing assignment submitted. The following are some factors the faculty consider as they evaluate your work—with 5 points given for each category:
Standard Essay Format: The faculty will be evaluating your work to see that you have used the proper format. This includes standard essay format: introduction/body/conclusion. You will find additional information and sample writing assignments on the Student Portal, including helpful videos that will walk you through the steps for creating a proper essay.
Understanding the Course Content: The faculty will be evaluating your work to see that you demonstrate an understanding of course content and that you are covering key concepts discussed in the textbook. While you may certainly provide additional information from outside sources, you must use the course textbook as your primary source of information.
A Clear and Well-Developed Response: The faculty will be evaluating you on your ability to present a well-organized and developed response that is clear in its presentation of the course material.
The Ability to Understand the Course Content: The faculty will be evaluating you on your ability to examine, assess, evaluate, and/or analyze course content and key concepts. You will need to demonstrate you can look at the course material in various ways and present your review in your writing assignment.
Good Presentation: The faculty will be evaluating your work to ensure you have the proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation style, etc.
(continued on the next page)
Unit 1 Examination Instructions
To help you earn the maximum number of points (25 points) for your writing assignments, we have developed some strategies for you to use:
Be sure to organize your writing assignment to meet the standard essay format. Students will often have the answer, but their work is poorly formatted. This is one of the most common critiques made by faculty members—students do not present their work in a standard essay format. The maximum points are given for work that is clearly developed with effective transitions from point to point.
Read the question/prompt carefully and be sure you are covering key concepts outlined in the textbook. Students will sometimes find information only through an Internet source or personal/ professional experience, discuss that information, and not cover key concepts outlined in the textbook. Be sure you understand what the question/prompt is asking for and discuss the textbook material first. After that, you may feel free to add additional information as it provides support or contrast to the textbook material. The maximum points are given for work that demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the ideas in the assigned readings.
Be sure to present your work in a clear and organized fashion that is easy to follow. The maximum points are given for well organized writing submissions that respond to the assignment clearly and directly.
Depending on the question/prompt, you need to demonstrate your ability to evaluate, assess, and analyze the concepts related to the question/prompt. With this, you are showing the faculty you have a solid understanding of the material and are capable of looking at it from different perspectives. The maximum points are awarded for writing assignments that demonstrate both a solid understanding of the material and make connections between varying points.
Your writing assignment should use proper grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and provide references/citations. The maximum points are awarded for writing submissions that include all of these features. Proofreading your work before submitting it to the university will help ensure that all of these expectations have been met.
References/Citations: Students must use APA style citations in their writing assignments. For detailed information on how to properly cite your work, you may refer to the Student Handbook or to the Student Resources tab on the main page of the Student Portal.
Citation Styles- The majority of your response should be your own original writing based on what you have learned from the textbook. However, students may also use outside materials if applicable. Be sure to provide a citation and a reference for any materials used, including the required textbook. The following points are designed to help you understand how to provide proper citations and references for your work:
Sources are listed in two places.
The first, a citation, is briefly listed within your answer. This includes identifying information that directs the reader to your list of references at the end of your writing assignment.
The second, a reference, is at the end of your work in the list of references section.
All sources cited should follow APA style and provide enough identifying information so that the reader can access the original material.
Plagiarism is intentionally presenting the work of another as your own. This is a serious academic infraction. Do not simply copy and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Writing assignment responses must be paraphrased in your own words to explain and reflect the concepts and theories presented in the textbook. Please keep any direct quotes from the text to a minimum and identify them with the proper citation.