Language and thought processes of young children

Language and thought processes of young children

You can learn much about the language and thought processes of young children by examining the literature written for them.
If they are open and you are able to, visit the children’s section of your local library or bookstore. Otherwise, you can find children’s books on read on YouTube and a variety of other websites.
Find a children’s book that contains at least 2 examples of pre-operational thought. Examine the book carefully. Then, complete the following items. Each completed questions is worth 1 point. If you there are no examples of a particular story element in your book, state that in your
1.State the book title and author
2.Do you remember reading this book when you were a young child?
Write down at least 2 examples of any of the following story elements that appear in the book and explain how they connect to pre-operational thought.
3.rhyme and repetition in the story
4.egocentrism (e.g., animals that dress and talk like a child; misunderstandings that arise from the main character’s self-centered viewpoint)
5.centration (e.g., stories about characters who have only one prominent feature; stories about a child focusing on one special goal, trait, or
6.effects that depend on literal or figurative language (e.g., jokes that come from a character’s taking things literally; misunderstandings that arise from the use of figurative language)
7.story elements that reassure the child about the strong ties of family and friendship
8.story elements that reflect the young child’s fear of separation
9.What might children learn cognitively from the story or pictures (concept development, new vocabulary, new information)?
10.What might children learn from the social component of reading this book with another person?