Medical Insurance should cover art and music therapy (Persuasive speech)

Medical Insurance should cover art and music therapy (Persuasive speech)

Persuasive speech on: Art and music therapy should be Be covered by basic medical
Need a source cited reference page (app format)
Here is a grading rubric :
Persuasive Speech (Detailed)
Criteria Ratings Pts

Clear and effective introduction; creative attention-getter, clear reveal of topic, strong credibility
and relating to the audience, clear thesis (main points previewed).
15.0 pts
Clear transitions (signposts, internal previews and summaries) used section-to-section and pointto-point.
5.0 pts
Clear and effective conclusion; clear signal of ending, brief review of main points, impactful and
creative concluding statement. Conclusion is brief and concise.
10.0 pts
Time requirement of 8 minutes(10 second buffer) met. 1 point will be deducted for being under or
over the time limit and for every 30 seconds before or after. Students will be cut off if they go up
to 2 minutes past the time requirement and will receive a zero for this criteria.
5.0 pts
Problem is clearly described and explained, effects of which are discussed. 2-3 reasons are
provided which support the problem. Strong evidence (examples, statistics, testimony,
definitions) are cited from credible, unbiased sources. Problem is one of relevance to the

30.0 pts
A practical solution is provided. A clear and detailed explanation is provided which discusses
how the solution will work to solve the problem. Strong evidence is provided to support the
solution. Information is cited from credible, unbiased sources. Major objections are discussed
and refuted.
25.0 pts
A practical solution is provided. A clear and detailed explanation is provided which discusses
how the solution will work to solve the problem. Strong evidence is provided to support the
solution. Information is cited from credible, unbiased sources. Major objections are discussed
and refuted.
25.0 pts
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Speaker demonstrates strong credibility, strong logic and reasoning is used to support the
speaker’s argument (avoiding logical fallacies), appropriate emotional appeals are provided.
10.0 pts
Language is clear, vivid, appropriate, and inclusive. Words and names are pronounced
accurately. Important terms are clearly defined.
15.0 pts

Speaker uses their voice and body to enhance the clarity and impact of their message; strong
eye contact (scanning), confident and not distracting posture, clear projection and vocal variety,
speaking with conviction and enthusiasm for the topic. Speaker cites all 6 resources verbally.
25.0 pts
Visual Aid
A multimedia type visual is provided which clarifies and enhances the message of the speaker.
At least 2 different types of visual aids are included. Guidelines for preparing and presenting
multimedia visual aids are followed. Visual aid is professional, yet visually interesting. Sources
are cited on visual aids.
10.0 pts