Multichoice Questions Psychology

Multichoice Questions Psychology

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  • According to the authors of your textbook, the definition of a psychological disorder is associated with
  1. stress
  2. impaired functioning
  3. culturally expected responses
  4. psychotic symptoms




  • The criterion that a behavior be atypical or not culturally expected is insufficient to define abnormality because
  1. behavior that occurs infrequently is considered abnormal in every culture
  2. the atypical behavior must also cause harm or impairment to be considered abnormal
  3. behaviors vary very little from one individual to another within each culture
  4. many people behave in ways that deviate from the average, but this doesn’t mean that they have a disorder




  • A male college student begins feeling sad and lonely. Although still able to go to classes and work at his job, he finds himself feeling down much of the time and worries about what is happening to him. Which part of the definition of abnormality applies to his situation?
  1. personal distress
  2. cultural factors
  3. impaired functioning
  4. violation of societal norms




  • All of the following are ways in which mental health professionals might function as scientist-practitioners EXCEPT
  1. analyzing their own motivations and reasons for helping people with psychological problems
  2. evaluating their own assessments and treatments for effectiveness
  3. conducting research leading to new information about mental disorders and their treatments
  4. using the most current diagnostic and treatment procedures.




  • Statistical data are often relevant when discussing psychological disorders. For example, a researcher might want to know how many new cases of depression are diagnosed each year, a figure called the ________ of the disorder.
  1. prevalence
  2. incidence
  3. recurrence
  4. ratio




  • Toward the end of the 14th century and continuing into the 15th, the causes of “madness” were generally attributed to
  1. toxins in the blood
  2. religious delusions
  3. brain disease
  4. demons and witches




  • The authors describe an example of conditioning in which cancer patients develop a negative reaction to a variety of people and things associated with their chemotherapy treatments. The phenomenon is called
  1. generalized conditioning
  2. stimulus generalization
  3. variety stimulus
  4. stimulus discrimination




  • Hypnosis, psychoanalysis, free-association, and dream analysis, and balance of the id, ego, and superego are treatments associated with which psychological theory of behavior a. behavioral model
  1. humanistic theory
  2. psychoanalytic theory
  3. moral therapy




  • Person-centered therapy with unconditional positive regard are treatments associated with which psychological theory of behavior
  1. behavioral model
  2. humanistic theory
  3. psychoanalytic theory
  4. moral therapy




  • Benzodiazepines, or “minor” tranquilizers such as Valium and Librium, are effective in reducing the symptoms of
  1. depression
  2. anxiety
  3. schizophrenia
  4. hysteria




  • Paul, an aggressive child, had problems in elementary school, as he would frequently fight with other children. Paul found when he entered high school that he could channel this hostility into sports such as football or soccer. Paul demonstrated which of the following defense mechanisms
  1. repression
  2. rationalization
  3. sublimation
  4. displacement




  • Mike is always trying to impress his pals with how strong and independent he has become. However, when Mike has social or emotional problems, he still wants his dad to figure out the solution
  1. regression
  2. repression
  3. projection
  4. rationalization




  • The most accurate way to think of genes is that they
  1. set boundaries for our development
  2. determine both our physical and psychological characteristics
  3. determine physical but not psychological characteristics
  4. actually have very little to do with any of the characteristics that we display




  • Inga is a charming and intelligent young lady who is well-liked by family and friends. Approximately ______ of Inga’s enduring personality traits and cognitive abilities can be attributed to genetic influence
  1. 25%
  2. 50%
  3. 75%
  4. 100%




  • According to recent estimates, genetic contributions to the development of most psychological disorders are __________________
  1. below 50%
  2. above 50%
  3. different for each disorder (estimates range from 0 to 100%)
  4. nonexistent




  • In the diathesis-stress model, “diathesis” refers to
  1. an inherited disorder
  2. conditions in the environment that can trigger a disorder depending upon how severe the stressors are
  3. an inherited tendency or condition that makes a person susceptible to developing a disorder
  4. the inheritance of multiple disorders



  • The idea that our inherited tendencies influence the probability that we will encounter stressful life events is a characteristic of the _________________
  1. diathesis-stress model
  2. reciprocal gene-environment model
  3. genetic model
  4. psycho-social model




  • Some people may be genetically predisposed to seek out difficult relationships. These difficult relationships may contribute to their experience of depression. This is an example of the ________
  1. diathesis-stress model
  2. reciprocal gene-environment model
  3. genetic model
  4. quantitative genetics model




  • Movement, breathing, and sleeping depend on this ancient part of the brain, which is present in most animals
  1. brain stem
  2. cerebral cortex
  3. midbrain
  4. GABA




  • Neurotransmitters are important because they
  1. allow neurons to send signals to other neurons
  2. maintain the oxygenation of the brain
  3. prevent the development of psychopathology.
  4. allow the brain to maintain its structural integrity




  • For most people, verbal and cognitive processes are usually controlled by the ________ a. left hemisphere of the cortex
  1. right hemisphere of the cortex
  2. entire cortex
  3. midbrain




  • Candace believes that no matter how hard she studies, she will never succeed in college. This behavior can best be explained by _______________
  1. personality disorder
  2. faulty neurotransmitter circuits
  3. learned helplessness
  4. internal conflicts




  • Smith listened carefully to Lisa’s speech pattern, noting its speed, content, and continuity. He noticed no loose association but did hear indications of delusional thoughts and visual hallucinations. Which part of the mental status exam is being performed in this scenario:
  1. appearance and behavior
  2. sensorium
  3. mood and affect
  4. thought processes




  • Brady arrived at the clinic accompanied by police, who had found him dressed only in shorts although the temperature was below freezing. He was reported to the police by someone who saw him walking slowly down the street, making strange faces, and talking to himself. Which part of the mental status exam is being performed in this scenario:
  1. intellectual functioning
  2. appearance and behavior
  3. mood and affect
  4. sensorium




  • When Lisa was brought to Dr. Miller’s office, he asked if she knew the date and time, her identity, and where she was. Which part of the mental status exam is being performed in this scenario:
  1. intellectual functioning
  2. thought processes
  3. mood and affect
  4. sensorium




  • Jones viewed as inappropriate Tim’s laughter after discussing his near-fatal incident and noted that Tim appeared to be elated. Which part of the mental status exam is being performed in this scenario:
  1. mood and affect
  2. thought processes
  3. appearance and behavior
  4. sensorium




  • Holly’s vocabulary and memory seemed adequate, leading Dr. Smith to estimate that she was of average intelligence. Which part of the mental status exam is being performed in this scenario:
  1. intellectual functioning
  2. thought processes
  3. appearance and behavior
  4. sensorium




  • The process of clinical assessment results in narrowing the focus to
  1. concentrate on problem areas that seem most relevant
  2. consider a broad range of problems.
  3. cover all possible problems
  4. concentrate on all problem areas equally




  • Which of the following is NOT one of the three basic concepts that help determine the value of a psychological assessment procedure?
  1. reliability
  2. subjectivity
  3. validity
  4. standardization




  • In a clinical interview, the law regarding “privileged communication” does NOT apply if the patient
  1. threatens self-harm or harm to another person
  2. relates a history of sexual abuse
  3. has been mentally ill for more than five years
  4. is hospitalized in a psychiatric facility



  • The ABCs of observation refer to the ___________ sequence
  1. affect-behavior-cognition
  2. antecedent-behavior-cognition
  3. antecedent-behavior-consequence
  4. affect-behavior-consequence




  • One important advantage of using a classification and diagnostic system like DSM-5 is that knowing a patient’s diagnosis
  1. helps the therapist to develop a treatment plan and prognosis
  2. allows patients to fully participate in their own treatment
  3. permits the insurance company to have access to patients’ records
  4. allows the therapist to see the patient as an individual




  • Internal validity is defined as
  1. the extent to which the results of a study can be explained by the dependent variable
  2. the degree to which the hypothesis is supported by the study
  3. the overall quality of the research
  4. the extent to which the results in a study can be explained by the independent variable




  • External validity refers to the
  1. degree that the dependent variable was changed in the study
  2. power of the independent variable to cause a change in the dependent variable
  3. extent to which findings apply to individuals or situations other than those studied
  4. overall quality of the study




  • Your friend has trouble making commitments in relationships. You believe that this is because her parents had a bitter divorce when she was young. Your belief that a child who lives through a bitter parental divorce will have trouble making commitments in relationships as an adult would be considered a(n) _________
  1. hypothesis
  2. independent variable
  3. empirical conclusion
  4. applied theory



  • The dependent variable in a research study is the variable that
  1. is expected to influence or change the variable being studied
  2. is the empirical result of the study
  3. is expected to be changed or influenced in the study
  4. forms the most important component of the hypothesis




  • Any factor in a research study that makes the results uninterpretable is called a(n) ________
  1. independent variable
  2. confound
  3. dependent variable
  4. confluence




  • Randomization is used to assign research participants to groups in order to
  1. prevent assembling groups that differ in a way that may influence the research outcome
  2. make sure that all participants in the study are the same with respect to the dependent variable when the study is concluded
  3. make sure that all participants are the same with respect to the independent variable before the study begins
  4. prevent any differences in the way the independent variable is manipulated for all research subjects




  • A study that uses the controlled conditions of the lab to replicate the phenomenon under study is called a(n)
  1. analogue model
  2. longitudinal study
  3. cross-sectional study
  4. retrospective study




  • Statistical significance determines whether an observed difference between a treatment and control group is likely due to _____________
  1. random assignment
  2. external validity
  3. chance
  4. confounds




  • When studying family functioning, it has been observed that marital discord often increases as child behavior problems increase in the family. Using the correlational model
  1. it is possible to determine that marital problems generally cause child behavior problems
  2. it is not possible to determine whether marital discord causes child behavior problems, whether child behavior problems cause marital discord, or whether both may be true
  3. it is possible to determine whether marital problems cause child behavior problems or whether child behavior problems cause marital problems, but it is not possible to determine whether both may be true
  4. it is possible to determine whether any or all observed effects may be causing changes on any of the variables being studied




  • The purpose of a control group in experimental research is to
  1. control for the expectation of some research subjects that they will improve just because they are in a research study
  2. determine whether a treatment or independent variable actually influenced change in the independent variable
  3. determine statistical significance
  4. control the dependent variable




  • At the beginning of the 20th century, the leading cause of death in the U.S. was _______________
  1. automobile accidents
  2. infectious diseases
  3. heart attacks
  4. suicides




  • Knowledge derived from the behavioral sciences applied to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of medical problems is called
  1. health psychology
  2. behavioral medicine
  3. psychophysiological disorders
  4. psychosomatic medicine




  • “AIDS, a disease of the immune system, is directly affected by stress. Stress may then promote the deadly progression of the disease.” These two statements are an example of ________ factors influencing ________ processes
  1. psychological; biological
  2. biological; psychological
  3. sociocultural; genetic
  4. genetic; sociocultural




  • What percentage of deaths that are attributed to the top ten causes of death in the US can be traced to lifestyle choices?
  1. 10%
  2. 25%
  3. 50%
  4. 75%




  • Which of the following factors is most closely related to how well you think you can cope with a threat or challenge?
  1. control
  2. effort
  3. cortisol
  4. practice




  • The immune system is weakened in AIDS patients because the human immunodeficiency virus directly attacks the lymphocytes called _______________
  1. killer T cells
  2. T4 (helper cells)
  3. suppressor T cells
  4. B cells




  • Group psychotherapy for cancer patients tends to
  1. reduce recovery times
  2. increase survival times
  3. affect mental but not physical health
  4. cure cancer




50) Unhealthy and/or risky behaviors that impact directly on the cardiovascular system may contribute to

  1. strokes and high blood pressure only
  2. coronary heart disease only
  3. strokes, high blood pressure, and coronary heart disease
  4. reduced immunity to autoimmune diseases