NIKE Generic Strategies

NIKE Generic Strategies

Te student will select five businesses within the industry (Assignment 1) and research their
generic competitive strategies. One will be your selected business from assignment 1 and 2. The
other four will, along with your primary company, will represent only one of the five generic
strategy choices. The five strategies are focused low-cost, broad low-cost, focused
differentiation, broad differentiation, and best-cost. Must have at least two (2) slides per strategy.
See Chapter 5 for further directions and expectations of what to include in your presentation.
Must have at least four bullets per slide. Must use and list a minimum of three (3) references in
addition to the textbook.

A business professional presentation is one that is appropriate for the workplace in the use of
fonts, colors, backgrounds, and artwork. Be consistent in your formatting and use of fonts and
graphics. One of the best fonts is Arial. Use the same font for the entire presentation. For
headers, use font size 36 to 40, and for bullet text, use size 24 to 28. Your slides should have
plenty of “white space.” Do not feel compelled to fill empty areas with logos or other unnecessary
graphics or text boxes that do not contribute to better understanding. The less clutter you have,
the more powerful the visual message. All text, including the header, should be left-justified. Use
bullets, not paragraphs. Your use of graphics and color should add value and compliment your
presentation. Have a consistent visual theme. Do not use of PowerPoint templates. Your
background color must be white. Use black and blue for font colors. Use high-quality graphics.
Look for ones with white backgrounds. They will blend in with your white slide and give a high-quality look. Avoid light-colored text, small font sizes, silly graphics and sounds, and other
distracting accents.