Nursing case study essay – Australia registered nurse practice

Nursing case study essay – Australia registered nurse practice

Word limit: 2500 words
Precise and concise, with a good flow that makes good sense for reader, being easy to understand and get the feeling that its a really good case study essay
APA referencing, references should be no less than 10 years time. Using up to date, evidence-based practices and **nursing** literature. (Every sentence needs to be cited and referenced in reference list, as per academic guidelines).

Please be critical. Writing context is Registered nurse’s nursing scope of practice, references when citing should include Australia nursing guidelines/ pathways, nursing assessment and treatments or interventions. For example, if the vital signs are out of range, please state which vitals value and how this relate to the NSW Health’s Between The Flag chart (whether the vitals are in or falling towards yellow or red range) and any relevant Australian nursing health charts and guidelines or policies please.

For broader literature relating to the disease or when providing rationales for assessment and intervention, or general context, international or worldwide nursing peer-reviewed articles and some up to date textbook can be used (where relevant).

For assessment and intervention prioritisation, please start off with stating that you are doing a formal primary survey or a A-G assessment (whichever you find more suiting to the case/ pt condition you identified – e.g. Doing a primary survey which includes A-G/ A-E assessment for a trauma patient) and why (with reference). And then moving on to more specific/ comprehensive assessment parts with regards to the patient vitals or symptoms presented. Intervention prioritisations should relate back to assessments. Potential complications should could be considered with patient’s current symptoms that could progressively worsen and complications from literature evidences for such patients.