Nursing Contingency Planning

Nursing Contingency Planning 
Treating cover patients will be the contingency plan focus. Do an analysis of your organization’s
contingency plan. Assess whether or not the plan addresses key factors for effective contingency
planning from your readings. Using principles of Clockware and Swarmware create a
contingency plan for your organization taking into consideration present day issues. Present your
findings. Your discussion should be scholarly and have evidence from the literature which should
be cited using APA format

Nursing Contingency Planning

Nursing Contingency Planning 
Treating cover patients will be the contingency plan focus. Do an analysis of your organization’s
contingency plan. Assess whether or not the plan addresses key factors for effective contingency
planning from your readings. Using principles of Clockware and Swarmware create a
contingency plan for your organization taking into consideration present day issues. Present your
findings. Your discussion should be scholarly and have evidence from the literature which should
be cited using APA format

Nursing Contingency Planning

Nursing Contingency Planning 
Treating cover patients will be the contingency plan focus. Do an analysis of your organization’s
contingency plan. Assess whether or not the plan addresses key factors for effective contingency
planning from your readings. Using principles of Clockware and Swarmware create a
contingency plan for your organization taking into consideration present day issues. Present your
findings. Your discussion should be scholarly and have evidence from the literature which should
be cited using APA format

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