Nursing’s Role in the Human Genome Project

In this paper, you will be looking at the Human Genome Project and nursing’s role in this project.
The Human Genome Project began in 1990 when the NIH and the U. S. Department of Energy
joined forces with international partners to determine the correct sequence of all three billion
bases of DNA within the human genome.
In 2008, AACN’s Essential’s of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice
required that all BSN prepared nurses to be able to construct a family pedigree as part of the family history.
For this assignment you will do the following:
1. Define the Human Genome Project and its impact on health care.
2. Explore nursing’s role in the project.
3. Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of consumers having access to this kind of genetic
4. 2-3 pages.
A title and reference page are required and are not included in the page count.
A minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references are required. References must be current, published
within the last five years, and from the United States. (Your text book may be used as a source but
does not count toward the 3 required references).
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