Population Health and Vulnerability

Population Health and Vulnerability
This module focuses on developing an awareness of population health. Supporting nursing
strategies are highlighted that address select at risk vulnerable populations. Healthy
People:2020 goals will be examined and health disparities will be noted.
Define population health.
Discuss social determinants that perpetuates vulnerability in populations.
Propose nursing strategies to meet the needs of select populations.
Review Healthy People: 2020 and identify pertinent goals for local populations.
Rector, Chapter 1- Display 1.1, Display 1.2; Chapter 25
What is population health? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtBYryLAveE)
Through the Looking Glass: A Look at Population Health
Healthy People 2020: Determinants of Health (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Discussion Questions:
1. Identify at least 2 vulnerable groups as observed from your community assessment project.
Choose one Healthy People 2020 objective pertinent to each group. Discuss access to care
and health care disparities in your community as related to each vulnerable group. Identify in
your community available resources: where the resources are located, how easily accessible
are they, and what outreach services they provide.
2. Undertake a cursory overview of Healthy People:2020 – Topics and Objectives. Select a
2020 objective that focus on the needs of a particular population in your community with a
specific health related concern. (e.g., children with asthma; at risk for domestic violence; obese
middle-aged women; home bound frail elderly, cancer survivors, etc.). Propose primary,
secondary and tertiary prevention strategies that are tailored to the needs of this population.
Students with their last name beginning from A to J respond to question #1.
Students with their last name beginning from K to Z respond to question #2.
Grading Rubric
To receive credit for your initial posting, it must be informative and thoughtful. You must include
two or more citations to support your comments in appropriate APA format. Back up these with
current research (publication date of 5 years or less).
Your response must integrate the information learned in the two UCF Information Fluency
Respond to classmates’ postings at least once; but more often is best. Explore disagreements
and support assertions with data and evidence. Discussions are not just opinion. Postings must
be based on supported fact, not simply opinion. You must include a minimum of one citation to
support your comments in appropriate APA format. Back up these with current research
(publication date of 5 years or less).
“Subject” headings: Use words that are descriptive and refer to a particular assignment or
discussion topic when applicable.
Use the “reply” button rather than the “compose” button if you are replying to someone’s
posting so that the reader knows to what you are responding.
All students should feel free to participate in class and online discussions. Do not use postings
such as “I agree,” “I don’t know either,” “Who cares,” or “Ditto.” These comments do not qualify
as a ‘response’ post and will not be counted for assignment credit.
HINT: For both discussions, compose the message in MS Word to check spelling, punctuation,
and grammar; then, copy and paste your composition into the discussion message box.
Always keep a backup copy of your posting on your hard drive should your assignment
get lost in cyberspace.