Psychology managerial success

Psychology managerial success

Using theories and concepts from the course: Pls see the attachment and attach the boxes and begin. Thank you
a. describe your managerial career to date and analyse the critical factors that
have shaped it.
b. explore the factors that are affecting your future career choices.

There are two parts to the assignment. Using theories and concepts from the course:
A. describe your managerial career to date and analyse the critical factors that have shaped it.
B. explore the factors that are affecting your future career choices. (how does covid affect eg working remotely and more worklife balance..etc and what do you want to do in 5 years time etc..)

Part A
Theories: (don’t waste word count explaining the theory, apply the theory)
*Boundaryless career
*Protean career
*Super career stages

Factors that shaped career choice
*Job crafting (alter job to match what I am good at and enjoy)
*Professional identity (mba to get more knowledge and networking)
*Personality and career choice (eg outgoing hence do customer service and sales)

Additional concept to be included : career success factors*, *Schein’s career options

(3-4 theories applied but not all to same depth)

Part B
Theories (don’t explain the theory, apply the theory)
*Holland’s hexagon
*Kaleidoscope model
*Work-life balance
*Global career

How they match my career path.. do I feel I need to shift my career goal?

Additional concepts: person- environment fit; social-cultural issues, Nicholson’s career transition

(3-4 theories applied, but not all to same depth)

Why was I interested in doing sales and why I study mba?How did covid affected me and my job and what I will do 5 years later. Example enterprising then I will do my own business .. etc