Research Methods in I/O Psychology

Research Methods in I/O Psychology

Design a unique experiment to help us understand the possible connection between variables.
For example, if I was interested in exploring the relationship between number of hours a student
slept the night before an exam (Independent Variable) and their test performance (Dependent
Variable), I would ask participants how many hours they slept before the exam and their
subsequent test grade.
Once you provide your area of research interest, provide the following information:
1-Is your experiment quantitative or qualitative and explain why.
2-List the Independent and Dependent variables.
3-List the Predictor and Criterion variables.
4-Discuss the correlation you would like to see by providing a correlation coefficient and whether
the correlation you expect is positive or negative.
5-Discuss the two types of research methods (i.e. primary versus secondary) and which would
be most appropriate to use in the experiment you designed