Revenue Management case study

Revenue Management case study

Revenue Management
Case Study Report (60%)
The case study provides you with the opportunity to develop your understanding of Total
Revenue Management by applying concepts studied in class, reading relevant academic
articles and observing real practice.
General Objective: Demonstrate analytical and decision-making skills in the context of
revenue management Task Details
Critically review the key elements required to implement Total Revenue Management
Compare revenue management principles, strategies and tactics with those developed by
a range of operators in the hospitality and tourism sector e.g. airlines, restaurants, conference space, spa, parking etc.
Assess Total Revenue Management opportunities in the assigned case study hotel
Recommend application and implementation of Total Revenue Management principles
strategies and tactics in Lugano dante hotel
Assignment overview:
1. Identify business opportunities for revenue optimization, driving both revenue and
2. Generate recommendations to optimise short and long-term revenue
3. Critically review human, technical and financial processes required to maximize
and profit
4. Apply total revenue management principles
Present practical recommendations supported by evidence found in case studies and peer
reviewed journal articles
Attached will be some sources

Report Format
Title Page: Assignment Title, your first name and last name, course name, date, University
Table of contents: Properly formatted with page numbers/List of tables and list of figures
Not the actual tables or figures, but the numbered list with table and figure titles and page
numbers where they appear in the text
Background and case issue
References: At least 15 high quality sources.
Assessment Criteria
Executive Summary

Critically review the key elements required to implement Total Revenue Management
Compare revenue management principles, strategies and tactics with those developed by
other sectors
Recommend application and implementation of Total Revenue Management principles,
strategies and tactics
Presentation, layout, grammar, spelling, etc.
Word count and format:

Use the above outline and number the pages of your document. Number and name the
figures and tables in the text and report these in the list of figures and tables. These can
be placed in appendix if they take too much space in the text. When citing sources, use
APA format in the text and in the reference list.


Heo, C. Y. (2017). New performance indicators for restaurant revenue management:
ProPASH and ProPASM. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 61, 1-3.
Kimes, S. E., Barrash, D. I., & Alexander, J. E. (1999). Developing a restaurant revenuemanagement strategy. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 40(5), 18-
Kimes, S. E., & McGuire, K. A. (2001). Function-space revenue management: A case
study from Singapore. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 42(6), 33-
Kimes, S. E. (2004). Restaurant revenue management: implementation at Chevys
Arrowhead. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 45(1), 52-67.
Kimes, S. E., & Thompson, G. M. (2004). Restaurant revenue management at Chevys:
Determining the best table mix. Decision Sciences, 35(3), 371-392.
Mun, S. G., & Jang, S. S. (2018). Restaurant operating expenses and their effects on
profitability enhancement. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 71, 68-76.
Orkin, E. (2003). The emerging role of function space optimisation in hotel revenue
management. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 2(2), 172-174.
Quain, W. J. (1992). Analyzing sales-mix profitability. The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant
Administration Quarterly, 33(2), 57-62.
Schwartz, Z., Altin, M., & Singal, M. (2017). Performance measures for strategic revenue
management: RevPAR versus GOPPAR. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management,
16(4), 357-375.
Thompson, G. M. (2010). Restaurant profitability management: The evolution of restaurant
revenue management. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 51(3), 308-322.

Varini, K., Thompson T., & Ryan. C., (2017). Professional development of revenue
management leaders. In Proceedings of the 15th APacCHRIE Conference (No.
CONFERENCE-2017-094). 31 May-3 June 2017.