Singapore’s Business Climate for Foreign Businesses.

Singapore’s Business Climate for Foreign Businesses.
[1] The paper must address a particular economic question or issue related to the Pacific Rim,
and it should not be an encyclopedic overview of a country.
[2] It must involve some research on your part which will be indicated by the inclusion of
references to at least one book and one periodical (preferably from a peer review journal) article
not on the current class reading list. Not having both a book and a periodical source will affect
your final grade.
[3] My strong preference is an article from a scholarly peer-reviewed journal such as World
Development, Journal of
Development Studies, Journal of Asian Economies, Economic Journal, etc. Using the EconLit
database (Use the Databases A-Z link on the library homepage) or Google Scholar
will facilitate finding articles in these journals.
[4] 7 well-written pages of double spaced, 1 inch margin, 12 point Times New Roman font plus a
cover sheet and bibliography.
[5] Please check topic and the feedback from the outline for better result.

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