Social Health Determinants

Social Health Determinants

Instructions: Please answer the following questions focused on the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH).
Discussion Questions:
In your own words, please describe what the term Social Determinants of Health means.
In your opinion, do most people in society have enough money to meet basic needs? Does their ability to have enough money to meet basic needs greatly impact their ability to live a quality life? Why or why not?
Are there things in addition to money that impact a person’s overall health? If so, what are those things?
Of the various Social Determinants of Health (i.e., where people live, learn, work, play and worship), which is the one that impacts health the greatest? Why?
Think about both the positive and negative impacts on health.
What impact does zip code (where a person lives) have on health, if any?
Think about both the positive and negative impacts on health.
What is at least one way the Social Determinants of Health can be addressed by us as Public Health professionals?
Note: Use cites within the last 6 years